  • Report:  #268082

Complaint Review: Gmac Mortgage - Waterloo Iowa

Reported By:
- Miami Springs, Florida,

Gmac Mortgage
3451 Hammond Ave. Waterloo, 50704 Iowa, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Personally, I think that everyone should avoid joining a class action lawsuit. Generally they are nothing more then comfort for a fool. This type of suit will not begin to address the financial loss that you've incurred. Even if you prevail in a class suit you are only going to received pennies on the dollars. You will not get your home back nor the thousands of dollars of equity that you've lost.

If Gmac has done you wrong sue the company as an individual. If enough people sue individually then it becomes very costly and perhaps Gmac will be forced to cease and desist with its terrorist tactics. Hey, let's hope the federal regulators will also take notice of all these lawsuits and either shut Gmac down or at least make Gmac stop extorting and embezzling money from our escrow accounts.

I've read every report on this site and I'd say 99 percent of the foreclosures are illegal. Unfortunately, if you try to defend yourself you will receive very little assistance from the regulatory agencies which are suppose to investigate our complaints against the illegal practices of the mortgage industry. Also, you will find that majority of the courts and lawyers are not willing, able, or knowledgeable enough to deal with anything more then a very basic foreclosure or bankruptcy procedure.

The best weapon, and possibly the only thing that will save your home, is an audit of your mortgage payment and transaction history. 1+1 still equals two, the numbers don't lie. Any certified public accountant should be able to perform such an audit at a reasonable price. ( For more information about accounting and other strategies meet me at Platoridge)

Gmac and numerous other mortgage companies and loan servicers are sly as foxes. They have developed and refined a scheme to manufacture defaults. Coupled with their seemingly inability to do math and their callus lack of concern and inappropriate responses to homeowner inquiries, is there any wonder that bankruptcies, foreclosures, and forfeitures are at all time high in our country and around the world. And by the way, these companies are not hardly losing money when they foreclose on a mortgage note. To the contrary, they are making huge profits! Gmac even had the unmitigated audacity to brag in a press release that their foreclosure department was its most financially successful division.

We who gather at, Joe's Platoridge.Communtiy (cyber space) farm work together to find methods to combat the illegal business practices of abusive mortgage companies. If you are in need of assistance and are willing to fight for your home join us in our effort to get the fox out of the hen house.

Hope to meet you at the Platoridge farm.


Miami Springs, Florida


11 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
Amie L., You can sing "WALL STREET SONG", which is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of Ripoff Report....

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2010

in the consumer comments section to Ripoff Report #529757, okay?

*Simply 'Google' this- STEAK DINNER POEM, and that should also take you to where it is posted.

Have a great week.


Highlands Ranch,
Amie L., The answer to your question is- YES! Someone has successfully sued GMAC. Simply watch the 3 Part Series that's available right here at Ripoff Report. All you have to do is....

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010

'Google' this- TURKO POEM, and go to Ripoff Report #542849 and then scroll down to 'Consumer Comment #4' and click on the 3 video links and watch it on the web.

Thank You

P.S. A 'Class Action Lawsuit' is not the way to go. Many people believe that they will recoup a lot of money in a Class Action Lawsuit. The ones who make a lot of money in those suits are the lawyers. The people get very little.

Amie L.

United States of America
I am going to sue GMAC--has anyone won?

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010

I LOVE ALL THIS HELP--the poster who added the direct phone number of the GMAC answer man, I LOVE you.  What a tenacious woman you are. 

I would like to sue GMAC Mortgage company, and I think I have a winning case. I have a mountain of paperwork to prove my claim, and the modification fiasco I have been involved in dates back to May of 2009. Can you point me in the right direction on how to get started? Has any individual homeowner successfully sued a large mortgage company for fraud in regards to this Making Home Affordable modification disaster? I truly believe that if I can find just one case to use as a template, that I can win this battle. Maybe I can even do it without having a legal precedent, seeing as I have so much documentation to back up my story of credit destruction and fraud. Any help in getting started would be greatly appreciated. I am a very tenacious woman. This is just all very new to me.

 Thank you! Amie L. 

 This is my first post, so I dont know if I can or should add my contact information....


I'm With You, Virginia...Request For Information Please

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, August 28, 2010

I've read your suggestions regarding GMAC Mortgage in the past and have returned to ask your opinion.  I am a victim of this company and trying to fight GMAC Mortgage as an individual.  I remembered your comment about suing companies individually and why class action law suits do not hit these large companies and do enough damage to them financially.  GMAC Mortgage has illegally foreclosed on me and I'm doing everything I can to make a difference.  May I ask a couple of questions?

