  • Report:  #81956

Complaint Review: Fashion Design Inc. - Scentura Creations - World Perfume - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- Lawrenceville, Georgia,

Fashion Design Inc. - Scentura Creations - World Perfume
1710 Wilwatt Drive Suite D Norcross, 30093 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Scentura Creations, Fashion Design Inc. Branch In Norcross, GA DO NOT WORK FOR THESE PEOPLE IT'S A SCAM! They offer false promises and lie to everyone they hire, also to the people they solicit too! There exists hundreds of pages of evidence against Scentura and World Perfume.

Scentura Creations - FASHION DESIGN INC.




Phone Number:


I answered an ad in the paper on FEBRUARY 19, 2004 the ad said "LOOKING FOR STORE MGRS & ASST. MGRS (30k -40k) PER YEAR. I had management experience and since I am an MBA "Accounting" Graduate Student who is currently unemployed. So, I called them I spoke to a receptionist and scheduled an interview the next day at 10:15am. Arriving at the interview - "Loud music, Relaxed environment, and the number of people waiting to be interviewed was quite questionable" - but I was curious so I stayed.

I went in and filled out this (Get Acquainted - half sheet long "get to know you" form, before being called in by Adina, who was a manager in training at a branch of SCENTURA CREATIONS, called FASHION DESIGN INC.

I had a 15 minute meeting with Adina when she told me that if I was selected, she would be calling me back by 5:30 that day to tell me whether or not I had a 'second interview' - well guess what? I got a call back from Adina, telling me that I have been invited back for a second interview for Monday 2/23/2004.

On Monday - we got to meet David the owner of Fashion Design. We were all told by David that we're the best of the best. I was looking around the room and the age group targeted was 18-25 years old (many with no management level experience)and that we have all been hired to represent the company. We are manager trainees for the company, and that we were to have a 4-6 weeks, of paid "Quick start" training - then we would be put in charge of our own store location and sales staff.

On Tuesday, David went into a huge long - motivational lecture about the company and the perfume that they sold and how we wouldn't be out selling, that we would hire salesmen to sell for us and how we would be bringing in 500-700 dollars a week and making close to 55,000 a year.

I specifically asked David if we were considered employees of the company and not independent contractors and David replied that we receive a W2 form because we are considered employees of the company. He said that all manager trainees would be given an initial salary contract of $30,000 per year. We are also given profit sharing of the company's proceeds. David told us to come back tommorrow for our first official day of training. David ended the meeting saying, "I'll see you tommorrow to fill out paperwork."

On Wednesday, David I am meeting the other people - "David's Other Successful Store Managers - and Manager Trainees" - they are supposively here in Georgia for a "Regional meeting" they are from South Carolina, Detroit, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. When I asked David for a specific location of their Georgia branch locations, he went around my question. Around 10:30 am after a pep talk and motivational speech given by the successful store managers from other regions. We were given paperwork which clearly stated that we are independent contractors and not employees of the company.

Around 11:00am I was told that I would be out with another manager trainee. We were given 6 "consigned" bottles of perfume - just in case we wanted to sell along with our manager trainees. We were then assigned training coaches and were then ready to watch our training coaches in action.

My training coach turned to me and asked, "Where are you parked?" I replied, "I'm not driving - you're the trainer, you drive." At this point, I knew this was a hoax. We drive into Fulton County, GA - I repeatedly watch my "trainer" go business to business attempting to sell this perfume. My day consisted of watching her lie to me about being paid really well by the company, (she had no gas money), I voluntarily gave her $2.00.

She lied to customers about the product, yelled at and ran down customers in parking lots, and got thrown out of business establishments (Ex: Insurance Companies, Restaurants, Beauty shops, Grocery Stores, Eckerd, etc..) for soliciting merchandise - she truly believes she is going to be running her own store in a month. My trainer made $10.00 for 4 hours worth of effort. I watched her put $7.00 of it in her gas tank. She sold 3 bottles of perfume that day - 2 for $25.00 and 1 for $20.00. She advised me that managers sell the perfume for $25.00 and collect $5.00 for every bottle that is sold. This company pays all transactions in cash - leaving no record that the transaction ever existed.



