  • Report:  #452342

Complaint Review: Frys Frys Electronics - San Jose California

Reported By:
- bothell, Washington,

Frys Frys Electronics
600 E. Brokaw Rd San Jose, 95112 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dear Fry's Electronics, Frys.com and outpost.com, I am ending my relationship with you. After several years of what I thought was geek bliss, I have been made a fool of for the last time and will no longer deal with you.

How our relationship began:

I was first introduced to Fry's Electronics in May of 2004 while attending a month- long Network Engineering boot camp in Irvine CA. Walking in the front door of Fry's, I fell immediately into geek love at all the options and cool electronics.

September 2004:

Moved to within walking distance of Fry's Electronics in Renton, WA. Bought all of my computer parts there for myself, friends, family and the occasional customer that wanted an Uber system--around 40 computers (with LCDs to go with them).

May 2006:

Moved into my new house 40 miles away from Fry's Electronics. Bought a new Harmon Cardon audio system ($2500 by itself) with an extended service plan (because, hey, I can fix computers, not audio equipment); Monster cable wiring for speakers, monster cables for a/v connections, upgrades for my computer, a new computer desk

Jan 2007:

Convinced most of my non-geek friends that if they ever want anything, I'll take them down to Fry's Electronics (even though it is 40 miles away) and get what they need.

Feb. 2007 - March 2009

Went out of my way to travel to Fry's Electronics to help my friends and family purchase:

Another Harmon Cardon system just like mine; A ~$1,800 Sony system, a 32" plasma TV, a 52" plasma TV, a 60+ rear projection TV, 10 computers and numerous upgrades to older computers

April 20th, 2009

My Amp went out on my Subwoofer and my AVR was starting to "Protect" at low volumes. I called Fry's Electronics in Renton to make sure my service plan was still valid. They looked up my sales receipt and said it was good until June.

May 8, 2009

Detached my AVR and Subwoofer from the rest of my system. Traveled 1.5 hours (due to traffic) to Fry's Electronics to get them repaired. I had some other computer buying needs, so I figured I would research what I wanted while I was down there.

Waited patiently in line at the service counter and after a delay was told I needed my transaction number. Waited in another line at Customer Service to get it; went back to service and waited again.

Told them my issue. While slightly scowling at me, the Sr. Tech told the junior tech to check the transaction, because, "Maybe that will solve our problems" (Direct quote). Suddenly, to my surprise, they told me I didn't have a 3 year service contract. I said there must be a mistake. I know I purchased one. I wouldn't spend a total of $3,000 on a very nice audio system and after market wiring and not spend the comparable little bit of money to get the service contract--it was less than the monster cable wiring I bought at the same time for crap sake. They said I didn't have one. I asked to speak with the manager. End result: they wouldn't help me out. Basically said I was lying to them that I ever called down there. They asked me for a name. I asked Why should I need to bring a name of a person who confirmed what I already knew, that I had a warranty. I knew it for 3 years! I was just double checking the end date. Needless to say, I left without looking at new computer parts.

So, Fry's Electronics, I now know my geek love for you was a bug to flame. I got burned--scorched-- especially when I got home to tell my wife the bad news. I've sent a couple requests to talk to your CS people, but have not had a response. So I say this to you now: You may have saved yourself a couple hundred dollars, maybe even a grand if my receiver had to be replaced, but without some recourse, you have lost all of my, all of my friend's and all of my family's future business. We won't be back to buy any electronics.


bothell, Washington


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1 Updates & Rebuttals


West Plains,
Your Records?


Thu, August 20, 2009

This is exactly what is wrong with the consumer mind-set today. Consumers love the low-price and convience and mass-market products and big-box stores, but don't want to accept the responsibility that comes along with it. Back in the day when the mom-and-pop store had maybe a customer base of only a hundred, maybe two, each customer could get all the attention in the world. The store would bend over backwards to keep that one person. If you lost your warranty paper-work or somthing it's ok, cause the owner knows your face and knows who you are and what you bought. But the products they sold had to have a much higher profit margin because there were fewer customers. Now-a-days mass-market product are release with very low profit margins, banking on the fact that thousands and thousands of units will be sold. Customers enjoy the benefit of being able to walk into a store and buy equipment at lower prices, but don't like the fact that part of the support experiance is now their responsibility. Frys has hundred of thousands of customers nation wide, thousands perhaps at one store alone. They can't be expected to remember your face, what you bought, and what you are entitled to. They keep records of things like warranties sure, but those records are input by humans, and humans make mistakes, so even if it's only one time out of a thousand that an agent spells your last name wrong, or files your warranty under the wrong account, that still means there is a lost warranty out there somewhere. That is why it is a customer's responsibility to keep records of those things themselves. Keep your reciept that shows you bought the warranty, keep your contract, keep your credit card statment. If you assume that a national company with hundreds of thousands of customers will never make a record-keeping mistake...you are a moron....that is WHY RECIEPTS EXSIST. Did you ever stop to think of why the idea of a reciept exsists? The whole point of a reciept is to allow you proof if something goes awry with the merchant. Receipts are there for everyone's benefit, the merchant and you. So there are two records. And what is Frys supposed to do in your situation? They have no record of your warranty...you have no record...are they just supposed to go "aw shucks, he seems like an honest fella, let's just give it to him." Frys is fully aware that, even if it's very rare, they will occasionaly lose customer records, it's not on purpose, they have no interest in ripping your off for a lousy $500 or so, but human error dictates that it will happen sometimes. So why don't they just honor it if the customer says so? Well if you have ever worked in customer service you know the answer to this...people lie...all the time. If people feel they are entitled to somthing all morality goes out the window and they will rob a company blind if they can. So for every one person who comes in and is telling the truth when they say "I had a warranty" there will be 40 people lieing about it. It's just not finacialy worth it. Its tragic to loose a customer, but they can't just assume your telling the truth, cause most people don't tell the truth. Of course this could all be avoided if you did what a responsible customer should do and held onto your records. Long story short.....if you enjoy the prices your get at a bix-box electronics store, you have to accept that fact that you bear more customer responsibility. If you want unconditional "customer is always right" style service, you can still get that. Go to a small specialized shop. Of course you will pay more, but you will get the customer service you want. I guess the main criticizm I would have about you personaly is this..... You admit to having love Frys and been nothing but satisfied with them for years. You enjoy their store, their prices, and their prodcuts. But because they made a human error, and you didn't do your due diligance....you are willing to deflame and condem their entier company. It's not like you are free of blame here. A warranty is a contract, when you make a contract each party gets a copy, they lost their copy...but you didn't have yours either....seems to be you bear almost as much blame as they do, maybe not for the service, but for the records being lost. Big Box stores are too much for you to handle, please shop only at small specialized shops from now on.

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