  • Report:  #455706

Complaint Review: FRED JOSEPH - PARKLAND Florida

Reported By:
- TAMPA, Florida,

5406 GODFREY ROAD #100 PARKLAND, 33624 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

What ever possess someone to do the things they do that "may" be questionable at best and in their mind they are justified in causing potential harm , grief, to others and continue to the questionable business practices and feel they have nothing to fear ? I just don't understand this logic.

What ever we do in life usually comes back to us later on to haunt you. I don't believe in my heart that you can bring injustices or questionable acts to people and expect to get away with what you are doing or have done without someone standing up and saying "I've had enough ".

I met Fred Joseph on line after getting an blip on my e-mail. Naturally, I thought his business of " ASSET LOCATIONS " would help my business and our clients in finally getting what the COURTS awarded them - A JUDGMENT against the Debtor ( S ) .

As a collection agency with over 700 to 800 JUDGMENTS I believed this was a company who could help the agency find ASSETS on the DEBTORS and through outside attorneys and the Court System ... we could LEVY on the bank Accounts and get our clients the awarded JUDGMENT amount. With those hopes, I contacted FRED JOSEPH. Mr. Joseph explained that he had the power - sources - and the ability to do " bank searches " on anyone and get the banks address, account numbers, and balances in those accounts and would send this information to our firm and a copy to our clients.

I thought this was exactly what I needed and asked what he needed...

According to Mr. Joseph all he needed was the Defendants name, Social Security numbers, D.O.B. .. I was amazed that he could do whatever he does to get information that was privy. I was told the price ranges ran from $195.00 to $495.00 and he would be able to get results within 2 to 4 weeks appro as he stated " APPROX " What did I know...? This was his business and I believed he could produce what he claimed he could do. Why would I think otherwise at that time. He gave us a few websites and we noticed each site was under a different name, but they all seemed to point back to U.S. SEARCH .


We then went through our data base and contact every one of the clients who had JUDGMENTS and gave them the information that was available and to try to explain to them one by one what could be done. With each client who was interested, we did a " threeway " conversation with the client - our firm - and Mr. Joseph. We would let Mr. Joseph take control of the conversation, and both ouir firm and the client would listen to his talkoff. It seemed straight foward and who would even think it may not be atrue picture of what was going to happen. We put our trust in his ability to talk to our clients. I was convinced that he was out to HELP our firm and that of the clients.


After 6 weeks, we had completed going through our data base and we gave Mr. Joseph 20+ clients who were still interested in trying to get the JUDGMENT SATISFIED. For the most part, with the economy the way it is, 85% of the clients just could not afford the fees. Some just gave up stating they were drained with the STRESS, or were barely making it and did not have the finances or desire to go the next step. You could hear it in their voices, the depression, the tone in their voices, that it made one depressed just listening to these poor people struggling to maintain their lives.

None the less a few accounts were given one by one to FRED JOSEPH and U.S. Search. We were hoping he would respond with some good news regarding located accounts on the Defendants, and we would hire an outside attorney to assist us in the Seizure of their accounts.

We waited, and waited and waited and waited. Nothing was happening. Two weeks, four weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 10 weeks and nothing was happenening.


I have been with our clients since 1999 to date. These were clients, friends, people you laughed with as well as cried with. They were part of family. I enjoyed each and everyone for their personnal stories. Some were older people who had nothing, but still had hopes of getting something back. Some were struggling as we all are but had hopes of getting some financial rewards from the Defendants bank account. They had hopes and dreams of getting something. I took this to heart. These were friends to me and I took this as a way of trying to help someone. Naturally, we would get paid for our services and would make our fees if the money was collected. I knew that these people would have a little hope, a better day, or even a weeks worth of groceries if only U.S. SEARCH came through for them.

It never happened...


Little by Little I would receive calls from those clients asking us " have you received any news from U.S. Search & Freed Joseph" ?

I heard the desperation in their voices. Any news ... I mean any news would have helped these people... but I could not give them any news ... because U.S. SEARCH & FRED JOSPH had nothing to give to us or the client .


I began to question what was going on. I started calling Fred Joseph requesting updates on the files. There were times I had the client on the line with us SCREAMING and ANNOYED that it has been over 4 weeks going into 6 and 8 weeks and they have heard not a peep.

I began to feel guilty and annoyed myself at the situation. I was getting no responses.

When you spoke to Fred Joseph... it was a dialogue of I" I sent the request to my sources". Excuse me, but you told the clients you were getting the information. I assumed you were the source . According to FRED JOSEPH he would send it to a third party . Who was this third party ? He would not give out the name... HUMMMMM


We began getting barraged by the clients and I would tell them to contact FRED JOSEPH at 1-800-250--8885 or 1-954-757-6070 and speak to him directly and call me back with what was said. The clients would call back irrate, and foaming at the mouth stating that the entire conversation was just bla-bla-bla-bla and it seemed he was trying to convince them he needed more time..or that he was convincing " himself " everything was in the works and to be patient. When you are told 2 to 4 weeks... and... 8 weeks later nothing is coming in any shape or form to you to update you, it leaves one to believe something irregular is going on here. This was the complaint I heard over and over and over.


