  • Report:  #1135555

Complaint Review: Geek Squad - Nationwide

Reported By:
JasonK - Los Angeles, California,

Geek Squad
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Ill preface this with stating that I'm relatively computer savvy, however there are times when I simply do not have the time to fix the issues caused by my families web browsing habits, nor the patience. I've utilized Geek Squad quite a few times since the late 2000's with problems here and there, but nothing like what I've experienced the last year of doing business with them. The most recent experience I've had with the Geek Squad has left an incredibly sour taste in my mouth.

In early March, I took a computer into Geek Squad to have them remove an apparent virus. My eldest son had been using the PC for "homework," and had been complaining of numerous pop ups and issues where the browser would take you to a, less than desirable, website other than where you requested to go. I spent about an hour going through it and trying to remove the virus. The conclusion that I had was that the infection was beyond my abilities and would have to be looked at by a professional.

The next day, I took it in and dropped it off with the familiar faces at my local best buy. One of the guys in there recognized me and got the paperwork started as usual. Took my concerns down, noted the hardware I’d dropped off and said they would call the next day after he had a chance to look at it. Next day rolls around- No Call. Next Day – No Call. Five days into it I receive a call, from someone other than my normal tech, who says the problem is fixed, and the PC is ready for pickup.

$199.99—Not too bad, considering it was 4 or 5 days’ worth of work on the computer, I’m just happy to have the computer back. It’s hard to share the three computers we have in the house with the 5 family members in our household. Upon getting the computer home, hooked up, and turned on the first thing I noticed was that the computer was NOT fixed. It was exactly how it was when I had dropped it off. I contacted the store that evening and was instructed to bring the machine back in, and they would look at it.

I immediately unplugged it, drove it back over, and dropped it off with the same technician that released it to me just hours earlier. The tech informed me that it would be looked at first thing in the morning, by the technician that usually works on my machines. At this point, I am upset, but more frustrated. I am very understanding and do realize that things happen. This is a fact of life. The problem occurred when 48 hours later, I get a call to pick the computer up. Rinse and repeat.

Get the machine home, kids are using it for a few hours to get homework down, the pop ups appear and the “browser redirects” start happening, this time much worse than before. The computer is now locked up and unusable. It was at this point, we shut the machine off and left it alone. The following morning, I called and spoke with a Geek Squad supervisor about getting a full refund for the service. The manager instructed me to bring the computer in and they would take a look at it.

At this point I told them I had already hired someone else to fix it and repair the issues, and I would prefer a refund. The manager said they could not do that and that I had to bring the machine back in. Obviously, I am unable to do this. I found an online computer repair company, SafePCFix, that will do the repair remotely and while you watch (if you want.) They had walked me through the connection process and were fixing it, while I was on the phone with Geek Squad supervisor trying to get the refund from the botched job.

While they declined to do it, the tech I was working with offered to help me get a refund by providing proof of the rootkit that was still installed on the machine. I contacted the CC Company with the information the technician gave me and they refunded my money back to my account. I’m unsure if Geek Squad is going to fight the case or not, but the technician at safepcfix told me they would help out if they needed to. It took these guys 2 hours to fix Geek Squad’s errors and mistakes.

The computer works better than it did when we purchased it, and I am very happy with the work. I will no longer be using Geek Squad, and I recommend that no one else does either. There are times to skimp on repair services, and when you’re dealing with expensive electronics, its better to do it right the first time. I sincerely hope that none of you have to go through what I did. It has been quite a nightmare. Note: I have annexed some details out of the above story to save time and space. If anyone is interested in getting more details about my experience, please email me and I will be happy to answer any questions that you have.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Re: Robert

#2Author of original report

Sat, April 05, 2014

When I originally sat down to write the review, I was trying to convey my message across as clearly as possible and explain the pains I went through. Towards the end of the review, I realized how long it was and thought I would shorten the ending for those reading.

I never said that I didn’t experience any issues. You're taking my words and switching them around. I said that, "I’ve never experienced anything quite like this." I’ve had PLENTY of issues with Geek Squad. In fact, every single time I’ve taken the computer in to have it repaired, they never called me to keep me updated on the progress, and they never delivered on the date they said they would. It was always a couple hours, or a few days later that the computer was actually done. Additionally, on a few occasions, I had to go behind them and clean up some more after they were done with the computer.

I tried to go to the same Geek Squad Agent over and over because he screwed up my PC's the least. The reason why I kept going with them, is because if I had a major issue, I was usually able to have it resolved quickly. This particular instance was the straw that broke the camels back.

So, please, do not make an assumption that their service was so good, I kept going back. It was the fairest, most realistic thing I could find. When I finally went looking, I found some other companies that offered more, for better cost. And I took a leap with one, and it turned out to work out perfectly.

