  • Report:  #1047211

Complaint Review: Ginger Howells - New York New York

Reported By:
Teresa - Carriere, Mississippi,

Ginger Howells
North Babylon, New York New York, New York, USA
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Ginger Howells, a self-described network marketer, and her collaborators, Team GG, came together in two short-lived Internet “programs” that failed miserably to live up to their promises.

The latest disappointing underperformer of Ginger Howells was/is Dreams Rising. Ginger Howells promised in writing that this would pay participants 10% interest per hour for 11 hours.

Members deposited their funds and began working at re-depositing every hour, many of them losing sleep over it.

The FAQs stated that withdrawal requests would be paid in 24-48 hours of request. Few members, if any at all, received payouts on time. It became apparent when members interacted in the Dreams Rising Skype support chat room (set up by Ginger Howells and Team GG) that some were being paid and some were not. Members protested that they had not been paid at all, while some were known to have been paid multiple times.

Ginger Howells then issued one of her many announcements in the Skype room. Her system for payouts was automated, she claimed. It was set up to pay those who had not been paid first. It would then pay those who were not in profit. It would come back to those who had entered withdrawal requests but were already

in profit. It was not based on the date a withdrawal was requested, Ginger Howells asserted. No one would be left out, she promised.

Later, it came to pass that withdrawals for some members were weeks in arrears. Ginger Howells and her Team GG Skype room moderators demanded “PATIENCE!” She decreed from On High that all would be paid, but they must cease complaining, stop comparing dates on withdrawals posted in the Skype room, and stop asking her why the hell they had received nothing when others had already been paid several times. When the edict of Ginger Howells was disobeyed, she closed the Skype rooms several times to punish those very bad members who made public

their “negative” comments about Dreams Rising. How dare they demand equality? How dare they make public their outrage at the clear favoritism being displayed by the saintly Ginger Howells?

Despite it being claimed that withdrawals were automated, on more than one occasion Ginger Howells ranted to members that she was losing sleep while trying to catch up with their processing. She would announce that hundreds of members had been paid and sums paid out amounted to tens of thousands of dollars. Members were encouraged to post proof that they had been paid in the Skype rooms and external forums. Some did, making it even more clear that sums being paid were woefully short of the claims, as was the number of members said

to have been paid.

Apart from the saintly Ginger Howells simply not having enough waking hours to process all of her ungrateful, greedy members’ withdrawals, a plethora of other calamities plagued Dreams Rising and her previous failed program, Bolazo (www dot bolazo dot com). Withdrawals, whether automated or not, could not be handled while Ginger Howells and Team GG were caring for sick family members and mourning more than one colleague who passed away during the short duration of the two programs. Then there were, of course, DDOS attacks on servers, server crashes that left members’ data unavailable, and so on and so forth. Reams of postings in the Skype rooms left members in no doubt that they must exercise PATIENCE! Or they could take a hike and accept Ginger Howells’s offer to refund only their initial investment. This offer was made many times in the Skype rooms to those unruly impatient, greedy members who expected to be paid what they had been promised.

At some time during all this, Dreams Rising members were issued the additional edict that they must repay 35-50% of any withdrawal to Dreams Rising after they received it. If they did not do this, Ginger Howells’ furious anger would come down upon them in the form of their Dreams Rising accounts being frozen for future payments. No more for you, you greedy people!

Many members, by that time, had resigned themselves to never receiving anything at all, despite the repeated promises of Ginger Howells and Team GG.

Ginger Howells has now earned herself a deserved reputation for promising way too much and delivering little or nothing. It is clear she looks after her buddies and her favorites, while others with money in her programs are left out in the cold. These programs are touted as businesses, but Ginger Howells looks upon them as her own personal benevolent fund that she hands out to members of Team GG and others she deems worthy.

Some key Team GG members are:

  • Doreen Larkman (British)
  • Sam Tope (US)
  • Leonard Howells (US)
  • Julie Grant (Australian)

One key member who does not appear at the Team GG site is a church pastor, Richard Heishman, now retired from Iowa’s Northside Baptist Church.

Richard Heishman was a key proponent of Ginger Howells’s surprise introduction of new rules to the Dreams Rising program. He occasionally excused himself to deal with lengthily announced personal calamities of his own, only to pop up again, and then pop out if things did not seem to be all cheery in the Skype rooms. Yes, they were all still in there whining about not being paid even when Pastor Richard told them to BE PATIENT!

The bottom line, though, was that even those who were patient still ended up not being paid. Zero! Zilch! Nada!

After Bolazo was shut down because of the “server crash” that caused members’ data and account balances to be “irretrievably lost”, refunds of their initial deposits were offered. Some were still unpaid weeks later. And some members were understandably surprised to find that the Bolazo website came back online while the “programmer was working to confirm refund amounts”. Some were even more surprised that they could log in and see their “lost” information, including the full account balances that could not possibly be paid to them as Ginger Howells had promised when they entered her program.

Many of those initial deposits to Bolazo still had not been repaid when Dreams Rising inevitably bit the dust. Members of the latter were then invited to ask for the return of their deposits (SIGH*), or they could stay with Dreams Rising while it underwent a “restructure”. This change to the program was necessary, Ginger Howells announced very belatedly, as “hourly plans do not work for a long term of earnings as we all know”.

It is certain we DO all know a whole lot more than that now. We know that we should lock up our money and run the second there is any mention of Ginger Howells, Team GG, or the Skype IDs live:rockymountaingirl and GG2012. That's what we know for sure.

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