  • Report:  #1432107

Complaint Review: Expertec Automotive - Huntington Beach California

Reported By:
Tommy - Inglewood, California, United States

Expertec Automotive
7680 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach, 92648 California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Expertec Automotive ( A.K.A. Southern Bell ),,( A.K.A. Gary , Nose ), ( A.K.A. Derick , Paranoia ),,( A.K.A . Young Oliver , run out of customer's car as car is jumping up and down ) ,, ( A.K.A. Camel Jokey franchise owner ). I paid for a transmission to be removed . Then replaced. I waited all day. The car was jumping up and down. The transmission control module was not communication with the engine control module. The car engine was left at only two quarts of oil. Causing extensive problems with my recently rebuilt engine. Even though web site , says as a courtesy we check the engine oil. The long exhuast pipe from the engine was not connected. Broke off. Missing a proper connection. Causing a extensive exhaust leak. The wire from the fan motor was welded to the raiator. Causing the fan motor to stay on. The engine oil was recently changed. My new struts were bouncing up and down. Also they could not pin point my initial car staring problem. I was stranded in parking lots. On more then occassion had to have the car towed back. When I complained: A.K.A. Gary , nose , told me never come back again. No cameras to film the lame duck empty suit mechanics. Why? Plausable denibility. Huntington Beach California


Young Oliver left the car jumping up and down. He waited past closing to give me back my car. All I wanted was a transmission installed. Upon investigation. The transmission control module was not comunicating with the engine control module. The car transmission was not shifting. Next: The fan motor wire was welded to the radiator. Causing the fan motor to stay on. The fan is not suppose to stay on. The fan is only suppose to go on when the engine reaches a certain temputure . Next: Even though the web site says as a courtesy they check the engine oil. They left my car engine oil at only two quarts of engine oil. This completly messed my engine up. My new struts were bouncing up and down. Prior to this their worthless lame duck mechanics , could not fix a car starting problem. I had the car towed here more then once, for the repeated car staring problem. The car left me stranded more then once.  They are not experts .

The fact is as follows: There are three types of mechanics: ( 1.) Hourly= paid by the hour.  ( 2.) Salary= Paid by the month. ( 3.) Commision = Paid by piece work. Commision can some times be none state licensed mechanics. Some times: Ex Convicts. Some times ilegal aliens.  They some times will damage many other areas of a customer's car. As the customer is sitting helpless in the lobby. No over site. No transparancy . No video in real time. With : ( Day ), ( Hour), ( Time ). No introduction of the mechanic working on you're car. Or how many of the other: Commision mechanics are toucing you're car. The reason they damage other areas of a customer's car: The motive and intent is to get more work.  Also: The long exhaust pipe , from the engine block was broken off. Not connected. Causing a exhuast leak. 

When I complained. I was ordered by the manager : Gary to never show up. Or come here again. Now: The obvious target is cars with lots of car miles. Why: ( Plausable Denibility ).  Our elected ledglislators need to create a bill to law for more over site.  Such as film the mechanic working on you're car. With a introduction . With his name. His California Mechanic State License. The film the area this mechanic is working on. Plus: what tools are being used to work on the customer's car.   Now: Would these corrupt mechanics like to prove they are honest , this is how:

( 1.) No . Lie. M. R.I.  This is a machine that measures brain waves. To determine if the volunteer subject is lying or telling the truth.  ( 2.) California Evidence Code: 801.70. This is the lie truth serum. This places the volunteer subject in a concious , unconcious state of mind. Known as the comfort zone. This then will get the subject to provide all the truth. ( 3.) California Evidence Code: Section: 795.  The volunteer subject will volunteer to be hypnotized by a licensed state or U.S. government , employee. With years of credibility. Years of experince. ( 4. ) With these mandatory prerequsites all the at will employees that volunteer for this admisable three forms of scientific evidence, must have been employees working here for the last two or ten years. No less. ( 5.) The next : Prerequsite is all volunteers to prove they are honest. To include they have always been honest. They will volunteer to be given a blood and urine test. By a licensed state: Toxicologist.  ( 6.) All at will employees that do volunteer for these three forms of scientific evidence will volunteerr , verbaly and in writting permision to be filmed during all the questioning . To be posted on : You Tube.  Note: If in the near future , we never see any volunterrs from this piss poor , rip off none mechanic shop, if we never see then subject to these three admisable forms of scientic evidence.

With a blood and urine test. If we don't see them on : You Tube, doing the three forms of admisable three forms of scientific evidence , with a blood and urine test. The can we honestly conclude: This does show : ( Reasonable Doubt). Then can we as customers and consumers conclude this does equal guilt. Honesty is a verb.  Now if we do get a employee to volunteer.

These will be some of the questions. In reference to only employees that have been here two or ten years. ( 1.) Question one: As a mechanic at : Expertec , have you always been honest?   ( 2.) Question two:  As a mechanic while working here have you ever been asked to damage any part of any customer's car , with the motive and intent to get more work in the future ?  ( 3.) Question three: As a mechanic are all managers and supervisors that work here aware of the corruption ?  ( 4.) Question four: Do you enjoy the thrill and excitment of damaging and vandalizing paying cudtomer's cars? ( 5.) Question five: As a employee of this mechanic shop are you aware vandalism is a act agsinst public policy? California Penal Code: 594 ? ( 6.) Question six, as a employee of : Expertec, have you or any employees delberately fixed one area of a cudtomer's car, then deliberately damaged other parts of a paying customer's car to get more future work ?  ( 7.) Question: Seven is the primary target cars with lots of car miles ?  For : ( Plausable Denibility ) ?( 8.) Question: Eight, after damaging customer's cars do the employees laugh and joke about this ?  ( 9.) Question : Nine. Is all supervisors aware, to include, is the owner aware of the in house corruption?  