Lawrenceville, Georgia

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Scentura Creations

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on World Perfume

6 Updates & Rebuttals


I am surprised people fall for this ripoff scam ..And the jerkoff and jerkoff-ette running the place have the nerve to say we are "scared" of "success" and "making money." .. IT'S A SCAM! Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 22, 2004

I previously answered an ad for SCENTURA for a "Regional Management" position, and I got "Dressed to impress" as asked and went back for my "Second Interview" But as soon as I got there, and sat in this "class" with all the other poor saps who got roped into it, it was so obvious what it was. Does a professional interview for a "Management" position include the words "If my F*ing language offends you, you can leave right now" Does it sound like a "Management" position when they tell you you will be going in what they call the "Fun Car" (WTF?!) to hawk knockoff cologne to people in parking lots? Will you feel like a "Manager" when you're wandering around trying to con total strangers into buying what the company ITSELF actually calls "Piss in a bottle"? Does the overall look and feel of the situation seem like this is a legitimate business? Who the hell puts an add in the paper for a "Management" position and then when you show up asks you to pimp fake cologne in the streets?! Don't fall for this SCAM people, if nobody fell for this, and people looked at the obvious signs that they were being suckered, this company could NEVER survive. These people surely deserve to have their asses kicked, but instead they are able to take advantage of people because some people don't have jobs and are willing to try anything. For shame. They gave us a cigarette break during this "Second Interview" and I of course walked off and took about 5 people with me... who had actually been thinking the same thing I was but hadn't wanted to speak up. And the jerkoff and jerkoff-ette running the place have the nerve to say we are "scared" of "success" and "making money." I have never seen 2 bigger tools in my entire life. Ask yourself, What kind of respectable person roped you into a "pep rally" under false pretenses and blatant lies and then begs you to stay and hawk fake cologne for them? I am truly dismayed by the number of people who actually spent WEEKS at this company. DON'T FALL FOR IT, PEOPLE. OF *COURSE* IT'S A SCAM! Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!


Salt Lake City,
Former Scentura distributor, if you are going to write something, focus on the facts, not tired rehashed lies and half truths, shielding Larry Hahn (Scentura) and Johnny Whitworth (World Perfume) from legal criminal and civil prosecution.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 13, 2004

Ruby, We both know you are not telling the truth. You made a living out of frauding people, and if you were sucessful at lying, you were sucessful as a Scentura / World Perfume distributor. -- Lets go through your claims, and then set the record straight, using your companies own records: -- -- -- ****If the webpage links below have been disabled, go to groups.google.com and type in Scentura****** - - --************---- Your first misleading statement: 1)Scentura Creations is JUST Scentura Creations, and NOT Scentura Creations Fashion Design, INC. or anything like that. -- Every distributor has a different name. This is because every distributor is an independent contractor, which is shielding Larry Hahn (Scentura) and Johnny Whitworth (World Perfume) from legal criminal and civil prosecution.. This is the heart of the Scentura / World Perfume scam. -- Independent contractor license: -- www.geocities.com/scamdocuments/consignment_agreement.htm -- According to the article: "WHO WANTS TO BE RICH? LARRY HAHN: FROM SLEEPING IN A CAR TO A $5 MILLION HOME." E. Thomas Jr.. Atlanta Business Chronicle, Oct 5, 1987 v10 n19 p1(5) -- Larry Hahn came up with this scam, and I quote: "The independent contractor concept "was preconceived before the first truck load was ordered in." ..."It was already planned out before we ever opened up." (http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/media_reports.htm/#independent_contractor) -- -- Your second misleading statement: --************---- 2)Scentura Creations and World of Perfume are TWO seperate companies owned by two seperate people who happen to be in the same industry and ARE NOT affiliated. -- True today, except you intentionally forgot that the President of World Perfume, Johnny Whitworth, worked for Scentura for years as Scentura's top distributor. Mr. Whitworth left Scentura to start his own perfume business, World Perfume, in 1994. When he left he took the business model with him and applied it to World Perfume. He also stole the training manuals, which can be clearly seen in the training sessions showing the training sessions are EXACTLY alike. -- http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/are_world_perfume_and_scentura_same_company.htm -- Johnny Whitworth, worked for Scentura for years as Scentura's top distributor -- Newspaper quote From: "WHO WANTS TO BE RICH? LARRY HAHN: FROM SLEEPING IN A CAR TO A $5 MILLION HOME." E. Thomas Jr.. Atlanta Business Chronicle, Oct 5, 1987 v10 n19 p1(5) -- "A WMI brochure describes the experience of Johnny Whitworth, who is still with Hahn: " He left behind a salary of $150,000, but that didn't bother Johnny. With hard work, enthusiasm, and doing things the "WMI" way, after one year his income hit $600,000." -- http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/media_reports.htm/#johnnyatscentura -- For more on why Scentura and World Perfume are almost exactly alike, and for documentation and supporting evidence to support these allegations, click here: -- http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/are_world_perfume_and_scentura_same_company.htm --************---- Your third misleading statement: -- 3)As a former franchise owner of two offices in Vegas, one in Denver, and one in New Orleans, for Scentura Creations, I can say that if something went screwy with your training, it wasn't the company's fault. There are screwy people in every company, ant that doesn't make the company bad at all. -- This is a complete and blatant lie. Nothing was "screwy with your training". All of the lies and deception is standard and instiutionalized within both World Perfume and Scentura. -- Ruby will never admit this, but she peddled the same exact lies that your distributor peddled. That is how the program is set up. The evidence supporting this is overwhelming. Ruby is not only lying, but she/he is not very original in her deceptions. The same tired defenses have been peddled by other distributors. -- As written here, with extensive supporting documentation: http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/RESPONSES_OF_DISTRIBUTORS.htm/#NotTheNorm -- Distributor: The practices that this webpage explains are the exception, not the norm. Most World Perfume/Scentura distributors act differently. -- Rebutal: World Perfume and Scentura distributors use a script. Every distributor uses the same script. World Perfume stole the script from Scentura when one of Scentura's top distributors, Johnny Whitworth, decided to quit Scentura and start his own mulit-level marketing pyramid scheme in 1994. -- For the Scentura training manual, vividly illustrating the many decpetive practices of Scentura and World Perfume, click here. -- For evidence of the same exact training practices worldwide, please read the 300 pages plus of testimonies against World Perfume and Scentura. Also the 18 + media reports against these companies. Detailing the same institutionalized, misleading tactics. -- -- Please close down your local Scentura World Perfume distributor: -- http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/how_to_shut_down.htm -- -- ****If the webpage links above have been disabled, go to groups.google.com and type in Scentura*****


