  • Report:  #45129

Complaint Review: GBY Liquidations - Gulfport Mississippi

Reported By:
- Yarmouth, Nova Scotia,

GBY Liquidations
14231 Seaway RD. B4 Gulfport, 39503 Mississippi, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well i brokered products for this company for about 3 and a half months. Everything went good. Until the last order i put through to them.

The amount of the order was $4550.00 for 500 pair of shoes. These were supposed to be delivered to my client immediatly. I sent this money by wire transfer on 10/28/02. They told me shoes were picked up by got stolen off the truck. They would never provide a tracking number or anything to prove this.

I have waited over 3 months and have got nothing. I have refunded my client his money. But now i want my $4550 back that i have wired GBY Liquidations. I have all wire transfer receipt to prove this. They will not take my calls or respond by email to me, as i have called, faxed and emailed numerous times.

Please let me know if there is anything you can do. Thank you.


Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Additional Concerns Regarding GBY Liquidations

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

We recently wired funds in the amount of nearly $4,000 to this company. They arranged their own shipping company. However, we did not receive goods as we were told they, too, were "stolen". We are willing to work with any company or individual that wishes to pursue legal action against GBY for claim issues. Thank You.


Additional Concerns Regarding GBY Liquidations

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

We recently wired funds in the amount of nearly $4,000 to this company. They arranged their own shipping company. However, we did not receive goods as we were told they, too, were "stolen". We are willing to work with any company or individual that wishes to pursue legal action against GBY for claim issues. Thank You.


Additional Concerns Regarding GBY Liquidations

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

We recently wired funds in the amount of nearly $4,000 to this company. They arranged their own shipping company. However, we did not receive goods as we were told they, too, were "stolen". We are willing to work with any company or individual that wishes to pursue legal action against GBY for claim issues. Thank You.

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