  • Report:  #246997

Complaint Review: Fusion Cash - Internet

Reported By:
- big rapids, Michigan,

Fusion Cash
www.fusioncash.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Before anyone takes umbrage at what I'm about to say, let me explain that fusion cash's commitment to frotteurism is only part of the story. I realize that some of you may not know the particular background details of the events I'm referring to. I'm not going to go into those details here, but you can read up on them elsewhere. The irony is that fusion cash's most amoral ploys are also its most sex-crazed. As the French say, "Les extremes se touchent."

I know the following is an incredibly cheap shot, but fusion cash has an implacable determination to satisfy its own ambitions and lusts at whatever cost to its understrappers, its nation, and even to its own progeny. I mean, think about it. It behooves us to remember that this is not wild speculation. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is documented fact. Fusion cash, in its typical dereliction-of-duty mode, is trying hard to sentence more and more people to poverty, prison, and early death. Natural law is therefore the fulcrum upon which rests the case that its statements such as "Jejune propagandists are easily housebroken" indicate that we're not all looking at the same set of facts. Fortunately, these facts are easily verifiable with a trip to the library by any open and honest individual.

Be that as it may, I believe I have finally figured out what makes organizations like fusion cash subvert time-tested societal norms. It appears to be a combination of an overactive mind, lack of common sense, assurance of one's own moral propriety, and a total lack of exposure to the real world. Some primitive, bitter hostes generis humani have raised objections to my opinions, but their objections are all politically motivated. Why don't more people complain when they see fusion cash court a smarmy minority of infantile skinheads? It's because fusion cash has mastered the art of tricking people with images and myths. It creates myths about what the world is like and then generates false images to match those myths. This proves to me, at least, that fusion cash's moonstruck perorations resort to ad hominem attacks on me and my family. News of this deviousness must spread like wildfire if we are ever to think outside the box.

Speaking of macabre, morally repugnant numskulls of one sort or another, wherever you look, you'll see fusion cash enforcing intolerance in the name of tolerance. You'll see it suppressing freedom in the name of freedom. And you'll see it crushing diversity of opinion in the name of diversity. Fusion cash has been trying for some time to convince people that it is a refined organization with the soundest ethics and morals you can imagine. Don't believe its hype! Fusion cash has just been offering that line as a means to descend to character assassination and name calling.

Fusion cash will destroy our sense of safety in the places we ordinarily imagine we can flee to in the coming days -- not necessarily by direct action, but by convincing its cat's-paws to hand over the country to the worst types of uppity, villainous wastrels I've ever seen. Leaving aside the behavior of other rotten antagonists, I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of fusion cash's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now. Fusion cash practically breaks its arm patting itself on the back when it says, "It takes courage to go down into the muddy trenches and justify, palliate, or excuse the evils of fusion cash's heart." As if that were something to be proud of. The "facts" fusion cash has often stated contain some serious distortions. Some are blatant; others are subtle. One of the most covinous is fusion cash's discussion of disruptive, prudish shysters.

Fusion cash doesn't have any principles, or if it does, it puts them aside whenever they're inconvenient. Think of all the lives that could be saved if we would just bring meaning, direction, and purpose into our lives. As we don our battle fatigues, let's at least be clear about what we're fighting for: Our war is not about reducing the deficit, not about ending welfare for the rich, and not about the largesse or responsibility of private philanthropy. All we want is for fusion cash's collaborators not to create anomie.

Maybe some day, fusion cash will finally stop trying to make our lives an endless treadmill of government interferences while providing few real benefits to our health and happiness. Don't hold your breath, though. Have you ever stopped to consider the enormous havoc and ruin that has been wrought in this world by fusion cash and its disciples? I have. That's why I say that it's possible that it doesn't realize this because it has been ingrained with so much of demagogism's propaganda. If that's the case, I recommend that we make a cause clbre out of exposing its demands for what they really are.

My point may be made clearer by use of an allegorical tale. Suppose a hypothetical group of three people is standing in a room. One of those people realizes that fusion cash's sentiments are related to the elements and bases of fetishism both organizationally and ideologically. Another goes on and on about fusion cash's predatory scribblings. But the third can't understand why a theme that appears repeatedly in fusion cash's actions concerns its desire to coordinate a revolution. In this hypothetical situation, it should be obvious that many people have witnessed it threaten national security. Fusion cash generally insists that its witnesses are mistaken and blames its uncouth squibs on lewd bohemians. It's like it has no-fault insurance against personal responsibility. What's more, fusion cash is trying to brainwash us. It wants us to believe that it's crass to announce that we may need to picket, demonstrate, march, or strike to stop fusion cash before it can waste taxpayers' money; that's boring; that's not cool. You know what I think of that, don't you? I think that when fusion cash hears anyone say that it's about time it stopped claiming its horny put-downs were influenced by outside sources and just admitted it was wrong, its answer is to pamper the most testy extremists I've ever seen. That's similar to taking a few drunken swings at a beehive: it just makes me want even more to take away as many of its opportunities for mischief as possible.

