  • Report:  #1053264

Complaint Review: Farmerseed.com - Internet

Reported By:
MrTomm - Lowell, Massachusetts,

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Unfortunately I bought from them before Googling 'reviews' 'farmerseed' which would have brought up DavesGarden.com which identifies:

Farmer Seed and Nursery

Mailing Address:

818 NW 4th Street

Faribault, Minnesota 55021 (United States)

Phone: (507) 334-1623

Catalog Order Page: Hyperlink

Paper Catalog Cost: Free


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Recent reviews:

  Past month Past 6 Months Past 12 Months
Ripoffreport Report Image Positive 0 2 2
Ripoffreport Report Image Neutral 0 0 0
Ripoffreport Report Image Negative 4 4 7
This company is affiliated with Burgess Seed

This company specializes in:

Other helpful information:


  Feedback History and Summary  
13 positives

11 neutrals

110 negatives

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