  • Report:  #197383

Complaint Review: GMAC Mortgage - Waterlooo Iowa

Reported By:
- Gun Barrel City, Texas,

GMAC Mortgage
P.O. Box 4622 Waterlooo, 50704 Iowa, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am so glad that I found this site. I had always known that I was not alone, but it sure felt that way sometimes!

Long story short, I was behind on my mortgage, which is not in my name, as we took over an existing note by getting it out of foreclosure the first time. During the last 6 years, I had one near foreclosure, but was able to pay all of the attorney's fees, etc. Anyway, my husband and I split in August 2005, and I made the August payment late, but before September 5. I was not able to make Sept or Oct until Nov 15, 2005, both at the same time and both refused. I came up with the rest of November, so I sent them $1500.00 on November 29, which was all 3 payments due. Plus a little extra, as my payments were around $450.00/month. Got a letter from GMAC stating that I did not send them all of the amount owed, and that the $1500.00 was refused also.

GMAC tells the original owner to have me make out a balance sheet, for lack of better words, showing my income and expenditures and they would work with us in trying to keep the property. After faxing the required documents to them, we tried in vain to contact the woman we were supposed to talk to. We were not allowed to talk to anyone else. She was the deciding person on whether or not this property would be sold on January 2, 2006, and we could talk to no one but her. After getting nowhere for the first week, we began calling the second week-- The week of December 23, of which she would be out of the office until January 2, 2006, the date of the foreclosure sale! So how in the heck can we talk to someone who isn't there and no one else knows a thing about it????

We even tried calling after the sale date, but still couldn't get any information. So we sat and waited. A long wait for a mother of 3 kids, all the while trying to keep my head together from the insanity of my life, and the added stresses of being a suddenly single mom with those 3 kids and no monetary support from the dad.

Last Sunday, when someone checked for Saturday's mail, we received the notice that it had been sold in a foreclosure sale. Expected, but a shock nontheless. Especially when I had to use the money that I did have saved to feed those kids, or buy them the necessary things in life. No frills in almost a year, I think I did good to pay the electric bills that range $300.00+ each month, with no working furnace or air conditioners!

So, while it seems bad for me, I am happy to say that I, for one, am glad to be out of their clutches. I did find out from the lady with the homeowner's insurance company that even when the account was current, my insurace premium was not paid in time and we were cancelled also!

For me, this dream turned into a nightmare, but it is slowly beginning to get better. Moving here was the beginning of the end of my marriage, but we have since gotten back together and are trying to make a fresh start. I have already had my eviction notice taped to the door, and I will gladly go. When the new company finds out the distressed, drugged out neighborhood this house is in, and all the problems associated with this house, they might not buy from GMAC again. But then again they might. Let them have the neighbors, the drugs, the bugs, the problems. I don't need them anymore.


Gun Barrel City, Texas

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Miami Springs,
Congradulations Tammi, YOU ARE A WINNER!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 12, 2006

Hi Tammi, It was certainly good news to hear that you're doing alright. My hat is off to you for choosing to put you and your family's safety and happiness first. No one should have to go through the stress and hassel GMAC subjected you to.Hopefully, there will be a class action suit that you can join and benefit from in the future. May God continue to bless and watch over you in all your future endeavors. Thanks for keeping us informed


Gun Barrel City,
the house should have been burned down a long time ago and the insurance money collected! This way, GMAC doesn't really win.

#3Author of original report

Wed, July 12, 2006

I didn't receive notice of foreclosure until after December 1, and the payments were refused on November 29, all with Moneygram transfer slips and letters from GMAC to back it up. If I recall correctly, the foreclosure letter was actually dated on or after December 1. I can't remember right off hand, and all of my things are in storage and I don't know where to look at this point. It's not that I am not a fighter, but with the problems associated with the house and the fact that it was a 1980 model Fleetwood doublewide, and they wanted $38,000.00 for it, I know it was in the best interest for me and the kids to get out. I spoke with the real estate agent that is selling it and she has told me that they will at best get $20,000.00 for it. She even stated that it would have been in their best interest to work with me, and she has even told the attorney's office that processed the eviction. After explaining everything to the attorney's office, which I did cooperate because I am not going to fight for a house that a) really should not be inhabited by humans, (b)would require at least $20,000.00 or more in repairs to make it inhabitable, and (c)I really just don't want to fight for a house that is not a home. In all reality, the house should have been burned down a long time ago and the insurance money collected! This way, GMAC doesn't really win. They are taking a loss of at least half of what was owed, and I win in the sense that I have already moved into a place that is clean, has a yard with grass instead of sand, my kids can walk the streets without me having to worry about drugs and fighting, and I don't have to walk over holes in the floor and fear that I will fall through. I have two working bathrooms instead of one, and a working stove and oven. But more than anything, this has taught me a very big lesson. I chose not to fight the foreclosure because the house itself was not worth the fight, and I myself am ashamed at the deplorable conditions that we had to live in just basically to keep out of the rain. I could have slept in my car and done that. So really, in my mind, they didn't win. Yes, they got the house and the 4 lots. Something they can not recoup their losses on. I on the other hand, got a new life that already is much better for all of us. We have only been in this house for 2 weeks, but already the stress of living where we were living has all but stopped. I sleep soundly knowing that my kids are safe, knowing that we are all safe, and knowing that at least I did everything that I needed to do. I do believe they need to be stopped. I know that they have done this to many people other than myself, and that each situation, while it seems overly familiar, is unique in itself, not on the part of GMAC, but for the homeowners that they have manipulated and screwed out of a major portion of their lives and very existence. I will help in any way that I can, but for me, I still win. Right now I am looking at it as if I was able to live rent free for 9 months while they decided what to do. So that's another$4000 they didn't get. Thanks for listening and caring,


Miami Springs,
Don't Let GMAC Win, Fight For What is Yours!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, June 30, 2006

Hi Tammi, Are you certain that you just want to give up and let GMAC steal your home? There are things that you can do to regain ownership of your property. The fact that you fell behind in your payments is unfortunate, however, it is outrageous that GMAC took advantage of your situation. I'm almost certain that if you read your mortgage contract you'll see that it specifically states that you are entitle to cure your default if you do so in a timely manner( paying the full amount due prior to the commencement of foreclosure actions)and even beyond that period in most states. If your house was in poor condition and in a bad neighborhood you probably still had at least some equity left in it. If GMAC had not refuse your payment you could have sold your house and reaped what ever equity there was left. Even if it was only a few thousand dollars, that money might have been sufficient to help you and your family make a new start. Tammi, I'm a fighter. I refuse to let anyone take advantage of me or steal that which is rightfully mine. If you choose not to be a fighter that's fine. However, if you are a fighter and just don't know how to do battle with GMAC then that's a different story. Many of us who write Rip Off Reports have or had the same problem with this company. From our experience we can often suggest possible solutions and strategies that have worked for us. If you want to fight GMAC write a response to this report and we will try to help.

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