  • Report:  #18087

Complaint Review: Formac Electronic inc. - Berkeley California

Reported By:

Formac Electronic inc.
1510 6th Street Berkeley, 94710 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This product never functioned to any degree since I received it. Numerous contacts with the company's Technical Support failed to even remotely solve the problem of complete inoperability. Time spent trying to resolve the issue with Technical Support exceeded the 15 day time limit the company imposes for returns. The responses received from technical Support were misleading and designed to lure consumers into believing operability problems could be solved. Instead responses from technical Support were clearly aimed at expending the 15 day return/refund period such that the consumer is left with a $400 item which doesn't work and no recourse.


2/9/02 purchased Formac product "Studio" (FS 1042-0) via the Formac web site (www.formac.com) for $399, plus $21.65 shipping Order No. 200142900 (invoice no. 00012883). Received email confirming purchase.

2/11/02 received email from Formac stating the product was out of stock and the order had been back-ordered.

2/17/02 I emailed Formac to get status of order.

2/19/02 Formac advised by return email the order would be shipped February 23-24th.

2/22/02 received email confirmation order had been shipped.

2/25/02 received product.

3/1/02 unpacked product and installed hardware and software. Noticed immediately the unit did not function in Mac operating system 9.2.2.

3/4/02 downloaded software update from Formac web site for Mac system OS X. Installed software.

3/5/02 using OS X version of software was able to get unit to record a 30 second stream of analog video. TV reception and FM reception function not working.

3/12/02 submitted first request to Formac Technical Support via web site form. Copy as follows:



Your Formac Product: ProTV Studio

Purchase Date: 2/2002 from Formac

Serial Number: 200113718

Software: ProTV 263

Problem description: When my G$ [sic] starts up the ProTV codec extension appears but is crossed out with a red "x". When I try and launch ProTV I get an error indicating the "ProTV Card cannot be found. The application will quit". Have reinstalled ProTV twice to no effect. Have tried the OSX version but find it clunky and feature-less. have generated the "ProTVSysInfo.txt" file for diagnostics, but cannot send it via a web form (ever thought about a real support email address)? Please reply - either with an answer or with an return authorization number.

3/12/02 received the following reply as follows:

Mr. [G],

Please try a different PCI slot in your computer, after which, please completely uninstall and then reinstall ProTV (please remember to delete preference and extension files before reinstalling). Then restart your computer. Does it work?

Thank you,

Formac help

NOTE: The original request for assistance clearly notes the product involved is the "Studio" product, not a PCI card product. The reply above is not only unresponsive, it is non-sensical.

3/12/02 I reply as follows:

There is absolutely no reason to try a different PCI slot as we are talking about your "Studio" product which does not use a PCI slot.

I deleted both the extension and prefs file and reinstalled -- no effect. The ProTV Codec extension still loads with a red "X" through it and the application will not launch, giving the same error. Attached is the "ProTVSysInfo.txt" file.

3/13/02 there was no reply so I resent the email:

There is absolutely no reason to try a different PCI slot as we are talking about your "Studio" product which does not use a PCI slot.

I deleted both the extension and prefs file and reinstalled -- no effect. The ProTV Codec extension still loads with a red "X" through it and the application will not launch, giving the same error. Attached is the "ProTVSysInfo.txt" file.

3/13/02 Formac replies:

Mr. [G],

My apologies, I had mistakenly thought you had the ProTV PCI card product, which uses the same software in OS 9. Please let me know if you are using ProTV in OS X or Classic mode, or in OS 9 itself. In OS X, you will need to use our beta software for TV viewing.

Thank you,

Formac help

NOTE: My original request for assistance clearly states: a) the ProTV extension appears with a crossed out "X" during start up which ONLY happens when using System 9.x, and b) that I had also tried the OS X version of the software. The reply above is not only unresponsive, it is non-sensical.

3/14/02 Formac sends yet another email:

Mr. [G],

ProTV will not function in OS X and will give you an error every single time (in Classic mode as well), for OS X functionality, you will have to use our Tevion software. To utilize our ProTV software, you will need to use it in OS 9. I'm not certain if the errors you are receiving are due to using ProTV in OS X Classic mode or not, if possible, please clarify for me.