Expertec Automotive ( A.K.A. Southern Bell ),,( A.K.A. Gary , Nose ), ( A.K.A. Derick , Paranoia ),,( A.K.A . Young Oliver , run out of customer's car as car is jumping up and down ) ,, ( A.K.A. Camel Jokey franchise owner ). I paid for a transmission to be removed . Then replaced. I waited all day. The car was jumping up and down. The transmission control module was not communication with the engine control module. The car engine was left at only two quarts of oil. Causing extensive problems with my recently rebuilt engine. Even though web site , says as a courtesy we check the engine oil. The long exhuast pipe from the engine was not connected. Broke off. Missing a proper connection. Causing a extensive exhaust leak. The wire from the fan motor was welded to the raiator. Causing the fan motor to stay on. The engine oil was recently changed. My new struts were bouncing up and down. Also they could not pin point my initial car staring problem. I was stranded in parking lots. On more then occassion had to have the car towed back. When I complained: A.K.A. Gary , nose , told me never come back again. No cameras to film the lame duck empty suit mechanics. Why? Plausable denibility. Huntington Beach California


Young Oliver left the car jumping up and down. He waited past closing to give me back my car. All I wanted was a transmission installed. Upon investigation. The transmission control module was not comunicating with the engine control module. The car transmission was not shifting. Next: The fan motor wire was welded to the radiator. Causing the fan motor to stay on. The fan is not suppose to stay on. The fan is only suppose to go on when the engine reaches a certain temputure . Next: Even though the web site says as a courtesy they check the engine oil. They left my car engine oil at only two quarts of engine oil. This completly messed my engine up. My new struts were bouncing up and down. Prior to this their worthless lame duck mechanics , could not fix a car starting problem. I had the car towed here more then once, for the repeated car staring problem. The car left me stranded more then once.  They are not experts .

The fact is as follows: There are three types of mechanics: ( 1.) Hourly= paid by the hour.  ( 2.) Salary= Paid by the month. ( 3.) Commision = Paid by piece work. Commision can some times be none state licensed mechanics. Some times: Ex Convicts. Some times ilegal aliens.  They some times will damage many other areas of a customer's car. As the customer is sitting helpless in the lobby. No over site. No transparancy . No video in real time. With : ( Day ), ( Hour), ( Time ). No introduction of the mechanic working on you're car. Or how many of the other: Commision mechanics are toucing you're car. The reason they damage other areas of a customer's car: The motive and intent is to get more work.  Also: The long exhaust pipe , from the engine block was broken off. Not connected. Causing a exhuast leak. 

When I complained. I was ordered by the manager : Gary to never show up. Or come here again. Now: The obvious target is cars with lots of car miles. Why: ( Plausable Denibility ).  Our elected ledglislators need to create a bill to law for more over site.  Such as film the mechanic working on you're car. With a introduction . With his name. His California Mechanic State License. The film the area this mechanic is working on. Plus: what tools are being used to work on the customer's car.   Now: Would these corrupt mechanics like to prove they are honest , this is how:

( 1.) No . Lie. M. R.I.  This is a machine that measures brain waves. To determine if the volunteer subject is lying or telling the truth.  ( 2.) California Evidence Code: 801.70. This is the lie truth serum. This places the volunteer subject in a concious , unconcious state of mind. Known as the comfort zone. This then will get the subject to provide all the truth. ( 3.) California Evidence Code: Section: 795.  The volunteer subject will volunteer to be hypnotized by a licensed state or U.S. government , employee. With years of credibility. Years of experince. ( 4. ) With these mandatory prerequsites all the at will employees that volunteer for this admisable three forms of scientific evidence, must have been employees working here for the last two or ten years. No less. ( 5.) The next : Prerequsite is all volunteers to prove they are honest. To include they have always been honest. They will volunteer to be given a blood and urine test. By a licensed state: Toxicologist.  ( 6.) All at will employees that do volunteer for these three forms of scientific evidence will volunteerr , verbaly and in writting permision to be filmed during all the questioning . To be posted on : You Tube.  Note: If in the near future , we never see any volunterrs from this piss poor , rip off none mechanic shop, if we never see then subject to these three admisable forms of scientic evidence.

With a blood and urine test. If we don't see them on : You Tube, doing the three forms of admisable three forms of scientific evidence , with a blood and urine test. The can we honestly conclude: This does show : ( Reasonable Doubt). Then can we as customers and consumers conclude this does equal guilt. Honesty is a verb.  Now if we do get a employee to volunteer.

These will be some of the questions. In reference to only employees that have been here two or ten years. ( 1.) Question one: As a mechanic at : Expertec , have you always been honest?   ( 2.) Question two:  As a mechanic while working here have you ever been asked to damage any part of any customer's car , with the motive and intent to get more work in the future ?  ( 3.) Question three: As a mechanic are all managers and supervisors that work here aware of the corruption ?  ( 4.) Question four: Do you enjoy the thrill and excitment of damaging and vandalizing paying cudtomer's cars? ( 5.) Question five: As a employee of this mechanic shop are you aware vandalism is a act agsinst public policy? California Penal Code: 594 ? ( 6.) Question six, as a employee of : Expertec, have you or any employees delberately fixed one area of a cudtomer's car, then deliberately damaged other parts of a paying customer's car to get more future work ?  ( 7.) Question: Seven is the primary target cars with lots of car miles ?  For : ( Plausable Denibility ) ?( 8.) Question: Eight, after damaging customer's cars do the employees laugh and joke about this ?  ( 9.) Question : Nine. Is all supervisors aware, to include, is the owner aware of the in house corruption?  




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