  • Report:  #833213

Complaint Review: Extreme Spells - Internet

Reported By:
RJ - Dallas, Texas, United States of America

Extreme Spells
Michigan US Internet, United States of America
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I lost the love of my life to a much younger woman who went after him when I was out working to support us. Yes, I know that he is a loser; but if you have ever been in love you know that the heart wants what the heart wants. He left me, and I was shattered. So, with my heart broken, and my life in shambles I turned to the folks at Extreme Spells and spent almost $200 that I really needed to spend on other things to survive. But they offered hope, yes they promised that they could make a difference, and in fact they guaranteed it or my money back. I wanted to really believe it was true, and to find the nightmare was over, and my love had return to me. But no, after weeks (they estimate on their site that it takes about four weeks to see results) my love has not returned to me, but he has now proposed to his new girlfriend and daily they get closer and closer and I am hardly in the picture anymore. Extreme
Spells took my money, NEVER responded to my emails, did not produce the results that they promised, and never refunded my money when it did not work. Here is the rub, they can go on and on saying it needs more time, but remember they promised results quickly and they promised that they would not stop to get those results. How could they be on top of their business when they can't even respond to emails or tell you exactly when the spell has been cast, or respond to requests asking for a refund? Got to hand it to them, it's a money making machine they have derived as you put money into them and they don't really have to do anything especially not keep their promises or provide a way to contact
them to ask them to live up to their guarantee and give you your money back when it does not work.

A word from one who has been there: A broken heart is a serious thing. I know. I lost so much when mine broke; friends, my job, my health, a large junk of my self-esteem, etc. It is torture to know that the one that you gave your whole heart to and stood naked in front of physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually could betray you and leave you alone after promises had been made and you believed that this was the one person that you could trust with all your being. Yes, a broken heart can make you do irrational things, and it can ruin your life as your emotions overcome your abilities to do anything more than grieve and spend hours trying to figure out how to "fix" the situation. Personally, I have done irrational things; bought hundreds of dollars of all the "get back with your ex" internet books/vids/audios, and all the ones on how to "be the perfect mate", spent money to try to look younger, got a tattoo with this name, got his family members to plead with him not to leave me, and on and on. It was so magical when we met and got together, and I just wanted to find the magic that would put us back together. However, I recommend to you; don't do this. Getting a spell cast will give you false hope, hope that it will work, hope that you just need to wait and everything you want will be given to you like Santa Clause coming on Christmas.

But, there is no love Santa. Love is a choice that people make. When I asked several couples that have been happily married for many years how they found the one that they were to be with, they said it's a choice to get up everyday and say no matter what I will love this person. Your ex made a choice to be with the other person, and only he/she can change his/her mind. Nothing you do or say will make a difference, especially if it is true eternal love. I believe only God can reveal to the heart true love. So, if it is meant to be, your ex has to be open to listen to his/her truth and know in the core of his/her heart that they love you and you are the man/woman for them. Moreover, regardless of what their hearts tells them, they have to make the choice to return to you. Isn't that what you really want: them to return to you one day with love and devotion for you and it is totally based on their freewill not anything that you did to change them or manipulate them, but just them outright telling you that they know that you are for sure, for the rest of their lives, their love.

So, use the money for casting spells for a good counselor, try a therapy called EMRD (it works), get a gym membership and go and punch a punching bag, buy new clothes, pay your bills, but don't do this. If you do, you will feel foolish and stupid for wasting the money and allowing yourself to once again hope for something that you cannot control/ Worst, you will slowly watch yourself turn in to a manipulative controlling person that your ex would never want to be with anyways. When I saw this ugly part of me showing up in the mirror, I realized that not only did the other woman have what I believed to be my man, but the situation had brought me down to her level where there was a lot of manipulation and little to no dignity, and that is why I was working with others with no dignity like Extreme Spells. 

If you have already paid for a spell to be cast, know that asking for a spell to be cast and all of the irrational things that you are doing because of your broken heart are a sign that you want to love and be loved. It's just that they are unhealthy signs; like a person who starves themselves to get thin when what they really want is to be validated as being beautiful inside. So, first forgive yourself and show love to yourself for being a kind, compassionate, passionate and loving human being who believes in love. There are not enough of us on the planet. Then, realize two universal laws: people (particularly men) usually want what they cannot have, and your ex fell in love with you when you were probably a lot more pulled together than you are now.  So, pull yourself together and work daily to improve yourself, touch base with your ex about once a week or less to let them know that you are doing well, in fact better and better. Give them a quick progress report on something that you are doing that is fun and good for you, ask how they are and tell them lightly and casually that you miss them and love them, then give them space. Then if things fall apart with the other woman/man, he/she will be thinking about you in a positive light that will lead them to feel at ease to call/see you and talk. However, even if they never do leave the other
woman/man or return to you, you will be getting better and better, and the very best confident and loving you will be ready for the next guy/gal out there that may be able to really love you and dedicate themselves to you like you always dreamed of.  God Bless you! 

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