Thank you,

Formac help

NOTE: Again a non-sensical response. A Mac system 9.x program like ProTV will never function in system OS X but can only be used in system 9.x or "Classic" mode. My original request for help was quite clear.

3/15/02 I replied:

To clarify:

1) I can use Tevion just fine in OS X, but it seems to lack many of the features of ProTV.

2) When I switch to system 9.2.2 (NOT CLASSIC MODE, but actually starting up in 9.2.2) I get the ProTV errors previously described. THIS IS NOT A MATTER OF PROTV NOT WORKING WITH OSX. USE OF OS X HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS ISSUE.

Please call me xxx-xxx-xxxx; email communications are not going well.

Greg [G]

3/15/02 I sent another message:

So I restart from System 9.2.2 in OS X and begin using the limited-featured Tevion today with a VCR inputting the movie footage. All starts out working fine --- until I SIMPLY resize the screen. Then the video feed (again, working PERFECTLY) goes totally black on the Tevion screen. No problem. So I restart in OS X and restart the app. NOTHING! attached is a screen shot of your fine product at work.

Please forward a Return Authorization Number immediately. I'll try one of your competitor's products. I have no further time to help you develop your products.


3/18/02 Formac replies:

Mr. [G],

Our Technical Support Department does not handle returns, please contact 1-877-4Formac for a Customer Support representative who can take care of your RMA needs.

Thank you,

Formac Electronics, Inc.

USA Technical Support

Berkeley, CA 94704


3/20/02 called Formac at 1-877-4FORMAC and spoke with "Edward". I explained to him the product had never functioned, that I had not received any help from tech Support and wanted a return authorization (RMA). At first he indicated he would provide an RMA form by email, but then said something about a "repair". I told him I didn't want the unit repaired, I wanted it replaced and a refund. I also told him I had already ordered a replacement unit from a competitor.

Edward stated too much time (15 days) had passed to issue a refund. I asked to speak with a supervisor. Edward said he was the supervisor. I asked to speak with his supervisor. He said that was the Business Director, but that he "didn't take phone calls during the day". I asked if he took calls at night. Edward says he doesn't take calls. I asked for his name. Edward refused to give it to me. He said he would ask the Business Director (hereinafter "John Doe") to call me. I told Edward that would be a good idea and gave Formac 48 hours to issue an RMA for a full refund or I would be forced to take legal action.

Several hours later Edward called my office line and left a voice mail indicating John Doe had decreed Formac would issue an RMA for a refund but would retain a 30% fee.

3/21/02 I called Edward and told him while I appreciated receiving his message that a 30% fee was not acceptable in this case. I reiterated that the unit never worked and suggested that perhaps the non-sensical interchanges with Formac Tech Support were purposefully misleading and designed to "run out" the return and refund clock (15 days period). He said "people here would never do that". He offered again to repair or replace the unit. I reiterated that we had already purchased a competitor's product to replace the "Studio" unit.

I asked him for the company President's name. He said they don't give out that kind of information. I told him I was sorry this was going to become a problem for Formac.


1) Seriously consider buying another brand of A to D video converter.

2) 2) If you do decide to buy a , MOVE quickly; remember you have a whopping 15 days or your stuck with the unit for life and out $400. Set up the unit immediately upon receipt and if you have the slightest problem, contact (1-877-4FORMAC (1-877-436-7622), (push 2, then 4)) and demand an _immediate_ (return authorization). )

3) If you have problems with , file a complaint with the BBB ( . . ) and with your state attorney generals office. The company's US address is 1510 6 Street, Berkeley, CA 94710. Phone: +1 510.528.9300, Fax: +1 510.528.9014. The contact info for the parent company in Germany is 33, 15827 Berlin, Germany, Phone: +49 (0)3379-340-0, Fax: +49 (0)3379-340-100.

4) The Formac Electronic Inc. President's name is Oliver Bergmann, Ph.D.


Redmond, Washington

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... click here to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

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