  • Report:  #980038

Complaint Review: Exmovere - Internet

Reported By:
Bernard - Alexandria, Virginia, USA

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
These two David Bychkov and Amir S Pakpour are birds of a feather and there are two words that define both of them Sociopaths, Psychopaths both are partners in crime. David is the CEO of Exmovere which appears to have formed out of Las Vegas and somehow evolved from Exmacare to Exmovere promising to sell emotionally triggered gadgets ranging from assisting paraplegics to reading babies emotions. What's the problem with this you say????

It is ALL a scam there are no products being produced it is all one big LIE. Both Amir and David try to sell people stocks of which they cannot anymore in Virginia but they still try to get donations by making people believe that they CARE about people's emotional well being you know exmo means emotions in Greek or Latin.. Or so David and Amir claim. These two guys could give two cents about emotions what they really want is your money. They have successfully scammed people out if money since the business' inception and ever evolving mission that never quite comes to fruition such as the manufacturing of the products.

Finally, David admits he was incapable of mass producing the exmo watch in a 12/1/2012 interview. In a tweet over 60 days ago he admits he hasn't even started the FDA 510k approval on Exmobaby garment of which he promised shareholders would be on the shelf in the fall of 2011 oh wait minute 2012 oh fall of 2012 is over with so um oh fall of 2013 or maybe never ... In the meantime, Bychkov has started a new endeavor which preys on caring for human emotions and it is called The Cure. Yes. This next scam of his is about stopping diseases because of how much it hurts when we lose a loved one to disease. Awe he cares soooo much that he puts a 1877 number so you the sad one who suffered the loss can DONATE $$$$. So this elaborate team can stop diseases at no time is the type of disease mentioned. Meaning the type of disease this organization promises to cure through of course your DONATIONS.

Clearly, David a 32 year old with a background in media communications and film school specializing in a special effect some holograph or something somehow jumped into being a BioMedical Scientist. Not really sure how that happened some believe he was groomed to be a con artist by some other criminals in Vegas. Well whatever the case it would pay for you to do a background check on both David Bychkov and Amir Pakpour before you part with your $$$$. They are both sociopaths who have been trained in emotionally triggering their victims into giving them your money.

 You can hear David talk a little about it in the CBS clip of the Chariotte he talks about intentionally emotionally triggering the users responses. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION David and Amir choose products or choose to tell you the aspects of their product that ultimately trigger you emotions aka feelings compelling you to get involved with their scams. David had another associate that went on Match.com in order to find women of a specific age and profile where the emotional manipulative trigger scheme was deployed. Raising hundreds of thousands if dollars for Exmovere of which was used to live large at the Lofts in Tyson Corner and purchase expensive vehicles like a Mercedes Benz.

Although, I understand Exmovere victims include men as well Bychkov's claim to fame is his ability to trigger your emotions in order to get you to buy fictitious products. This 32 year has so far accomplished a string of failed businesses such as Cliniqua, with many more on the horizon. This CEO does not get fired or replaced for failing to deliver on the promises made to Shareholders. You know the promises of his associates such as Amir and Cheyenne Crow made to their lovers on how they could save them from their finical woes if only they would invest in Exmovere and watch their investment double no triple no quadruple if only they would give their life savings or better yet their child's college fund.

Yes. The mastermind David Bychkov not only lived off of that money but failed to produce such products in order to make that Quadruple financial gain for his shareholders. And you say how can this guys or these guys sleep at night knowing that they preyed on the emotionally vulnerable with their emotional triggering techniques. Leaving many vulnerable people without their retirement funds. It is because my friends they are all sociopaths or psychopaths meaning they have no conscious and no they do not care about you or your emotions. All they care about is your money not Exmobaby your ExmoMoney. And these criminals will most likely do it again and again until they are locked away.

Unless, you the consumer stop supporting their dishonest efforts and let justice play out in the court if public opinion weigh out the facts. No products not one no plan of ever producing them. A true entrepreneur would have lived in a shack eating rice cakes in order to get his product to market his baby his pride and joy. None of these products mean anything to David because if they did he would have gotten at least one of then to the market place so the world could have benefitted from it but the truth is David spends his time finding things that sound cool and once again appeal to the human emotions in order to get $$$$ he should have stuck with making movies he seems to be really good at make believe and Fairy Tales.

So my friends before you think of giving your $$$ to Amir, David or Cheyenne Crow no matter the tear jerker or pot of gold promised please, please learn a lesson from those of us who fell prey to their lies .. And sweet words of I love you baby and want to save you baby please give me $$$ for Exmovere and you will be rich .. I just want to help you. Me and David are brothers both Cheyenne and Amir say these things .. Run take your $$$$ and run.. All the best and hope this report saves at least one person.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Jail Time

#2Author of original report

Sat, December 22, 2012

David and Amir doing Jail time would be an awesome Christmas present.  If only it could be....


Paying People to say nice things about you

#3Author of original report

Sat, December 22, 2012

Amir S Pakpour has to pay people to write good reviews about his business. Why you say??? Oh because he us rude self serving and arrogant. He only cares about $$$$. He has to cover for all the crappy things he has done to people. People who were pissed off enough at him to write something about it. Funny thing is he has had some reports removed by people who wrote what they felt about their treatment at AILMENT WELLNESS now called MYANTIAGINGMD. He had to change his business name because of the terrible way he has treated customers. He paid someone recently to write a report on how he was not arrogant. Ha! What a lie two minutes in his presence reveals all truths about this guy. Feels like a sleezy used car salesman no offense to used car salesmen. Just saying something about this guy ain't right. If he or David for that matter were legitimately good people negative shxx wouldn't have been written about the both of them. Birds if a feather is an understatement. Funny thing is David paid someone a lot of $$$$$ to try and write positive stuff in order to cover up his lies and unethical business dealings. When you are a good and decent person you don't have to pay extra $$$ to cover for your lies. But these two do its a way of life for them ... Lol losers the both of them oh and one more thing .. It appears David is going to school to study PHILOSOPHY OF NEUROSCIENCE Eventhough he has never taken one chemistry physics or biology class...

Since his weakness clearly is in all of the defunct businesses he has left behind his education would best be served in getting a business degree or better yet the study of THE PHILOSOPHY OF BUSINESS ETHICS... Both Amir and David would benefit from that type of education instead of lying about having a Masters when in fact it was a certificate program in Milan but I guess you can say whatever you want too when the school is defunct. What losers hope people are able to see through these two liars.

If they had been good guys they wouldn't have had such negative shxx. Written about them.

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