  • Report:  #1486542

Complaint Review: GPS Flyers Patrick Antrim Jan Ulrich - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
Bruce - coral springs, United States

GPS Flyers Patrick Antrim Jan Ulrich
2101 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, 75201 Texas, United States
(310) 272-9152
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I hired Patrick Antrim to put my companies door knob hanger onto the doors of houses in Dallas. He took my money and after a month of him ignoring my calls and emails nothing was ever done. I wrote him a check so I also have no recourse to get my money back.

If you need someone to hang door knob hangers do NOT use this company, there's a lot of other companies that will do the work you pay them for. I also spoke to a woman named Jan Ulrich who I think is his wife. But there a duo of scammers and don't do business with this company. Or don't do business with a company that Patrick Antrim has any part of.

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