First, where did you read the press release regarding GMAC's foreclosure department being their most successful financially?  It would really help if I could get a hold of that press release.  It won't make me win, but would give the court cause to think.  Also, please explain to me how mortgage companies make money with foreclosure.

I've noticed the volume of complaints lodged against GMAC Mortgage.  Does anyone know how this compares to other mortgage companies?  I invite anyone else who has some suggestions regarding how to fight an unethical mortgage company.  Let me share what I have done.  Keep in mind, many of the actions I have taken would be geared toward not only the unfair practices of GMAC Mortgage, but also as applied to a disabled citizen.

I contacted the media and was on the 10:00 news with an "action" reporter.  I guess story is somewhat compelling and a human interest story, not only because it is timely, but I am terminally ill and my husband is a minister.  Also, I volunteer at a local nonprofit doing art therapy with severely disabled people, many who are abandoned by their families and are wards of the state (lately I've had to cut back from two days to one due to my health).  So I contacted the media--thus, the tv appearance (I also figured the publicity would help my students get some attention).  It's funny how many people who wouldn't return my calls called me after I appeared on tv.  I will be doing a follow up interview as the viewers want to know what happened to me.  Soooo...

I contacted HUD, as my loan was an FHA loan.  Since my home is being transfered to HUD eventually, the question has to be asked, why can't I stay as a permanently disabled person who is eligible for subsidy?  My personal physician has written a letter to the "powers that be" regarding my health and how I'm not strong enough physically for the rigors of moving, for what it's worth.  I also told HUD about my illegal foreclosure and reported GMAC Mortgage's discriminatory actions to HUD FHEO (Fair Housing).  I've since found out that HUD is imposing greater penalties on residential mortgage servicers that fail to offer loss mitigaion options for federally insured mortgages--sometimes up to three times the claim amount of the mortgage.  I'll bet GMAC Mortgage would feel that in their pocketbook if people would start making these claims (if valid), going to court, and winning.

Then I contacted my attorney general's office and filed a complaint there.  My next move was Congresswoman Maxine Waters and the Housing Subcommittee and then, OFI (Office of Financial Institutions).  And I contacted the White House, along with my elected officials here in Louisiana--Governor Jindahl, Senator Vitter (Mary Landrieu never responded), and my Congressman, Steve Scalise.  I am pleased to report that every one of the government agencies I've contacted, after an inquiry, are going forward with investigations that could lead to litigation.  They all have found my situation to be arguably discriminatory in nature and possibly illegal.  And my elected officials are joining my fight, except our President and Senator Mary Landrieu.  And I didn't stop there.

Some other useful contacts are the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Comptroller of the Currency, the House Financial Serivces Committee, Kareen Dale (Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy), the Congressional Oversight Committee, Shaun Donovan and Melanie Roussell with HUD, the National Fair Housing Alliance, Health and Human Services, the Homeowner Preservation Foundation, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the National Council on Disability, the National Disability Rights Network, the Housing Justice Network, the AAPD, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, the National Association of Consumer Advocates, the American Disability Association, the National Low Income Coalition, the National Association of Consumer Advocates, the Center For Responsible Lending, the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, the Housing Justice Network, the Better Business Bureau, the ACLU, the Alliance For Justice, The Center For Economic and Social Rights, Citizens Commission on Civil Rights, National Civic League, the Advocates For Human Rights, National Center For Law and Economic Justice, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the National Consumer League and...Oprah.

I contacted every consumer, disability, and homelessness advocacy group nationally that my internet search would produce--I've only listed a few above.  And my story has been shared via email "forward" campaign nationwide.  I've met some pretty amazing people along the way and some not so kind.  The absolute worst were the government agencies.  I just had to write down the content of some of these conversations as they were insulting and demeaning--even though I'm not sure anyone would believe me (that's how bad they were!).  I have developed a "naughty" and a "nice" list for the story I'll write when all this plays out. 

As a result of my tenacity, an amazing group in New Orleans called "The Advocacy Center" has generously provided me with a pro bono attorney to assist me in acquiring a Section 8 Voucher.  And another group, New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center, is representing me as I weave through the steps and hopefully, assist me in the event that this leads up to litigation.  For these kind folks, I am grateful.

