  • Report:  #1491128

Complaint Review: Going Beyond Appliance Repair Owned by MaQuinta Islam Oa-Seem Islam - Dacula Georgia

Reported By:
Paul - Sydney, NSW, Australia

Going Beyond Appliance Repair Owned by MaQuinta Islam Oa-Seem Islam
2461 Sanjo Street Dacula, 30019 Georgia, United States
(678) 825-2191
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I am a former employee and close friend to the owner of a business located in CA.  In 2017 MaqQuinta Islam, in April was notified that she would be given contract employment then it would flip to a full time employment position in June per revenue and contract maturity.  

She along with all other employees were given 3 corporate credit cards along with corporate documentation stating that they would be allowed to use the cards early and for business purposes only! Each card had a $5,000.00 limit.  The reason for the early disbursement was to ramp up training and get the staff familiar with company structure, offerings, and the technology we used.  

Also, the cards were only to be used for travel to trade shows and other events to gain familiarity with the landscape.  We all recieved letters stating that some personal use might be allowed if needed, however, we were required to get approval from the CEO.

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At which point everyone was required to repay immediately.  (Here is the worst part.  The CEO is also her cousin and her mothers nephew.) This was basically if we needed gas or food for the purpose of getting to corporate related meetings. We were all given the same information and criteria.  UNDER NO CIRCUSTANCE were these personal cards as these con artist have eluded to folks in Atlanta.  Its also evident by the communications and emails the provide the company.  The cards clearly displayed the company name as well as the user.  

Mrs. MaQuinta Islam, decided to mislead the CEO, the company, as well as myself.  With the help of her mother (Kimberly J. Claude and the pleather of Alliases she uses) she utilized the card in a fraudelent manner.  She charged cards to assertain funds through a bugus company she professed to be a partner with one Tamika Scott  of Quaint Events by way of facebook.  

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She then charged each card as if our company utilized quaint events services nearly 2500 a pop.  She then transfereed that money to her personal account and then paid for wedding services, a wedding dress, cakes, she purchased airline tickets to Southern California for herself and friends (Girls trip 2017) and paid for hotels and cars all on the corporations dime.

She claimed to have lost her current job at that time due to the fact she had cancer.  Turns out she cut her hair and neither her or her mother have ever officially been diagnosed with cancer let alone recieved cancer treatments.  She, her mom and husband tried to keep corporate hardware (Top of the line heavy duty Laptops, iPads, iphones.  They told authorities they made payments on the devices which was a flat out lie.

Upon getting these devices back.  They (Not very intellegent) left emails accounts and pictures and evidence on the hard drives that reflect the mothers, husbands, and MaQuita's true actions.  Also revealed she lost her job because she was lying to her employer and blowing work off.  Kim claims to be musically inclinde yet she has a criminal record a mile lone dating back decades of doing this very same thing to friends and family.

My investigators  determined that these con artist were broke and constantly moving.  We filed police reports, involved the DA of San Jose, CA.  I personally flew to the states to confront these people and attempt to save the years of hardwork that was put into the success of the company.  Due to budget cuts and short staffed police didn't have the funds to extradite these individuals from Atlanta and the other idiot to embezzel was Therlow Foy Jr.  We are actively investigating him for embezzlement and corporate espionage of propriatry technology.  He also stole nearly 15k from the company.

The actions of these 4 individuals resulted in the company financials not representing, debt to income wise, as it had when we won our contracts.  The CEO went from a high of nearly 800 in credit rating to plumitting in the toilet becasue these low lives wanted to pretend they were important as we Aussies would say. 

I'm writting this here because I don't want to see these three criminals harm other families or businesses.  They are targeting black professionals and the poor.  Neither from what we have been able to retrieve, have the skill set, nor are the bonded, and as far as we can tell they aren't even properly listed in Georgia as a viable LLC to be working in the appliance field.

Further more MaQuinta, Kimberly J. Claude-Dixon-Williams (Her mom), and husband Qa_seem Islam  are now coning people professing to be ministers of the cloth.  A internet scam degree is what it has turned out to be.  None have ever attend collge, seminary school ever.  The mother claims to have gone to the University of Maryland and the best investigatiors could find was a semester ot two at Tuskegee.  She is known to have spent 18 months incarcerated.  Has several theft cases listed throughout PA, MD, and NY.

Beware, these people will enter your home and try to claim workers compensation on a job they are doing for you!  We also discovered that these grown adults are utilizing their childrens I believe you americans call it a social security number to establish new credit and rent properties.  THey are jobless and con artist.  I hope someone in a powerful position notifies the agencies in America regarding these Children and social security numbers.  That would be a crime here.

The business that they damaged, Therlow A. Foy Jr included,  was established by a hardworking caring family man.  He was forced to let several of us go.  He lost two multimillion dollar contracts and all revenue.  I watched this man and his business literally go up in smoke.  He's struggling to restore the comanies financials.  They stole so much and promised to repay that late fees piled and debt grew.  They never returned corporate clothing and other assets. My friend has been trying to make payments which he can barely do.  There is a special place in hell for MaQuinta, Kimberly J Claude, Therlow A. Foy Jr & Qa-Seem Islam.  What they are doing to people is gross and disgusting!  Families have been destroyed!

If you let these cpn artist in your home you will regret it!

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