  • Report:  #1470990

Complaint Review: Fariya Joseph - Jamaica New York

Reported By:
Dave - Glendale, United States

Fariya Joseph
13934 89th Ave 3Fl Jamaica, 11435 New York, United States
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Fariya Joseph is a corrupt fast food manager which would consistently yell at her employees and give them the nastiest attitudes. She would argue with employees ranked below her. When employees complain about Fariya Joseph she would make some excuse and I think they would side with her.

I think Fariya Joseph is from Dumfries, Virginia. The rumor is that she will go back to Virginia. Not even sure if true or not. 

Fariya Joseph never worked in the fast food industry for the right reason. She never treated employees fairly. It's outright abuse what she is doing. Fariya Joseph is never apologetic. The way she behaves has created confrontational opportunities with employees which can be seen on the security cameras and also by the customer. She never prioritized the employees since the employees are the source of the operations for the business. 

The way Fariya Joseph talks to people can really have a negative affect on productivity and everything else For the company. i know for a fact that she will make an excuse for her behavior.

Sorry, Fariya Joseph, I don't want more employees feeling like this. For me to expose her negative behavior is all I can do to prevent the negative affect on productivity, the social environment, customers and the way they rate the service store and more, and the rest goes on. 

Ripoffreport Report Image

Fariya Joseph Isn't making employees wash hands frequently. When I would do the right thing she would be mad. She wouldn't encourage people to or better jobs. She yells and yells. 

Fariya Joseph Is not to be trusted near employees and or customers. Especially Incase she will giveaway things to customers she knows. You shouldn't hire Fariya Joseph.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Fariya Joseph name possibly changed to Fariya Kundulu

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 12, 2020

Fariya Joseph have name changed to Fariya Kundulu. The issue here is she may have changed her name to exscape this and I hope that is not the case. Fariya Joseph aka Fariya Kundulu name change update!

Report Attachments


United States
All the reviews on fariya joseph that i found so far!

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 17, 2020

I found a few that may further explain this. 


h t t p s :  / / r i p o  f f s c a m s .  c o m / r e p o r  t s - f  i l e d / f  a r i y a - j  o s e p h /  g l e n d a l e / f a  r i y a - j o  s e p h - c o r r u p t - f a  s t - f o o d - m a n  a g e r - n y - e l m h u r s  t / 9 7 0 8 8 / 





New York,
United States
New article on fariya Joseph!

#4Author of original report

Fri, February 21, 2020

I found a new ripoffreport on fariya joseph and here is the link: 



New York,
United States
Please ignore the entire post

#5Author of original report

Mon, March 18, 2019

Fariya is forgiven! I take back all of my claims. She is a human being deserving of respect. I forgive her! I wish I can delete the entire post but I can't! I recommend people at all times avoid trying to post anything like this on anyone. Forgiveness is key!


New York,
United States
Other issue with Fariya Joseph

#6Author of original report

Wed, January 23, 2019

I think Fariya Joseph budget cuts to the extreme. In New York City we deal with a large volume of traffic. If she goes to a smaller town she may think she can send people home because there isn't a lot of people.

When I used to work only 1 day as they budget cut if they don't seem to like you, I remember Fariya Joseph would send me home after 1 hour of work. I only worked one day a week for few hours around then. Managers there seem to do that.

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