  • Report:  #1316705

Complaint Review: First Academy Leesburg Fl - Leesburg Florida

Reported By:
Mckay Scholarship Abuse - Leesburg, Florida, United States

First Academy Leesburg Fl
219 N 13th Street Leesburg, 34748 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I want to begin by conceding that I believe Greg Frescoln, Administrator, is an honorable man who is making well intented mistakes. The school in question boasts academic accredidations that any private school would be proud of. Additionally the staff of teachers and coaches are of a high callibur (inspite of past mistakes any school could suffer). For these reasons I chose to place my two (2) children in this school. I (and said children) have attended the First Baptist Church of Leesburg Fl, for just over six (6) years (Schools namesake). Furthermore, when it comes to academics, I would like to also concede that I truly believe Greg Frescoln (and wife, history teacher at school) are above reproach in knowledge of academics, Christianity and have clearly helped hundreds of children achieve higher education and possibly Christian salvation.

So what is the complaint? Here we go.....

My children have a Florida Scholarship called the "Mckay Scholarship" for students with disabilities. It has been determined (by Lake County School System) that both of my children are "Developnentally Delayed". This is not as severe a designation as "Autism" but still qualifiies them for the scholarship. Because my childrens disability is widely considered "mild", they are able to attend schools like First Academy, Leesburg, Fl (many "Mckay" children are limited to schools with "Special Services" for severely impaired children). Additionally I am a single parent since 2004. 

I enrolled my children at First Academy in the summer of 2014 and had my obligitory meeting with Greg Frescoln. I found him to be ambiable and competent. Nine weeks later I was looking forward to seeing how my children faired against the new school curriclium. Thats when I realised the schools strict/rigid financial policies.

  • They refused to issue report cards over a past due balance of approximately $140.
  • When I called to ask how to resolve the issue (a Friday) the office personnel deflected my every request.
  • I then called Geg Frescoln directly and offered to bring a check for past due amount.
  • Greg Frescoln insisted I bring certified Funds (stated nowhere in their written policies).
  • When I grudgingly complied with the request for certified funds and returned to their office at approximately 3:45pm (same Friday Afternoon) the office was closed for the weekend.
  • Over the weekend I emailed Greg Frescoln (see attached emails) to vent my displeasure and asked to speak to his supervisor. According to their handbook Senior Pastor Art Aryis is Frescolns immediate supervisor.
  • I was given a meeting with Pastor Art Aryis and Greg Ferescoln the following Monday around 1pm.
  • At that meeting I was smoothly dispatched (by Pastor Art) with his country preacher ways. I did not resist this dismissal after realizing both men are oblivious to the ways of liability. Nothing I could say would restrict the "CYA" they ran on me.
  • Two (2) years later I have recieved only two report cards. One (1) the day of the meeting with Pastor Art and one recently after confronting Frescoln in the parking lot. This is a clear violation of the requiremebnts of the Mckay Scholarship for children with disabilities.
  • Mckay states clearly annual reports must be provided.
  • First Academy has accepted thousands of dollars from the Mckay Scholarship on behalf of my children and refuse to communicate with me (parent) about progress reports (only availible on line), report cards or any other request. They also refuse to issue passwords to check grades online.

First academy by their own admission has only accepted the Mckay Scholarship since 2012. Communication and partnership between school and parents of children with disabilities is paramount for a successful relationship. Unfortunately, First Academy runs their private school (business side and Professional Conduct) like a small town Church Daycare. Not good enough. This school at its current state has no business accepting the Mckay Scholarship. The Professional Business Office at FA is a classic case of the inmates running the asylum. Frescoln by his own admission lets his admin's protect him from anything not related to academics. This has resulted in discimination despite their good intentions.

It gets worse. Knowing they run the asylum, the admin staff at FA refuses to accommadate any request of mine (examples available on request).  Frescoln blindly trusts his admin staff and takes their side in all matters (when confronted). I cannot help but feel they are discriminating against me because:

  • I'm a single Father.
  • I'm poor.
  • Percieved "religious superiority"

In conclussion, First Academy Leesburg, Fl is planning to expand their campus. I would like to urge the church to consider expanding their professional conduct before any facility expansion. The business office at FA sorely needs training in professional conduct and LIMITING LIABILATY.

For my part legal advice is welcome and needed. By requiring me to make payment "types" that are not outlined in their written policies I feel I have been discriminated against. I cannot manage two (2) disabled children with no communication from their school caretakers. Please Help and Thank you. 


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