  • Report:  #637692

Complaint Review: Gamestop - Hinesville Georgia

Reported By:
Ben10 - Hinesville, Georgia, USA

755 West Oglethorpe Hwy Hinesville, 31313 Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

An entry level employee at Gamestop greets customers, discusses video games/systems, organizes games, and rings up products. Elementary isnt it?

Then why is it that in about 7 months of applying  for this entry level position in Hinesville GA have i not gotten an interview for a minimum wage job? I even indicated in some applications that i was willing to do part time. (At that gamestop its probably the only thing youre going to get, )

They cant possibly judge me to be incompetent without violating the law.  I have extensive video game knowledge and playing experience. Ive owned almost every system since NES, and have above average computer knowledge. I have no criminal record.

 My age represents the video game playing populace fairly well. They see me in the store often, they know im familiar with the surroundings of the store.

They do this to me after i heard from the manager herself (maybe that's part of the problem) that they were hiring during March/April. I go there frequently and occasionally see new people. I have also noticed an older male manager there.

The workforce seems disproportionately female. Ive noticed this in some other retail stores in Hinesville. Ive seen only three men there who were non-managers and 4 total.

Even if Gamestop wants to hire women simply to attract men to their stores, which i heard as some rumor, you cant reject me simple because im male, if thats indeed what they are doing.

Whats even more annoying is that, as I observed the women over a period time, I quickly realized that most of them hardly knew anything about video games, or current or soon to be released video games!

I frequently travelled the gamestop at Ft. Stewart from late 08 through late 09. They didnt share this mentality. In fact most of them were older, and it was about even male/female.

I bet if i just sat there for the next six months, continuing to make my interest in employment known, i would  see Hinesville gamestop hire three or four more people, 3-4 of them female, and i wouldnt get an interview like im some piece of crap not good enough to work there, already predetermined.

In fact, this is what they are telling me now by what they are doing. They already screw me over on defective merchandise and now this. Gamestop continues its ripoff.

13 Updates & Rebuttals


Oh Ben.....

#2General Comment

Wed, September 29, 2010

There is no law that says they have to interview you.  It is obvious that they know you as a regular customer, and that they think you are trouble.  Knowledge of product is in no way some magic key to get you in the door at any company.  In fact, it's all about customer service. Anyone can learn about whatever the product is, but if you have an overbearing demeaner, and lets face it.....YA DO....they are just stearing clear of what they see as potential trouble.


Ben, Ben, Ben

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2010

I've read both of your complaints which were mentioned by a replying consumer and I just cant be on your side. You portray yourself as a stubborn person that feels he's owed something by everybody. We know you have access to a computer and have some video game experience, so why not direct your brainpower into being an asset to society. You obviously took the wrong path but if your any kind of decent person you can turn around from your downhill spiral. Think about?


To be clear

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2010

To make it clear why I don't know much about employment law but was responsible for hiring people.

I worked for a K12 school system as the Director of Technology.  When we needed to hire someone, I did all the interviewing and submitted my recommendations to the school board.  They are the ones who had to know the laws and actually technically did the hiring.  They always took my recommendations if I was breaking any laws they would have let me know.


Pretty clear

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2010

I apparently understand the employment procedures better than you, I have a job and have had for 50 years.

With your attitude it's pretty clear why you don't get hired. I've had people like you apply and they were not even considered.

My post was just some friendly advice that might help you get a job. It doesn't matter to me whether you use it or not.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Okay..don't hire me to be a manager with your company..

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2010

I have no problem with that. Since you can't seem to even get a job at a car wash.

But if you are ever in L.A., I will be willing to let you wash my car and pay you fairly for it..just please do not destroy the finish.


Ha Ha.Funny.

#7Author of original report

Tue, September 14, 2010


Car Wash Express Consumer comment-

"Well, it certainly is not doing you any good to post your dissertations here.

Please report it to the EEOC and let us know what the resolution is.  I admit to having almost no knowledge of employment law and would be genuinely interested in what the real officials say as opposed to 'Internet experts'"

Ha ha. Funny. How about you learn about EEOC regs before you decide to open your mouth about the employment process! Unbelievable! You shouldnt have been in a position to hire anyone being so ignorant.

Ronny g that goes for you as well. I wouldnt hire you to be my manager at my company if i had one.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I'd have to agree....

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, September 08, 2010

..with Ramjet in this case.

I have applied 3 different occasions this year for a promotion...did not get it..and did not know why. I just blamed everyone else.

So, the last time I did not get the promotion..I simply asked why.