I soon learned of the site RIPOFF.COM and was guided there by a few of the clients. I began to wonder why so many people in a short period of time all had the same story. I began to see 20 + complaints in a years timefram all against FRED JOSEPH & U.S. SEARCH. Was I crazy, or did the people making the complaints all have the same story to tell... RIPOFF, SCAM, HE TOOK OUR MONEY AND PRODUCED "NOTHING".

I called Mr. Joseph and based on his responses there was always a disgruntle person who didn't get what they wanted and bitched... uhhh there are 20 people within 15 months... that to me was an indication ...all the people couldn't be wrong....

Next Step:

I was then contacted by a series of clients ..all who had enough, and one particular client ...I'll call him ANGELO...was going to the State Attorney, The Attorney Generall, The Sheriff's Department, The IRS, The FBI ( white collar crime ) and other agencies. He had enough . On Monday ...MEMORIAL DAY... I received a telephone call in which this client was going to an ATTORNEY & was bringing a CLASS ACTION SUIT against U.S. SEARCH & FRED JOSEPH.

According to him... it was not the money... it was the fact he felt that FRED JOSEPH was running a SCAM and it had to be STOPPED.


I am in the middle of this soon to be WAR. My clients understand it was not our fault, but none the less I feel for them. I asked FRED JOSEPH to refund their money with hopes this would not be embellished into a FULL BLOWN OUT WAR. With so many people coming at him through the client ANGELO who was leading the investigation & Lawsuit, I though I'd give FRED JOSEPH the opportunity to help himself. He refused.


If you feel you have been part of a SCAM , FRAUD or deceptive means of extorting money, you should do what is necessary to protect yourself.

What I see going on to me is questionable.

I have no idea what Mr. Joseph is doing in the background.

I have to agree with the clients.. he's cashed their checks and they received nothing for this.

I have to agree that the track HISTORY on Mr. Joseph is substantial complaints.

I have to agree that getting a letter stating: " NO ACCOUNT FOUND" is not proof that a search was actually done.

I have to agree that there is something very questionable going on.

I have to agree that I did nothing Wrong other than to point the client to

Mr. Joseph & U.S. Search.

I have to agree that if a SCAM IS GOING ON ( IF ) it has to be STOPPED.

I agree that if U.S. SEARCH does produce results... the clients owe Fred Joseph an appology.

I agree that any person who feels that a questionable act has been committed against them should contact my office at ( 813) 333-6860

and you can send a fax to (813) 333-1270. I will foward any complaint

Mr. Joseoh , U.S. Search and my client list ( ANGELO) ...that is all I can do.

I neither condone or oppose of the situation going on.

I believe any complaint that comes forth should be investigated.

I believe that if the crime is being committed .. justice should be done by the Courts... but... in order to create any results one way or the other, you need to take the proper steps and seek help.

Write to your Attorney General, The County District Attorney, The FBI, IRS, the FLORIDA BAR, but when you do... you need to believe in what your doing is justified and truthful.

If Fred Joseph has done the searches, I am sure he will be able to justify where the results came from in written form,

If Fred Joseph did do his job..and Helped you... give him the proper "thank you". The comment below is from one of the clients.....

What is funny and should be noticed more than anything is: " WHERE ARE THOSE PEOPLE WHO WERE SATISFIED WITH THE RESULTS LETTERS OF COMMENDATION " ?

I rest wiery of the finger pointing.. it's time to do the proper thing... once & for all.

If there were any injustices - rest on the fact they will be exposed by ANGELO, his attorney, a TRIAL, and ads placed on the net and in the newspapers. according to the client ANGELO... this is the tip of the iceburg.

It's going to get worse before it gets better...

I was contact this very day by Mr. Joseph yelling at my office as to "why" I gave my client ANGELO the list of people who were complaining.

My answer was " These were and are my clients... I owe them the rights to investigate any questionable businessgoings on. "They trustedyou to help them" , you haven't." Then I stated there are some 13 other complaints on RIPOFF.com..that brings a total of 27 names in the system that is known. According to "ANGELO" there will be more to come.

I don't like anyone ( MR. JOSEPH ) telling me I can't protect my clients. .. that "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GIVEN ANGELO THE LIST.


If you have nothing to worry about - then don't worry... however ...if you did do what they claim you did... I would begin to worry... because ANGELO is not going to rest until this is over one way or the other....

I hung up on him... What Gall...

You do questionable things...and you have the GALL TO CALL ME and tell me I exposed you to a BIG PROBLEM... my answer to that is: If you were doing the right thing to help the people...you would have nothing to worry about.../ Now that they are coming to question your business practices..You tell me...I had NO RIGHT to give anyone my grievance list .. then...I would be as guilty as you are for not protecting my clients knowing something was WRONG...

Mr. Joseph... the time has come to face any questions that may be thrown at you by any client or a battery of clients who feel you ripped them off. I can not protect you in good conscious knowing that 12 complaints were posted on ripoff.com, and I have some 15 more complaints coming down the pike from irrate people. Is everyone marching out of cadence ? You can justify the inquiries that will without a doubt in my mind will be coming. You are not under any circumstances going to tell me what I can do or not do to protect my clients... not then..not now... not in the future.



TAMPA, Florida


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