To expand on how I came up with a figure of $500 - Best Buy charged me $199.99 for a virus removal and $100 or $200 for a backup of files. They originally thought that the hard drive was bad and would need to replace it. Were up to the $300-$400 range. When I suggested that the HD was not the problem, they kept working on the virus issue. I believe they wanted me to wipe the machine and start over, costing me more money. That’s when I said enough was enough, and found the remote guys at safepcfix.com to log in and look at the machine. I had to do it through safe mode I believe, but it worked, and they fixed the problem.

I had to pay them $150 to repair the issue, and another $200 for GUARANTEED virus and malware protection. If my computer is infected again, they'll repair it for free. So that is well over $500 I spent getting this fixed. Realistically, I should get the money back from Geek Squad. John, at safepcfix wrote up a list of the junk that Geek Squad Agents left on my machine and what I needed to do to get it back. I got an email this morning from Visa, saying that they've deposited the money back into my account and expect the case to be closed. Still have 15-20 days to go to know for sure.

I have more details, but I’m trying to keep this simple and to the point. I respect your interest in knowing more about the story and my experience. I assure you this story is NOT exaggerated. Have you read the reviews about Geek Squad? I can’t find a website with any positive reviews on it... Not a single one. Ive read dozens of reviews just like mine- Some of them worse actually.

Think twice before you hire Geek Squad Agents to repair your machine! 


Re: It is simple

#3Author of original report

Sat, April 05, 2014


I definitely agree with you. Most self proclaimed repair technicians I have come acrossed have tried to use windows restore to go back in time and say the computer is fixed. In fact, Best Buy Geek Squad did that to me a couple years back. Makes me wonder exactly how they get as far as they have in that industry.


Your comment about remote fixing doesnt make sense. Ive used remote fix for years and it always fixes the problem. Geek Squad has had it for a couple of years and my new company has box remote and onsite technicians. They both guarantee the results. And as I stated, my computer has been virus free and working properly for about 1.5 months now. These new guys also sold me GUARANTEED security. If I get a virus, they'll remove it for free. Have you heard of a company that will do that? Any "remote" company that stands behind their products with guarantees is aces in my book. 


Your statement that I am overstating and frustrated perturbs me. I am computer literate and would have been able to repair this myself if I had the time and patience to do it. I seeked out help because of my busy schedule and the need to have the computer up and running right away. Its times like those that you need to go to a professional to have the machine repaired.


I agree, it would be nice to know a computer guy. I actually know quite a few of them. However, I'm not exactly the type of friend that is going to bother my friends to look into my computer and its issues. We're all adults here and can fix our own mistakes.


Once again, I do agree with you regarding the education of what to download and not download. Its so easy these days to go to a website and get some sort of an infection that you really need proper software to prevent you from getting said infections.


While I agree with many of your statements, you seem a little short sighted in respect to my situation. I dont think your experience warrants a reply to my message.


It is simple

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, April 02, 2014

Most of the time, what so called "tech" guy would simply use the Windows "restore" functionality and say that it is fixed. Some of virus/worms are persistent and would not be removed because they are stored in the Windows system directory or has no log of installation. As a result the file will neither be overwritten nor removed by the restore functionality. The restore functionality is useless for most virus/worm. It is there to only repair Windows corrupt files. Once restore, the computer works for a little while because the virus/worms will take some times to infect the computer again.

Using "remote fix" as you said will NEVER guarantee the result. Often time, this type of "remote" assistance will screw you up when your computer is perfectly fine. As long as you pay them money, they would fix it to an OK condition. Yeah right, "work better than before" is an over statement. You had been frustrated for a long while and then you suddenly got the working computer back, so you felt that it is now "better" than it used to be.

The best way to solve this kind of issue is to know someone who is a real technical person that works in a private company. Try to be friend with the person and you will have much less headache. Most people who know how to fix this type of problem would have already had experiences from different scenarios.

To prevent anything like this to happen again, teach and supervise everyone how to use the computer. It seems that you completely have no idea where your kids are using the computer for. Yeah right, using it for "homework" and it got infected. However, it seems that you can afford to pay for it, so I will leave this to your own decision.


It is amazing what details you decided to leave out.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, April 02, 2014

Note: I have annexed some details out of the above story to save time and space.

- It is amazing how you write paragraphs upon paragraphs of how bad their service was.  Even though you apparently used them time after time for several years and had no problem with them.  In fact their service was good enough for you to keep going back to them.

Yet, you left off something very important in order to apparently "save space".  Do you know what that was?  No..well let me help you out.  Your title stated the following "...How they cost me over $500..."

So don't you think that if you make a claim that they cost you over $500 you at least take the time and space to explain that?  After all I see a $199 charge that apparently you are now going to dispute.  Or is this a case that you just wanted to exagerate your claims to get people to read your story.  Because if that is the case..one has to wonder what else you exaggerated.



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