  • Report:  #1406741

Complaint Review: Freedom Mentor - Miami Beach Florida

Reported By:
anonymous - philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Freedom Mentor
6538 Collins Ave, Ste 61 Miami Beach, 33141 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Please don't give the Freedom Mentor Fraud Company your money. This company preys upon non-experienced, new real estate investors and sells them a dreams and marketing material. They ask for detailed information about why you want to make money and what you want to do with an extra $5, $10, or $20 thousand dollars/mo, but you'll never see it. The price to join is on a sliding scale. It all depends on how much money you have to throw away. If you only have $5000 dollars thats your price, If you can gather up more, guess what? Thats the fee.  They'll take your last, your childs college fund, your retirement, your moms disability payments, it doesn't matter. The mentorship fraud ranges from $5,000-$25,000+ but you still wont learn anything no matter the upfront cost. 

So the 800 number on everything they have doesn't work. Its a voicemail message every single time. You'll never each anyone unless they call you back. If they call you its going to be from a local temporary number that doesn't exist. They're hiding for a reason, they are thieves. You'll usually get a guy name Paul Lives (BTW he has no LinkedIn Account and doesn’t exist anywhere on the internet). He makes everything sound good but its all lies. He’s going to tell you how much money you're going to make and how much better your life is going to be all you have to do is pay the money and put in 10hr a week. This is where the bullsh*t starts.

After you pay the money and you sign a contract there are NO REFUNDS. (Well technically you have 3 days, but it takes 3 days to “set up your account”) hahaha!! You'll sign into ePartner Software but it too is a scam. The only thing thats in there is vague seminars Phil Pustejovsky did about when he stole peoples properties and he say, she say stories. No real valuable real estate information was there. Ive even noticed that when the information starts to become useful the recording stops and jumps to another scene. The other thing thats in there is the old conference call audios and a terrible email system. Its also where you add your "new deals". BTW if you can get a deal added they want 50% of the money you make after you sell the property. Also for the ePartners Software you'll have to pay an additional $200/mo to use it and its automatically debited out of your account and they wont cancel it no matter how many times you ask them.  You'll then have a phone number to call them BUT its different every time (It too goes to voicemail).

So once you’re on the conference call they're not there to answer your questions, they only talk about deals that "other people" currently have then the call is over. If you don't bring a deal you're invisible, just a fly on the wall. In order to get a deal you need to pay for marketing another expense. This company is so shady theres no real mentorship being done here just vague advice but again it all depends on how much money they are taking from you.  Its just not worth the price. DONT BUY!! DONT LET THEM LIE TO YOU!! 



Freedom Mentor Apprentice FRUAD Program

Phil Pustejovsky CON ARTIST  

Freedom Mentor Apprentice FRUAD Program 

ePartners Software FRUAD

6538 Collins Ave, Ste 61, Miami Beach, FL 33141

Call - 877-693-3172 for voicemail 

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Customer Support

Miami Beach,
United States
False Reports

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 09, 2018

Our company has provided the very best real estate investing mentoring services this industry has ever seen. A large portion of the most successful investors in the marketplace today got their start by learning from us. And today, we are on the cutting edge of the latest and greatest techniques that are working the best in today's marketplace. In the past 30 days alone, we have had 3 new graduates that have made over $500,000 net profits in real estate thanks to our tutelage. We're the real deal.

The message by "Joe C" is a false report in so many ways. The program it sounds like he is describing is our Pre-Apprentice Program, which is a self study course, NOT a mentoring program and the 30 days of coaching with Phil is a free bonus. He knew that going in because we make it crystal clear that the Pre-Apprentice Program does not include ongoing coaching and mentoring. 

One bizarre thing is that we are so easy to reach and we want to make every customer happy. If this supposed "Joe C" was so troubled, why didn't he express that to our team? No one else has ever described our support team as rude. Our support team are all from the deep south, have sweet southern accents and are as kind as the day is long. We're here to help.

So "Joe C", if you read this, please call us and we'll make sure we help you in anyway we can. But if you are like the other person who made a post on this site, the call never came to us because it was a fake post altogether.

Our theory is that because we are so successful, some competitors may be jealous and are creating these false posts on this site to try to hurt us. That's a sad fact about life; the more you do to help people, the more some evil people want to hurt you.

Joe C

New Braunfels,
United States
They will see you dead, first....

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, July 07, 2018

I purchased FREEDOM MENTOR program in august of 2017.


The webpage said return policy of 30-days so I felt good about purchasing. After 30 days, my coaching call opportunities disappeard and I was told they expire after 30 days. That is a scam in itself....NO ONE NEW TO RE INVESTING GETS A DEAL WITHIN 30 DAYS. Your first 30-45 days is all setup and learning.