Las Vegas,
At least know what your talking about if your going to write something

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, July 10, 2004

Ok- First off, I used to be a franchise owner for Scentura Creations, so let me break this down for you. 1)Scentura Creations is JUST Scentura Creations, and NOT Scentura Creations Fashion Design, INC. or anything like that. 2)Scentura Creations and World of Perfume are TWO seperate companies owned by two seperate people who happen to be in the same industry and ARE NOT affiliated. 3)As a former franchise owner of two offices in Vegas, one in Denver, and one in New Orleans, for Scentura Creations, I can say that if something went screwy with your training, it wasn't the company's fault. There are screwy people in every company, ant that doesn't make the company bad at all. I'm not with SC anymore because I had a screwy business partner who also happened to be the one who trained me, and he screwd me over really bad. I lost everything because of him. But you know what? It wasn't the company fault. It was his dumb a** and I sat there an let him get away with using me. So before you take time out of your day to post something like this for the "benefit" of others, I would think it wise of you to know your facts.


Las Vegas,
weak people

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 09, 2004

I used to be an employee for WPI, and I got to say the only people that don't make it in the business is weak mind people. I went to work for a WPI distrabution center in las vegas called "Endless Enterprise". my time there and the oppurtunities give were some of the greatest in my life. The only reason I am not there anymore is due to medical and family related issue, but you bet in time I will be back to work for them in future. the way you make it in that type of business or any type of sales business is Positive mental attitude and self motivation. you dont have that you don't make any money so dont down WPI because your weak, down yourself


Las Vegas,
weak people

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 09, 2004

I used to be an employee for WPI, and I got to say the only people that don't make it in the business is weak mind people. I went to work for a WPI distrabution center in las vegas called "Endless Enterprise". my time there and the oppurtunities give were some of the greatest in my life. The only reason I am not there anymore is due to medical and family related issue, but you bet in time I will be back to work for them in future. the way you make it in that type of business or any type of sales business is Positive mental attitude and self motivation. you dont have that you don't make any money so dont down WPI because your weak, down yourself


Las Vegas,
weak people

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 09, 2004

I used to be an employee for WPI, and I got to say the only people that don't make it in the business is weak mind people. I went to work for a WPI distrabution center in las vegas called "Endless Enterprise". my time there and the oppurtunities give were some of the greatest in my life. The only reason I am not there anymore is due to medical and family related issue, but you bet in time I will be back to work for them in future. the way you make it in that type of business or any type of sales business is Positive mental attitude and self motivation. you dont have that you don't make any money so dont down WPI because your weak, down yourself

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