  • Report:  #857545

Complaint Review: Garden Homes Realty - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:
Lora - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America

Garden Homes Realty
516 e mills ave Indianapolis, 46227 Indiana, United States of America
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My story is the same as everyone elses, I saw a ad on craigslist, I answered it. I should have listened to my gut, if it sounds to good to be true, it is. But sadly I signed my name and gave up $1500.00 and moved into 1952 Lilac Dr. Indianapolis, In. 46227 in December 2011.

David Garden did not live up to his word from the get go, I sent him a email and let him know I am not stupid, and I do know the law. He called me up, made things right for the minute and begged me to come work for him, and I did at Christmas, Now why would I do this you wonder.

There is a old saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I went up there and worked for a few days, trying to get the "scoop" on this man and this company so I would know what I was dealing with, and I am PROUD to say, David Garden feel for it hook line and sinker.

I was able to hear from MANY renters who were scammed, cheated and I personally watched David Garden always say the person who was mad was crazy, unstable, bi-polar he always went off on the people and always threatened everyone with the police and restraing orders.

Now you do not think this man paid me?  Well he had an excuse for that tooo, tomorrow. Which never came. I did see him offer a 19 year old girl named Brianna, who is the maintance man Mike Constoles..aka Mike the Builders daughter $300 for sex, he tried the "hitting' on me and making sexual comments and got put in his place very fast. Now I sent him emails and phone calls asking when I would be paid, finally told him to stick it up his A ** ! 

While I was working there those few days, for free I checked emails and looked up phone numbers and I listened. He should have known what I thought of him when I busted him out infront of his entire staff for keeping Labido pills out in the open in the office.

So he sends Mike the Builder to the house on Christmas Eve wanting the key to his office, and wanting to know if I would work Monday, I laughed, gave him the key and threw him out. Thats where it got nasty.

All through Jan. David Garden had Diana Deer call me and email me to the point I told her to stop harrassing me. I asked for a SIGNED copy of my lease, never got it, asked again and got one mailed to the wrong name and wrong address. NOT SIGNED !

Then I had a very tragic and upsetting thing happen to my family and in the middle of it, Diana keeps calling wanting to show the house, that I thought I was buying. I even told mole face what was happening thinking they were human.....OH I WAS WRONG. The calls and harrassment kept coming, they would text me over and over to confirm if I was home or out or at least try.

They even had the neerve to make fun of my problem and make fun of my children.

David Garden used Mike the maint man  to enter my home, when I was NOT there and was not given a notice like the lease stated. I came home and found my dog that is very large locked in the garage, only person not scared of the dog was Mike.

Needless to say, I did tell David Garden to his face once when he told me he always wins in court, that the only reason he always wins is because he has never went up against me.

Feb I did not pay him, I paid Perry Township court and sued him for every penny I gave him plus $2000 moving cost. Perry Township court HATES this man and the judge told him to his face, they would be looking into the ownership of this home. As my spy trap turned up phone numbers and contacts, I learned he does NOT own these homes, they are all in foreclosure and he signs quick claim deeds and never pays bank, takes peoples money till the sheriff puts them out.

1952 Lilac was the same, I got my letters from the sheriff, and Lilac Dr sold today at sheriff sale. But he already moved another family in the day I left, so they will be homesless in a few weeks due to David, but I tried to warn them but I was the same as all the others, David Garden told everyone I was unstable, crazy, bi-polar. He has sent me emails saying this, and phone calls but NEVER says one word to my face. So the 2nd court date is tomorrow and JUSTICE will be served.

He did have the nerve to say good morning to me in court, which I refused to say one word to the man, but if looks could kill I would be dead. LOL He was stunned to find me sitting behind Bill Wurst his attorney having a very nice chat with Bill.


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