The person who interviewed me and informed me I did not get the promotion answered.. and I quote, "hardly anyone ever asks me that..but I will be glad to tell you why".

What she told me, was that it had nothing to do with race, age, religion, background etc...but how I was answering the questions.. She suggested I ask one of the current managers for an "interview package".

I did just that...studied it...understood it..and the next interview....I got the promotion.

So, what it took was instead of me complaining and blaming everyone else... was only a simple matter of asking why, doing as suggested..and then complying. That was the "secret".


Something to consider

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, September 08, 2010

I have been in a position to hire people in my career.  After I hire someone, I've had people who I didn't hire call me to see If I could help them understand why they weren't hired and what I thought they could do to increase their chances at their next application.  They were respectful and did not have a chip on their shoulder but honestly wanted my opinion.  I expect that with that attitude and approach they will get a good job.

This seems like a sound approach to me. People who have called and whined just reaffirmed that I made the correct decision in not hiring them.

I often had several excellent applicants but you can only choose one and it's usually not personal, just business.

Check your attitude.


Stop blaming the world

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2010


    After reading all of your ripoff reports, it is obvious that you have the "its not me its them" mentality.  Hopefully you will get a good job in the future, but complaining about everyone that does not hire you is just childish.  This website is for people that are actually ripped off, not for people that are not hired for a job.  I would imagine the way you are acting on this forum probably bled through your application, and anytime you spoke with someone at Gamestop.  Try looking at what your doing wrong, rather then blaming the world when things do not go your way.  I see you are very good at spotting totally unrelated things and making them some how relevant to your situation (i.e. the Gamestop manager was a female, the police officer [from another of your posts] was black, etc..) - maybe be a journalist?



#11Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2010

You seem to have some discrimination issues that you really should seek some professional help on.

First it was a Car Wash...


Then it was the Hinesville Police Department..


Now it is Gamestop.

You know with all of these problems perhaps you should think about moving.  I hear Phenix City, Alabama is a nice place.  Perhaps you should go there and find someone named Charles, you two may actually have a lot in common.


employment issues

#12Author of original report

Tue, September 07, 2010

"Filling out a job application does not guarantee a job interview. In fact, unemployment is extremely high among your demographic and entry level positions typically see far more applicants than a company will interview. "

The first part of your statement holds a bit of truth to it. Of course, simply by applying, one cannot assume he meets qualfications. If thinking in general terms and just considering an unspecified application,  this is correct.

 But, different jobs hold different qualifications. A person cannot reasonably compare an entry level gamestop job's qualifications to that of President of  Operations at a well established company.

For a position such as this, there just arent many qualifications. In fact, the entry position by definition requires little to no training. Learning to operate the cash register for instance, is very simple and requires little effort.

One positive aspect of a potential employee that Gamestop advertises to consider is knowledge of video games, systems, accesories and computers. This is specifically mentioned on the application, where an applicant is asked to list gaming and computer knowledge.

A job interview is not a guarantee of hire and shouldnt be treated as such. There is nothing from the application that can be used to automatically bar me from such an interview.

The purpose of interview is to get an understanding of the intelligence/skills/morality of the person. If all truths were clear from a piece of paper, then there would be no point in doing it.

Like with the consideration for employment of those who have been interviewed, employers must also follow guidelines when it comes to who they decide to interview.

Does their interview process match their advertising?Is their advertising in accordance with established law? Are their requirements reasonable for the position offered?

 Are their selections of interview candidates done with the law in mind?

The job im applying for is something that teenagers can and have gotten, with no job history mind you.

Ronny g, what you mentioned may occur, but only continues to occur because people let in. Its illegal because it discourages members of other races from applying.





Ronny g

North hollywood,
Don't move to L.A.

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2010

I am fortunate...but there was a time when I was not so much.

The only jobs listed in any local employment publications..was for the LAPD.

I would not have mined joining law enforcement, actually I think I would have rather liked it.

Problem was...in black and white print in the ad..it states they are only hiring Mexicans, and transvestites.

Since there is little chance myself as a white Anglo can pass for Mexican..my only other options were to remain unemployed, start my own business...or grow some breasts, put on make up... and apply.

I chose to start my own business. But there always was option 2.

I do not know if this info helps or hurts your case..but apparently employers still have the right to chose who they wish to hire based on race and sex.


Not a ripoff...

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2010

Filling out a job application does not guarantee a job interview. In fact, unemployment is extremely high among your demographic and entry level positions typically see far more applicants than a company will interview.

Knowledge of video games is nice but it won't necessarily get you a job. There are other skills that employers look for besides knowing the differences between MW2, COD, WFC and Metroid: Other M.

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