  • Report:  #47537

Complaint Review: Fairbanks Capital Mortgage - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
- Dearborn, Michigan,

Fairbanks Capital Mortgage
3815 South West Temple Salt Lake City, 84115 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I read the other consumer complaints about Fairbanks Capital Mortgage and it all seems to echo a recurrent theme of ripoff and poor service.

I unfortunately ended up with a mortgage from Fairbanks Capital Mortgage, after my original company(Investaid/Contimortgage) went out of business. In the fall of 2001, I began encountering difficulties because Fairbanks began processing my mortgage payments incorrectly.

Fairbanks also continually insisted that I had not made any payments, despite my attempt to accomodate them and send whatever amounts they demanded. Finally, the only resolution was to refinance, to avoid foreclosure and change mortgage companies.

I succeeded in changing to another mortgage company and closed the deal in february of 2002. However, Fairbanks Capital Mortgage literally failed to process the final payoff and credit the account until April 2002.

As a result, Fairbanks Capital Mortgage sent a reports to the credit reporting agencies that the loan was paid in full but that I had paid my mortgage obligation two (2) months late.

I made several attempts to contact them and get the matter resolved but I have been spun around so many times that I'm dizzy. To date, the matter remains unresolved but I have some peace of mind because I no longer have a mortgage with Fairbanks Capital Mortgage.


Dearborn, Michigan

1 Updates & Rebuttals


dispute it

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 03, 2003

call trans union 1-800-888-4213 experian 1-888-397-3742 and csc credit services 1-800-759-5979 and resquest a copy of each of thier credit files on you, and dispute the info about fairbanks to each of them (be prepared to have proof that you paid them on-time, but you may not need it)they have 30 days to prove that the info they are reporting is accurate, if they fail to respond, (and they seem slow on the up-take for almost everything else, so i dont believe they would be to quick to respond) then the info will be removed, if for some reason they do respond, have your proof ready to give to the reporting agents, and even if you have no way of proveing your in the right (not the greatest outcome) you will be able to write an explaination as to why it is being reported late. give it a try. -good luck P.S. if you have been turned down for credit anywhere you can get copies for free, however, if not, you may have to pay a fee, but its well worth it to get your credit back on track

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