After about 60 days in the program, I had a terrible occurence of Crohn's disease that required me to go to the hospital. I needed money to PRESERVE MY LIFE. Phils office was totaly rude and I got hung up on after I started questioning their individual human integrity.... I maxed out 2 credit cards to get the training and I learned NOTHING and made NO MONEY.


Phil is a scam artist who uses CHURCH as a cover to who he really is. HE IS A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING TO BE SURE. Because of phil I now HATE RELIGION.... Reigious peple disgust me because I see PHIL'S FACE in every religious person I see....


He doesnt care that a person was in medical need......they would of let me die before giving me my money back and I didnt ask for all of it back I just asked for a portion of it considering it was past 30 days.....PHIL AND HIS CREW ARE COLD TO THE TOUCH - LIKE ICE. They will steal your money and laugh all the way to the bank.


Be warned. Also, phil's coaching and mentoring is a joke. I never got help for any problems that I had. I couldnt get help finding a good attorney for my future real estate deals, and I could not find any assistance on finding a real estate agent as he instructs in his videos. I received NO HELP in making the connections I needed. I received no help in getting any money back and they took away my free mentoring calls that I paid for because they only last for the first 30 days. YOU DONT NEED MENTORING CALLS UNTIL YOU GET A DEAL - and they know that you wont get a deal in the first 30 days, so when you do get a deal YOUR ON YOUR OWN.


If there is a hell - phill is first in line! He is an evil person who doesnt care if your suffering from a life threatening disease like I am. He will take your money and leave you for dead when you NEED your money most.

I now have TONS OF medical bills that I cant pay for because im paying on the credit cards that I maxed out to get phil's program. 

SCAM SCAM SCAM....I HATE PHIL PUSTEJOVSKY. He made my life worse than it was before I fell victim his bunk course. I lay in in a hospitla bed while he lays out on the beech with my money.


Wiser Old Owl

United States
Another "How I Make Money And You Can Too" SCAM?

#4General Comment

Mon, April 16, 2018

From everything I've read--and I've read the comments from the person who actually bought the program and spent thousands of dollars to the rebuttals from the company--it sure sounds like another fancy pyramid scheme/scam.


Based on The Ripoff Report profile of this organization I will not look further into considering anything the company puts forth. Where there is smoke there is fire. There are too many "red flags" in the rebuttals. Highly suspicious. 

Customer Support

Miami Beach,
United States
This is a Fake Complaint

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 22, 2018

Whomever filed this report has not identified themselves nor reached out to us in anyway whatsoever; even though we strongly encouraged them to do so, so that we could satisfy them.

Anyone who was truly a customer of a company's product or service who was dissatisfied with that product or service, would have jumped at the opportunity to have the company satisfy them.

Instead, they have not come forward after several months.

They have also remained anonymous, which is highly suspicious. Why not put your name? What's there to hide?

As stated in our previous rebuttal, the IP discrepancy is suspicious in and of itself.

However, another highly suspicious part of this report is the title itself. Look how deeply keyword laden it is. That is not what a legitimate complaint headline would look like. Only a person highly skilled in search engine optimization would have stuffed the headline with so many keywords. Plus, they even used the word "internet". That's bizarre considering our business is real estate. It smells of the work of sabotage, not a legitimate upset customer.

Furthermore, there is no information shared in this complaint that only a true customer of ours would know about. Instead, it was general information readily available online or from talking to one our team members over the phone for a few minutes.

Therefore, after carefully reviewing the evidence, the only logical conclusion is that this whole thing is a complete fake. 

We don't know what would motivate someone to broadcast such false hate towards this company but as they say, "haters are going to hate".

Hopefully after reading all this, you have a better understanding of who we are as a company and how much we care about our customers. We want them to be beyond satisfied. And if they are not, we are here, ready, willing and able to make them so.

But we also know how to separate signal from noise and all the evidence points to the fact that this is complete noise, a fake and not a real report from a real dissatisfied customer. Unfortunately, that's the problem with the internet these days. There is far more noise than signal.


United States

#6Author of original report

Wed, November 01, 2017

 So first of all, I don't spend thousands of dollars to shame companies. Its extremely expensive to have this terrible experience and its unfortunate. I spent my hard earned money to join the program thinking I was going to be successful only to fund the lifestyle of the people at the top of this company. There was no payment arrangement, no financial assistance, and no discount. I wish I didn't have to write this review, I wish I made at least my initial investment back, I wish I would have learned something about real estate investing from their 500 page marketing book they send – But NO! Its truly a waste of money. DONT BUY IT. Only marketing materials. Its such a waste.


