  • Report:  #214560

Complaint Review: Executive Security Systems - Charter Security Group - Austin Texas

Reported By:
- Houston, Texas,

Executive Security Systems - Charter Security Group
5555 North Lamar Blvd., #K-106 Austin, 78621 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had to check and see how is some people I knew were still employed at Executive Security Systems, Inc.in the Austin branch office.

Imagine my surprise when I learned that a distinguished Black Latino patrol supervisor who had been retired US military and Travis County corrections officer who was injured in the line of duty had allegedly filed a lawsuit against the patrol manager who had been a branch manager at the Charter Security Group!

The patrol manager, a former police officer in a small semi-rural town, had received a reprimand letter from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education because he had not informed them that he had been involved in an accusation against him concerning family violence against his wife. ( He was later cleared of all charges, in all fairness, and has since divorced and remarried.) It seemed like he had allegedly assaulted the Black patrol supervisor. The end result was that the Black patrol supervisor was now no longer in the patrol section, whatever happened and will probably never will be again. Was his salary reduced? Again, nobody will ever know.

The patrol manager and the vice-president of Executive Security had both worked at Charter Security Group.

They are very good friends.

The patrol manager was called up for active duty in Afghanistan and is making a good showing for himself there.

A turmoil was raised in the corporate HQ when they learned about the lawsuit. The Black patrol officer is no longer in a supervisory role and was placed in the guard division of the company. What did he do? Was the incident trumped up so that he would get mad and resign? Nobody expected him to sue because nobody had money enough to sue before! Demotion because he was Black or Latino? Who can say. He is still working for the company and using one of their patrol trucks on the site. Whether the suit was dropped or an out of court settlement made to shut it up, I was not advised. I only know that it happened and I liked the Black man very much. He was a genuine hero and the guys he supervised said he was tough but fair. He probably can't talk about the terms of the settlement. I didn't ask him.

It sounds a lot to me like the same tired, old song " Well, we have hired ( substitute the name of the group of your choice in here) but they just don't SEEM to work out."

Well, it just SEEMS that way!

All the personnel in the Austin office are white and have always been so since 1991.

Another eschelon was brought in to monitor the EEO compliance as well as other things but I don't know if this guy will be able to do any good or not since he worked for Allied-Barton before he came to Executive Security Systems,Inc.

There are supposed to be Sunday morning get-togethers at the Austin ESSI office too. They are private.Anyone who sees them or tralks about them risks getting fired. I have only heard about them so I can't write anything about them but apparently they are for boyz only!

I can't say they have improved their treatment of women any although they have hired the lady who was a co-owner of Alliance Security Forces as their new patrol manager. She is not exactly someone I would trust since her own company didn't do very well as she had to sell it to another company which went out of business a few months later! But it is not my decision to make.

What I can talk about is what they did to my amigo I used to work with at another security company. He too was put on patrol without any training whatsoever and I warned him that he was being set up for failure. He was also half-Native American and not a young white male. He was accused of wrecking a truck which was totalled out for insurance purposes and then resurrected when the mechanics managed to put it back on the line again. Same truck runs rather well now for a totalled vehicle. It was used as an excuse to terminate his employment. He then turned in his gasoline card he used to fuel the truck to an immediate supervisor who then turned it in to the lady patrol manager. Suddenly, she claims that the gasoline card is missing so the no-good *&%$ must have stolen it and used it to put gas in his privately owned vehicle so she is going to file on him for theft. The only problem is, the supervisor ( a former police officer) was able to prove that he had given the gasoline card to HER himself so the former employee did NOT steal it. And he forced her to produce the card. She had to do so.

I can't blame her. She " vas only followink orders!" as Sargeant Schultz and Adolf Eichman used to say.

Persons who worked for her security contracting services company told me that they weren't surprised when they learned about it.

(She is apparenlty not doing very well financially since she lost almost everything but her car in a divorce suit against her ex-spouse and former co-owner of her old security company, according to courthhouse records at Travis County, Texas Courthouse which I have seen personally.The inventory of personal and community property involved is of particuliar interest.)

Would she and her immediate supervisor had themselves some free gas at the former officer's expense? That is for someone besides me to decide. And if they had, would he have gone to jail and not even know what he was being ARRESTED for?

Think about THAT possibility before you go to work for them.

My amigo also told me that he made a request for his vacation pay which they owed him. When the operations manager to whom he made the request forwarded it to the vice-president of the Austin office, he was greeted with derisive giggles and an obscenity was supposedly written by him on the request, denying it of course. Is that vacation money is going to fund one of the Sunday morning get togethers? Who goes to them if they, indeed, really happen?

