  • Report:  #450827

Complaint Review: Google: Blazingkeywords.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Phoenix, Arizona,

Google: Blazingkeywords.com
blazingkeywords.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Like many of you who have already reported on these scammers, I desperately need to find a job where I can work from home. Also like many of you, I am exceedingly poor, and need to be able to make as much money as possible in as short a period of time as possible. The problem is that, as my daddy always said, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

The website attempts to give credibility to themselves by saying "As seen on CNBC, ABC, CNN, and in USA Today." I actually went to the CNBC website, and the only "reports" I could find there were more advertisements of the same flotsam that led me to the website to begin with, not an actual, true news report saying this website is a great way to make money. So, yes, they are "seen" on the CNBC website (I did not check the other entities), but not in the way we all understand that sentence to mean; and shame on CNBC for allowing such diabolical advertising on their website.

People depend on CNBC to give them true information; perhaps not all companies have this obligation; but because CNBC is the company that they are and they do what they do, they have a special due diligence to ensure that the companies that advertise on their website are reputable and not an advertisement set up for the sole purpose of scamming the disabled, poor, and elderly out of their money.

From what I have read of your experiences with these idiots, y'all got off easy. In the form of this scam I looked at, the Terms and Conditions stated that after I paid the $1.97 to receive the initial information, I would have to pay one entity $24.87 per month and another entity $77.82 per month. A monthly payment of $102.69 seems like an awful lot for "free" information, doesn't it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is what I have learned in dealing with the Internet these days: 1. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is; 2. Skim the Terms and Conditions and specifically read what it says about anything that has to do with money -- whether it be payments or refunds: seek it out, make sure you read it all, it may not all be in the same place in the Terms and Conditions, but make sure you KNOW what kind of a situation you are getting yourself into before you put your credit/debit number in there and click OK; 3. If you are still unsure (and perhaps, particularly if you are not), come search out the company on the Rip-Off Report: this website is the closest thing you will come to a BBB for the Internet, and with all the scams that are going on out there these days, we need all the help we can get.

We all want these lovely-sounding scams to be true: we all would love to pay off all our debt and be able to spend more time with our children, but it's just not true.

I keep hoping to find a multi-million-/billion-aire who would be willing to see those of us out here who are having it really hard and attempt to help us out somewhat. My faith tells me that God gives us certain gifts and we have a responsibility in life to use those gifts to help others -- not everyone can be helped by an institution. But I cannot seem to find any help, and I cannot seem to find any legitimate work on the Internet whereby I can work from home whenever I am able to do so and earn a living.

Mr. Trump, Mr. Gates, all you other big rich business guys out there are you listening? You have an entire country filled with independent contractors, who each have their own divine gifts, that deeply need to be able to work from home and earn a decent living from a legitimate company. Don't out-source, in-source independently; we're not looking for benefits, we're looking for extra income to keep us from becoming homeless, so we can pay off our bills, so we can eat each month, etc. Your country filled with your patrons, your clients, who need money so they can make it through this difficult time. You may find that this is an EXCELLENT way to do business; and once this whole Recession/Depression is over, you will not be able to figure out what you did without us.


Phoenix, Arizona


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