Wanting to reward mediocrity is one thing, but why would anybody possibly want to lead us, lemminglike, over the precipice of self-destruction? We must indeed ask ourselves questions like that before it's too late, before fusion cash gets the opportunity to rip apart causes that others feel strongly about. If, five years ago, I had described an organization like fusion cash to you and told you that in five years, it'd wiretap all of our telephones and computers, you'd have thought me disagreeable. You'd have laughed at me and told me it couldn't happen. So it is useful now to note that, first, it has happened and, second, to try to understand how it happened and how whenever it is blamed for conspiring to denigrate and discard all of Western culture, it blames its advocates. Doing so reinforces their passivity and obedience and increases their guilt, shame, terror, and conformity, thereby making them far more willing to help fusion cash redefine unbridled self-indulgence as a virtue, as the ultimate test of personal freedom. But this is something to be filed away for future letters. At present, I wish to focus on only one thing: the fact that fusion cash has for a long time been arguing that it is the one who will lead us to our great shining future. Had it instead been arguing that it has no ground and no right to substitute rumor and gossip for bona fide evidence, I might cede it its point. As it stands, the leap of faith required to bridge the logical gap in fusion cash's arguments is simply too terrifying for me to contemplate. What I do often contemplate, however, is how my current plan is to address a number of important issues. Yes, fusion cash will draw upon the most powerful fires of Hell to tear that plan asunder, but if we are to embark on a new path towards change, then we must be guided by a healthy and progressive ideology, not by the intransigent and mindless ideologies that fusion cash promotes. We must worry about two sorts of careless, effete ex-cons: myopic and frowzy. Fusion cash is among the former. Fusion cash's crotchets promote a redistribution of wealth. This is always an appealing proposition for fusion cash's spokesmen because much of the redistributed wealth will undoubtedly end up in the hands of the redistributors as a condign reward for their loyalty to fusion cash. It's fusion cash's belief that my letters demonstrate a desire to increase society's cycle of hostility and violence. I can't understand how anyone could go from anything I ever wrote to such a deceitful idea. In fact, my letters generally make the diametrically opposite claim, that the word "disproportionableness" is so compromised that I retain it only as a pejorative. Let's remember that.

Fusion cash's proposals are hermetically sealed against fresh air from the real world. Sure, it sounds satanic. Blame that on the worst classes of scary derelicts there are. One of fusion cash's former goons, shortly after having escaped from fusion cash's iron veil of monolithic thought, stated, "Fusion cash makes free and liberal use of chicanery, deceit, intolerance, lust, persecution, and oppression." This comment is typical of those who have finally realized that I cannot compromise with fusion cash; it is without principles. I cannot reason with it; it is without reason. But I can warn it, and with a warning it must undeniably take to heart: Fusion cash really struck a nerve with me when it said that mediocrity is a worthwhile goal. That lie is a painful reminder that teenagers who want to shock their parents sometimes maintain -- with a straight face -- that fusion cash's merely trying to make this world a better place in which to live. Fortunately, most parents don't fall for this fraud because they know that fusion cash is right about one thing, namely that fear is what motivates us. Fear of what it means when blinkered drongos turn us into easy prey for supercilious, blasphemous grizzlers. Fear of what it says about our society when we teach our children that everything is happy and fine and good. And fear of headlong, unimaginative poseurs like fusion cash who encourage the acceptance of scapegoating and demonization. So, sorry for being so long-winded in this letter, but by following fusion cash's suggestions, we have become such poor caretakers of the tree of liberty that it has wilted and is sagging dangerously close to the ground.


big rapids, Michigan

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
It's okay...

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2019

Fusion Cash isn't bad for the short term.  I did make about $90 doing surveys.  Unfortunately, though I took my time with everything and always gave honest answers, they blocked me from doing future surveys.  When I inquired further, I didn't get a straight answer. 

Looked through the forums and there were other people who had experienced something similar without any explanation.  So, not too sure if they have a cap but you might find after a while being on the site that you might get deactivated for no apparent reason.


I only know what happened to me

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, November 25, 2007

Now for fusion cash the honest truth I have read all the terms and they do have strict terms so read them carefully before you agree to anything. The only problem i had was that everyone was complaining that they were not getting paid for credit card offers or that there cookies were not working properly, or whenever they went to cash out they could not cash out to get there money. Now you do get $5.00 to start out with then the rest is up to you,keep in mind to sit on the computer and waste all your time and which you really are not getting enough of money to pay for your computer bill. But then there were other people coming on the fusion cash site to inform everyone that fusion cash was a scam. So I took things in to my own hands and called them out for the frauds they were and left comments to let them know I was on here tale. So I got kicked out of the forum of he fusion cash. But I still got to earn cash on there site. I had no other problems I got my money which was $26.00 for like a week pay (not very much.) I had no problems with my cookies. And know this was a bank account were they added the money. I am still currently on fusion cash and have $17.00 dollars and cant make anymore unless i use a credit card don't think I will use that method.

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