  • Report:  #917651

Complaint Review: Govolo - Paris Internet

Reported By:
Sarah - The Hague, Other, Netherlands

Paris, Internet, United States of America
0903 43 902
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First of all, as a warning, do NOT use the Govolo website. It is a fraud.

I needed to book two plane tickets from Amsterdam to Bucharest. I went on my usual search engine (cheaptickets.nl) and the option of "govolo" came up. Since they offered the cheapest tickets using KLM, I naturally chose them.

I filled in the necessary requirements to book the ticket. I then received a confirmation e-mail saying the e-ticket will be sent in a seperate email. 

However I then received an email from them saying that in order to complete the payment in a secure way, I need to send them a clear copy of my passport and both sides of my credit card. Obviously I found this very strange and definitely did not want to send them these photocopies. So I sent them an email asking for a phone number to get some clarification.

They responded saying this is "normal procedure" and did not send any phone numbers. The only phone number I found from them was invalid. I googled their website and found many complaints about them. I then called a help centre who advised me not to book with them nor send them my details.

Obviously I never sent them the photocopies. Luckily they have not yet charged my bank account and I immediately cancelled my credit card. So hopefully I won't have any more problems. However I felt the need to report this so that no one encounters the same problems, or worse.

So please do NOT use Govolo website!

Here is the e-mail they sent me about the photocopy of my passport and credit card (it is in Dutch):

Mevrouw NICHOLS, 

Onderwerp : Verzoek om bewijsstukken 

Naar aanleiding van uw boeking delen wij u het volgende mede: 

Volgens onze Algemene Voorwaarden (art. 4.3 Beveiligde betaling en strijd tegen fraude met betaalmiddelen), zijn wij genoodzaakt een kopie van uw identiteitsbewijs en van uw creditkaart duidelijk leesbaar van de voor-en achterkant te verzoeken, om de uiteindelijke verificatie te bewerkstelligen en de definitieve boeking te kunnen valideren (voor uw veiligheid, kunt u de eerste 8 cijfers overslaan). 

Gelieve deze gegevens te mailen naar [email protected] 
Het onderwerp van de mail luidt: Kopie Creditcard en uw boekingsnr. zodat deze met voorrang wordt behandeld. 

Vergeet vooral niet de referentie van uw boeking mee te sturen, elke keer als u gegevens zendt. 

Wij houden uw boeking vast tot   25 Juli 2012, 12.00 uur 

Belangrijk: mochten wij binnen deze termijn niets van u hebben vernomen, dan kunnen wij het tarief en de boeking niet langer garanderen. 

Belangrijk: als de uitgifte van e-tickets onmogelijk blijken kan dit leiden tot 25 euro behandelingskosten en extra kosten voor de wijze van verzending. U ontvangt hierover een e-mail met verschillende alternatieve oplossingen. 

Wij danken u bij voorbaat voor uw begrip. 

Met vriendelijke groet, 
Afdeling Internet

Do NOT trust it and do NOT send them the photocopies!

Subject: Request for evidence

Following your booking we will inform you the following information:

According to our General Conditions (Article 4.3 Secure payment and fight against fraud with payment), we will charge a copy of your identity and your credit card legibly on the front and back, to request for the final verification and achieve the final booking to validate (for your safety, you can skip the first 8 digits).

Please mail this information to [email protected]
The subject of the mail reads: "Copy of Credit Card and your boekingsnr." So it is treated with priority.

Do not forget the booking reference to send, each time you send data.

We keep your booking it until July 25, 2012, 12:00

Important: if within this period we have heard nothing from you, then we can stay and the booking can not be guaranteed.

Important: If the issue e-tickets prove impossible this may lead to treatment and 25 euros extra cost for the method of shipment. You will receive a email with several alternative solutions.

We thank you in advance for your understanding.

department of Internet

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