I don't even know if I'll be around to see this through, but if I can, I'd love to advocate for other disabled folks.  So many people out there, are ill, disabled, elderly, depressed, feeling hopeless,  and or just may not understand their options, and get discouraged after they call for assistance and they hear "no" and they just give up.  I'm no one special and I only have a high school education, but I can formulate a sentence pretty well.  I am using that God given talent to bring attention to my cause--and I know I'm not alone in my situation.  Gosh, all you have to do is drive around any neighborhood and see the inordinate amount of "For Sale" signs displayed.

And I utilized my new-found "investigative reporter" skills.  I recorded GMAC Mortgage's Customer Service Rep "Mary" when I called to inquire about some particulars regarding the financial information that I provided to GMAC during the months leading up to my foreclosure.  Mary viewed my information in her handy dandy computer and provided me with everything I needed to assist my case, unbeknownst to Mary.

As GMAC Mortgage has stated in their response to the Attorney General's Office inquiry (in writing, no less!) that they never received any financial information from me and my husband.  I think I'll send "Mary" a greeting card--if Hallmark makes one for this very occassion, that is.

As a side note--many who read this and have a "beef" with GMAC Mortgage know from experience that talking to any decision maker at this company is impossible.  The choices are either Customer Service (inept, at best) or an online form to complete.  Lo and behold, I've hit the "mother load"...I have discovered a very elusive GMAC "Answer Man" whose title is "Advocacy Resolution Specialist" (insert "Mighty Mouse" theme song here).  I only discovered this secret when GMAC Mortgage responded to the inquiry by the Attorney General's office.  I'm sure this helpful gent would love to hear from any dissatisfied customers and is poised and ready to cheerfully to advocate resolutions...it's his specialty.  To respect privacy, I will not list his name.  But, since this phone number is supposed to be public information, I can't see the objection with stating that his direct number is 319.236.5373. Or, you can call 1.800.627.0128 extension 2365373.  I'm sure he's waiting to hear from you now!

It's especially troubling on how much of our tax money has been paid to bail out GMAC Mortgage.  In a sense, I am paying them to take my home from me.  And sources say that the GMAC bail out taxpayer losses may be at least 6.3 billion.  Even though I am on disability now, I worked hard for many years as a single mother, so I am an unwilling benefactor in this.

I've kept very careful notes on who I spoke to, when, what they said, etc..  I've been doing this since May and my file is about three inches thick.  I have kept this journal, not only to document my journey, but it has also been theraputic for me emotionally.  And it has turned into a sort of legacy.  When I am done, I hope to compile a manual to present to every advocacy group/non profit that helps people who need it.  My first presentation would be to the nonprofit that represents my students.

As a result of my tenacity, an amazing group in New Orleans called "The Advocacy Center" has generously provided me with a pro bono attorney to assist me in acquiring a Section 8 Voucher.  And another group, New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center, is representing me as I weave through the steps and hopefully, assist me in the event that this leads up to litigation.  For these kind folks, I am grateful.

Well Virginia, I only meant to ask a couple of questions.  But, I am passionate about my cause and I guess it shows by the novel I wrote!  Hopefully, you will read this (and others) and maybe I can gather some more ideas.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Miss Guardian

Sharks Paradise,
Dear Susan, Fe-Up, Daniel, Joseph & others/there is direct recourse

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

Dear All: Please listen carefully, we have discovered alternative solutions! We are not lawyers, nor do we give any legal advice but do offer strong suggestions. Attention to the many victims: Susan & others are urged, immediately to write two letters in their state to:Banking & Finance Commission & Federal Trade Commission & should be sent Certified Mail Return Receipt requested stating the facts of what occurred. If enough letters are procuded by many victims (also send a duplicate to your State Attorney General because he or she gets to enter a written opinion to the legal community & the public at large besides writing to the Bar Association in duplicate in your area because attorneys can be sanctioned as much as $25,000.00 or more for each offense & be subjected to review & if convicted of a felony/a.k.a/will lose Bar License to practice Law & may have to pay restitution, & more/a.k.a./prison?!). If any of you live in the state of Florida you must also send a duplicate letter to Senator Bill Nelson, of whom is honest because he voted a definite "NO" vote on the Bail-out vote. Hooray for him! If any others live in another state send one to your Senator & send a duplicate of that Senator's letter to Senator Bill Nelson as well, because they are all in the Building listening to eath other speak, a.k.a. Congress in session. Power is in numbers! Suggestion: Try in your area to get what is referred to as a: "Citizen's Petition" & get as many signatures as possible or obtain as many PUBLIC COURT RECORDS as possible & send within your letter because this shall show & demonstrate a repetitive pattern of what is referred to as "ABUSE OF PROCESS" & more! It is also strongly suggested that: You also submit a Q.W.R. in your letters (Qualified Written Request) to demand a: Forensic Audit (BY: CONGRESS and F.T.C. & B. & F. C. because GMAC obtained Federal $$$ via: American Tax Payer Dollars so if asked "Forensic Audit" they must comply once the issues have been raised of any category in the Fraud category plus others! Does GMAC want to open their books voluntarily? You fill in your own answer! But when presented with a FORENSIC Audit, the public just "might" fall over in horror! You must decide! There is a website that many have commented on: Liv ing Li es...! One word & one word placed together, all could refer to reading, it may be of a lot of help! God Bless All Victims because we care!