The operations manager then called my amigo back to train his replacement and the patrol supervisor cursed him and refused to let him help train the guy. Another patrol officer set up for failure? Sounds like it to me.

After he was terminated, he had a request from the same operations manager who had tried to help him get his vacation pay to come in and train the patrol officer who was hopelessly lost and could not run the patrol route --and apparently someone had told him that he could sue because setting someone up for failure is illegal! So my amigo came in to help them. I told him he was wasting his time and he said THE OPERATIONS MANAGER SAID THAT I WOULD GET PAID FOR TRAINING MY REPLACEMENT.

Well, he wasn't.

I wonder what sort of obscenity was scrawled on THAT report of hours worked!!! Where did the money go?

It seems that the Corporate HQ is making SURE that the liability insurance for all of the vehicles is paid for now and they all have insurance cards that they keep with them but some paychecks are still coming up short!

I don't know if they have any "rough trade," bigoted patrol officers who were permitted to "ghost" and harrass female officers by draining out the oil and other fluids from their trucks while they were in a client property making a door check and then threatening them with a straight baton if they didn't drive the vehicle and when they refused to drive it, he threatened to kill them and their families if they told on him.

He had a name and someday I will put it on the Internet along with the reasons why he stayed employed there and the names of his friends who helped him stay on the job until he stole a gun from one of them and used it to assault a former romantic partner. And I will reveal the main reason he was allowed to remain and who permitted it and WHY.

In the meantime, I am fed up with this so-called security company. Employers are supposed to pay you to work for them, not vice-versa and if you don't have your checks shorted somehow, you are going to pay some other way, with harrassment, ulcers (one of their supervisors allegedly has ulcers from all of the experiences he has had there), in ways you can not even begin to imagine! Even if you have seen the film "Deliverance."

When they lose the operations manager who is supposed to retire in December, the fight will be on and it is not going to be pretty!

"Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, everybody rolls with their fingers crossed...Everybody knows that the war is over. Everybody knows that the good guys lost."

My amigo has tried to get another job but he is getting JOB REFERENCES FROM HELL FROM EXECUTIVE SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. IN AUSTIN,TEXAS! I hear that his unbelieveable references sound just like the sneaky,spiteful an old Drag Queen Troll would do and say... Just like mine did.

But he has found a way around it, like everyone else who has discovered the hard way what hell it is to work here and it picking up the broken, scattered and shattered pieces of what is left of their lives! You have to move on. And before you know it, enough time will have elapsed, you don't have to list them as an employment reference.


So do NOT believe anything that they tell you about an employee beyond the hiring date and the termination date. Don't even bother asking about whether or not they would rehire that employee because YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION!

Me, I am just glad to be out of there and I don't EVER intend to come back to Austin,Texas!


Houston, Texas

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Do Not Work HERE, Your Career and Life WIll Be TOAST!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 31, 2006

You have my sympathies, Jose! The ONLY way I would advise that anyone work at this hideous company is just as a survival job until something better comes along and do NOT try to make it a career! If you QUIT, for whatever reason, YOU WILL GET JOB REFERENCES FROM HELL that SOUND LIKE a coked-up tirade from a frustrated old DRAG QUEEN! Lots of SPITE, LIES and MIGHTMARES! Employers ought to be more careful when they take a reference from ANYBODY who owns a Private Security Services Contracting Company. THEY LIE TO EMPLOYEES, THEY LIE TO THEIR CLIENTS so why expcet them to tell anything but LIES to ANYONE ELSE! In Texas, private security contracting company owners can do what they want to any of their peon employees they want and it is so seldom that the object of their harrassment can raise money to defend themselves against them or clear their name. Now that the computer is here, this venom of FALSE AND VINDICTIVE JOB REFERENCES can be spread through the internet and in your case, Jose, it sure seems that way. I heard about more good people who had worked where we used to work and were treated horribly, quit, and subsequently were LIED about after they quit... Not that it would make any difference where you went to work since all of these cheap and crooked companies are run just alike... Until the federal government regulates this industry that traffics in so much human desparation, misery and poverty, things will NEVER change and the LIES, discrimination, dishonesty, short paychecks and UNpaid vactions will become a way of life ... I hope that ANYONE who is considering a career in the contract private Security industry will READ this and PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE THAT WILL MESS YOUR WHOLE WORLD UP as long as you stay in Texas! Not only will your so-called career be killed but you won't have much of a life afterwards. They want to DESTROY YOU ENTIRELY! ALL private security contracting companies are the SAME in Texas! And probably EVERYWHERE ELSE. When they need you, they treat you well --otherwise, you are garbage to be cheated and ground underfoot!

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