  • Report:  #3690

Complaint Review: Fountain Technologies Quantex Cybermax Pionex Inteva Enorex - Somerset Nationwide

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Fountain Technologies Quantex Cybermax Pionex Inteva Enorex
50A Randolph Road Somerset, 08873 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As you know, I have written you in the past as a

"Current Employee". This is no more.

As of:

4:30 PM on Friday, October 20, 2000 Fountain Technologies, parent company of Quantex, Cybermax, Pionex, Inteva, Enorex, and a few others, laid off ALL customer service representatives and laid off ALL but 8 technical support representatives.

We were given no notice, no extended benefits, no severance pay, nothing. Basically a good bye and thank you for working with us.

Out of the 8 people left, 5 will support Pionex and 3 will support Pionex Elite, if you own any of the others and are still under warranty, you're basically "S.O.L."

A group of us noticed that our lay-off notices state that we've been "terminated" (NOT laid-off) and this will cause some problems trying to get unemployment benefits. We are contacting our lawyers about this, and will contact Fountain Tech at a later time (next week) and demand that we get accurate notices, or we will file a lawsuit against them.

They took our phone numbers and said "If things get better in a few months, we'd like to call you to hire you back". Yeah, right, and the people who made your site will buy a PC made from Fountain. Lets get real, I'd be insulted if they called me back, and I hope that they DON'T get it back together, and I hope that MT and the other owners get what they deserve, time in

a New Jersey state prison for theft, embezzlement, and

laundering money.

We still find it amazing that MT's wife's store, PC Gallery on route 22 in Green Brook, NJ, has a HUGE supply of Pionex, QUantex, and CyberMax parts, while out repair department has very little to work with.

The other day, they emailed us the extentions of everyone in the company, but I didn't foreward it to this address, I severly regret not doing that now, but I do know most of them are in the 3300 and 2000 range.

I'm sure everyone who's been screwed by Fountain (including me) would love to get thier hands on those.

Hopefully someone else did.

Fountain Technologies is based in Somerset, NJ

addresses below:

Corperate HQ

50A Randolph Road

Somerset, NJ 08873

1st Floor

Repair Facility

400C Pierce St

Somerset, NJ 08873

QuantexSucks.Org, feel free to post this on your web site, but please remove my email address from this, and PC World, I hope you can put this information to good use.

I have some hardware driver CD's in my possession, if you would like, I can make an image of them, compress it, and email it to you, all these files are available on Pionex's web site, but I don't know how much longer that will be up, so I am doing this as a public service.

I do feel sorry for my fellow employees, who've been laid off and those who are staying, and I also feel sorry for all the people who trusted Fountain Technologies enough to spend anywhere form over $1000 to $2500 on a system from them to only learn that they will no longer get support.

I wish my friends good luck in thier job hunts, and I hope the others who were lucky, or unlucky enough to stay, good luck in finding newer and better jobs before Fountain does to them what they did to the rest of us. They were a great bunch of people to work with.

Well, I am off now, time to update resume's, get interviews, and hopefully make my hiatus form work as short as possible.

An ex-employee

Click here to read other Rip-off Reports on CYBERMAX computer

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Ionex

2 Updates & Rebuttals

EDitor's Comment:: change the name of your company, or sue the other company


Sat, October 26, 2002


You have it wrong. If this other company is supposedly the one which is disreputable, how can the victim of not only the other company, but also of the confusion be held accountable for the damage.

It appears that your "beef" is with the other company. You have two options: change the name of your company, or sue the other company to change theirs, a third; just realize you have to live with the confusion. But heaven's sake, don't blame the consumer.



More than one Fountain Tech - please distinguish

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 25, 2002

Not all "Fountain Technologies" are bad!

Although we are only a small company in Texas, we field a lot of complaints from people who were unfortunately ripped off by those dishonest Chinese people and their money-laundering scheme.

Please realize, though, that WE are not THEM. Apparently, they had some "Fountain Technologies" in New Jersey listed as their parent company, but WE are NOT related to them.

We feel sorry for the victims - not only individual consumers, but also IBM and 3com and the many American companies from whom they (liars from China) stole many millions of dollars before they vanished back into China with everything... and yet WE cannot do anything about it. We are not, and never were connected, in any way, to those people who are apparently scoundrels.

We do not manufacture any hardware, and we are not anyone's parent company. We are strictly services-oriented. We are based in Texas, and do not have any business in New Jersey.

Please note that we have absolutely no interaction with any Chinese "businessmen" (as if we would trust them after all these horror stories, not to mention their country's blatant and heinous violations of human rights!)

We would simply ask that anywhere you reference the bad guys by the name "Fountain Technologies", you would be appropriately clear about WHICH Fountain Technologies. (Otherwise, you are inadvertently causing damage to OUR company.)

Thank you!

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