  • Report:  #45948

Complaint Review: Freedom Resources - Atlantic Georgia

Reported By:
- Dublin, Virginia,

Freedom Resources
Atlantic GA Atlantic, Georgia, U.S.A.
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Hello I was scammed out of $ 221.95 by a guy by the name of Adam Green (5062) is his number . They lied about the credit card its a prepaid card that u use your money to pay on the card then use it off. That is why there is O% interest on the card.

I have tried to contact them about my money and they keep putting me off they keep telling me different thing s why there is a hold up.That is why i come here to file the report. Be on the look out for a woman named Nataha too They take your money and try not to return it to you I hope everyone takes the common sense and pays attention to this

do not take any calls from any credit company if you do ask them to send you paper work in the mail and you willgo from there


Dublin, Virginia

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