  • Report:  #1401434

Complaint Review: Extended Stay America - Nationwide

Reported By:
ScaredMom - Sterling, Virginia, USA

Extended Stay America
Nationwide, USA
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Travelers beware!

Stay away from Extended Stay America hotels and motels. They are not clean. They are filled with roaches, spiders, and bedbugs. Their Wi-Fi is not secured with a firewall nor do they have an anti-virus to protect their customers. Their wiring is out dated and they refuse to update any of their hotels. Their rooms are left filthy for the next unsuspecting customer. For the amount of money that they charge, you would think that they would maintain their hotels better. In our opinion, it’s all about money and not great customer service.

Extended Stay America is not a comfortable place to stay while you are traveling, moving, or temporary housing.

We moved into Extended Stay America in August 2017, and that very night the fire alarm went off at 11:00 PM and then again at 4 AM. We found out from one of their other customers that the alarm goes off every week for no reason. Every time that Extended Stay America’s fire alarm goes off, it scares our children to the point that now they have a difficult time going to sleep at night. We all walk around tired because of the alarms. Our ears hurt each time the alarm goes off. My wife has bad migraines and those fire alarms are adding to her painful migraines.

That night we noticed a plethora of roaches running all over the hotel room. That was very nasty. That very night we started to remediate for roaches and jumping spiders. We have pictures.

We found an inch of roaches crawling everywhere trying to get away from us. We found a plate of food placed under the refrigerator with other food items as well. We had to clean all of the walls, floors, refrigerator inside and out, stove inside and out, microwave inside and out, bathroom, lift two beds to clean under them, closet, chests, doors, windows, and their A/C. One of our children brought my attention to the signed and dated sticker on the A/C and it stated that the last time the A/C was cleaned was 9-4-2013. This is now 2017. Yuck, no wonder half of us are sick.

Extended Stay America refuses to reimburse us for our APC Battery Back-up Pro that they fried due to their poorly wired rooms. That unit costs $ 209.99 without S/H/Tax. They gave us a Belkin surge protector to use to help with the poorly wired rooms. That does not help.

By the way, if you have not read anything else, READ this. Extended Stay America uses CLOUD 5- ISP and all of the Extended Stay America hotels do NOT have any anti-virus or firewall protection on their free or premium Wi-Fi. All Extended Stay America hotels have outdated wiring and it will fry all of your electronics. ESA will not reimburse you for your fried devices.

We use our APC Battery Back-up Pro for our medically needed C-PAP, Bi-PAP, Cardiac Monitoring Station, computer, and tablets. My wife cannot use her Bi-PAP or Cardiac Monitoring Station because of the “Building Wiring Faults” within the hotel rooms. We tried multiple rooms and they are all the same. She will be forced to live and sleep without her medical devices. I certainly hope that nothing happens to her especially if it pertains to one of her health problems that Extended Stay America could have prevented by updating their wiring.

On September 19, 2017, while we were in the lobby getting some items from their grab and go snacks, we over heard two people talking about their rooms being filled with an unknown nasty, sticky, and greasy substances all over their dining chairs, cabinets, countertops, refrigerator, stove, bed linens, towels, and floors. Extended Stay America gave them a full refund for their troubles. One of them stated that they found tiny red bugs crawling all over them throughout the night. We told them that it could be bedbugs or chiggers. ESA did not like that we were talking with each other.

On September 20, 2017, we were told that they refuse to accommodate our medical disabilities. Miriam an area manager told my wife that she refuses to accommodate us in the wiring issues or any other issues. She then told us that it was a “corporate decision” to not accommodate our family.

Extended Stay America also refuses to reimburse us for all of our time, energy, and supplies. We had to go to the hardware store purchase items to clean and exterminate their hotel room. We started to clean the hotel room on August 28 and ended on September 20, 2017. We cleaned during the day.

ESA’s maid is upset because we cleaned the room. We need to have a clean bug free room and they were not going to do that for us either.

Extended Stay America offered to move us to another room after we finished cleaning and exterminating one of their rooms. We refuse to DEEP clean another room for them for free.

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