  • Report:  #67861

Complaint Review: Famouspoets.com - Talent Oregon

Reported By:
- pt jeff station, New York,

Po Box 21 Talent, 97540 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
hi everyone, im sure all you poets are just simply beautiful people who were sickly lied to by these creeps or whoever they are.

thank god I found all of you, im sorry this is so bogust.

I feel like a fool. Today I received that deceitful letter

We all got saying you are in the semifinals for your poem, and I was so excited, I wrote a poem for my dad who died 2 years ago.

i understand others here said they also wrote poetry for their departed loved ones!

I received it today and told family and friends, they were so happy to think that my poem won!! For our daddy!!

My bubble is so bursted, I thought wow I'm on a roll, I wrote 4 more poems, thinking I was so talented, now I feel like a fool!!

Thank god I didnt send money and now I hope these con artists rot in hell for taken advantage of someone's pain!!!!

God bless you all! and don't worry just a quick verse lol...

Every dog has his fu...... day!!!!


pt jeff station, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Altamonte Springs,
What was the ripoff?

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2004

I don't see a rip-off. They sent you a letter saying that you're in a semi-final contest? You interpreted that as winning? Semi-final means that you were selected out of THOUSANDS or MILLIONS to be in a contest of a fraction of that. Perhaps a semi-final contest of a hundred, a thousand or less or more. It seems like you ripped yourself off. I'm sure it is a very good poem, however - contests are contests. Everyone doesn't win. I would suggest that the letter they sent you is a fine recognition of your talent, and also implies a regard for your late father. If you did not buy whatever they were selling you, fine - but you weren't ripped off... and you have no evidence that they ever attempted to rip you off. They don't seem to deserve such a bad wrap. Also, those sweepstakes letters everyone gets in the mail should be regarded lightly too. And the lottery is not a sure thing. Good luck with poetry, I'm sure you're talented. I'm sorry to hear about your father, too. He's lucky to have a fine poet for a son. And a fine poem commemorating his fine life. Be well.

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