Also, theres no BBB entry by the way. The system they sell you isn't even created by them its a cookie cutter system that other companies sell too, so really you pay for their email system, “training videos”, and to listen in on conference calls. No real mentorship is being done here. I assumed I was paying for a mentor but NO, NO mentorship. Its basically like if you bring me a house for sale that you aquired from your hard work, your marketing, and your relationships and I tell you you should sell it - now I want 50% of the deal. Even realtors charge 6% and they sell it for you


The last thing I want to say is I have never worked for this company, I am not affiliated with them, Im just another unhappy customer that decided to voice the truth and share my experience. If you're reading this, I cant tell you what to do with your money but if you plan on investing to become a real estate investor you would be better off spending your money on real books.  

Customer Service

Miami Beach,
Here to Help

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 29, 2017

This is the first time in our company's history that a report such as this has been written about us. We have such an extraordinary reputation for providing the very best education and training in our industry and have hundreds of extremely happy customers. We've taken absolute beginners and transformed into business leaders earning upwards of half a million or more per year. Our team is shocked, dismayed and saddened by the allegations set forth above and hope that we can clarify as well as resolve this as quickly as possible because we have transformed the lives of people from all walks of life over the past 10 years through the power of our innovative strategies and our one on one mentoring format.

First, to the author of the above; we would kindly and respectfully request you identify yourself to us so that we may help you. You seem deeply troubled and we are here to help. This organization was created to help people and we have done so for a very long time. It sounds like you need our help now, more than ever. Please, please, please reach out to our team so that we may help you.

Now, to respond to the accusations recounted in the above rant...

We offer different levels to join. Some choose to join at a higher level than others. It isn't a sliding scale and is not dependant on how much an applicant has. We provide prospective customers with several options based on their unique situation and circumstances and they choose which level they want to enter. 

We make it crystal clear prior to joining our program that the purchase is completely non-refundable. We don't ever want someone to be confused on this matter. The reason why our program is non-refundable is because once someone is given the proverbial keys to the kingdom and is shown exactly how we do what we do, and is shown our proprietary and extremely valuable wisdom, that person can no longer "give back" that knowledge to us. And that individual, now empowered with the knowledge that has taken us a lifetime to acquire at an enormous cost of time, energy and money, can compete against us. We're in a business that has one major barrier to entry...knowledge. Because if you know what you are doing, you don't need much else to be extremely successful. You don't need a factory, employees, equipment, special licenses or certifications, good credit, and on and on. The primary thing you need is knowledge. So from a prudent and responsible business perspective, protecting our intellectual property and our position in the marketplace is paramount to our long term sustained success. So, therefore, our program is non-refundable.

As to the part about being charged after this person stopped the program, that would have to be verified and could easily be corrected but our accounting team is first class and we haven't seen that happen in the past. We do charge a monthly fee of $197 which covers a multitude of ongoing expenses that our company incur to provide all the tools and resources that accompany this all inclusive and extremely robust program. We also make this very clear prior to joining to prospective customers. 

The comments about the program being vague and our people not being available to answer questions is just so insanely inaccurate that it makes us wonder if this respondent is even a real customer to begin with? We did just have to fire a team member and that person may be disgruntled and may be posting this in retaliation? Worthy of note is that this respondent inputted being located in Pennsylvania but its IP address was Arizona. Which is strange?

Putting that conspiracy theory aside, the resources in our program are so specific, down to screen cast videos showing exactly where to click and what to input, and we are answering literally 1,000s of questions a week, week after week. The brains of our team members throb by Saturday afternoon (that's right, we work on the weekends too) because of all the question answering. Our statistics show that on average, a closed deal requires more than 300 questions to be answered. 300! That's for 1 deal. Now multiple that by 1,000s of deals over our company's history and you start to see just how many questions we have answered for our customers. We're far more available than any other in our industry. In fact, Phil's wife has often accused him of putting his customers ahead of his own family because he spends so much extra time mentoring.

Assuming this was written by an actual customer, the one logical explanation for some of the frustrations would be that the person didn't follow through with the program. In much the same way that a world class fitness trainer could provide the best work out plan along with the best fitness machines and weights, the greatest nutrition plan and the very best support; if the recipient didn't utilize what they had access to and didn't do everything in the plan, they wouldn't get the results they were after. And although they could blame the trainer and their program, it wouldn't be the trainer's fault.

Our company has created more and better results than any other company in our industry's history. The number of deals that our customers are closing as a result of this program is simply astounding when you consider how challenging this business can be. In order to close as many deals as we are closing, you have to be incredibly detailed about every minute detail of this business. It's a very competitive environment out there and to beat the competition, you have to be sharper than them all. We transform people into being the sharpest investors in existence. We're the best at what we do. So if you are serious about real estate investing, you won't find a better organization to mentor you. And as you can see, we deeply care about each and every customer and want them to help them however we can.

Reports & Rebuttal
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