#7Consumer Comment

Sat, March 07, 2009

Just like all of you gmac got paid every month on time by western union but my credit report says i was late every month. i found this out when we tried to refiniance for a lower rate. we couldnt do it because of the credit report we have tried to no avail to solve this problem. Back in oct my husband lost his job we worked out a plan to pay them and they agreed,but by the third month they wanted to forclose on us we had a letter saying if we didnt come up with 3200 within 6weeks are houise would foreclose. we only owe 62000 the house is valued at 500000 believe me they wanted the house i borrowed money from my family to pay them off. we arer still struggling no one is hiring really and if they are they want young ppl. so will someone explain to me why they are getting billions of dollars from our government but are still taking our homes,and we get to pay it back with our taxes that go up. so we are stuck in a really hard place no job and savings arer about gone and now we have to worry about living on the streets with our kids, because a company that has itas hands out to collect money from our government wont help any of us


So I'm suppose to recive pennies on the dollar?

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, August 01, 2008

I lost over a quarter million dollars to these terrorists, you want me to going a class action lawsuit to gain may be $1000.00? As she said, if we stick together and sue individually it will cost them more, and we can get our money we lost back out of them. A class action lawsuit is only one single lawsuit that GMAC will win. If the hundreds of thousands of americans sue GMAC, then and only then the USA will win. Read my reports and visit my website.

Fed Up

Be Mindful of these Suggestions

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

A class action best benefit is for visiable exposer...at the point of a class action it's not based on money but PRINCIPAL to stop the theives. Be very mindful of the suggestions on here...they could be employees of the company to comment positively about GMAC... There is nothing good about GMAC...they commit FRAUD EVERYDAY...until people learn what they do...you will continue to be fooled. I am only here on this site to find individuals who are willing to participate in a class action against GMAC ....weather it's your home or car financing the same delusion is played out to consumers- it does not matter the service... GET informed today... IT's TIME TO STOP THEM!!!!

Fed Up

Be Mindful of these Suggestions

#10Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

A class action best benefit is for visiable exposer...at the point of a class action it's not based on money but PRINCIPAL to stop the theives. Be very mindful of the suggestions on here...they could be employees of the company to comment positively about GMAC... There is nothing good about GMAC...they commit FRAUD EVERYDAY...until people learn what they do...you will continue to be fooled. I am only here on this site to find individuals who are willing to participate in a class action against GMAC ....weather it's your home or car financing the same delusion is played out to consumers- it does not matter the service... GET informed today... IT's TIME TO STOP THEM!!!! email: (((ROR redacted))) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Did not do a lot fo rme

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 02, 2007

Well I will tell you how my lawsuit is going so far with GMAC. Once they got served by the sheriff for the lawsuit they promptly sold my mortgage to another company. Great fun, huh?


Ft Lauderdale,
stabbed in the back

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, August 24, 2007

as far as my case it is over as of today, i have one more chance to have it reinstated , my worthless attorny and gmacs attorny and put an end to it as far as a class action suit i say its time to launch one, true you may not get any money back but you have to look at the flip side i have spent over 10g to try and win my case im out the money and my home so what else is there to lose .i look at it this way if the class action suit is for a tremendous sum then the press/media will get wind of it it will put the word out there to gmac stock holders and to wall street and other poor victums with the outside chance that the goverment will look into gmacs god like bussiness practices where they do no wrong, also stop calling and writing the goverment offices, its usless they dont give a dam about you if they did gmac would be closed for bussiness. virgina you know as well as i do they offered you nothing to settle your case the offer the gave to me was an insult to my intelligence joe you got screwed also its time we took drastic steps to stop gmac if thers any attorny out there who has the balls to take a class action suit on againts gmac let me know i will be the first one to sign the dotted line

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