  • Report:  #80930

Complaint Review: Granton Marketing Cydcor Ds Max - San Diego California

Reported By:
- murray, Utah,

Granton Marketing Cydcor Ds Max
cydcor.com San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm so glad that I found this site. It exemplifies everything that we teach to our new-starts. It is true that most people do not succeed in thier training, simply because most people are not good enough. It takes a certain kind of person to run their own business, and all of the people complaining about the opportuinity that they recieved are just ignorant. They were given the best opportunity of thier lives, and they squandered it.

I have been associated with this company for some time now, and the difference between my story and others' is that I know the system works because it worked for me, and I have witnessed and helped others to succeed. I can show anyone the path but they have to make the first few steps themselves. And I will only spend my time with the people who are worth it. With the people who earn it, and also possess certain traits.

Every business owner must be in possession of:

1. Work-ethic

2. Intelligence

3. Integrity

4. Networking skills

5. Education

6. and Money among others.

I can tell just from reading the entries on this site, that all of the complainers lack one or more of these traits. I cannot learn about a person's work ethic from every entry, but I can see the intelligence of the people writing, just by examining their word choice, and grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes,(although I'm sure that I'll make a few myself!).

Intelligence, Integrity, and Networking skills ar hard things to get, but it can be done! The other necessary traits are Education and Money. And these are supplied by the company! But there is a catch, you have to be willing to learn, and have a student mentality to get the Education part. And you have to go out and work your butt off to get the Money(which is extremely good!). After all a wise man once said, that you cannot learn ANYTHING until you admit that you don't already know EVERYTHING. And the money is made by those who are willing to make it.

So all of these people pointing fingers, and blaming others for their own mistakes should remember that whenever you point a finger at someone else, your other three fingers are pointing back at you! You are the reason that you did not succeed, life is what you make it, and if you wake up and realize what you've lost, come to my office and I might give you another chance. but only if you are sincere.


san diego, California

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
You make me laugh.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 19, 2004

Talk about calling the kettle black. You sure did make plenty of grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Yours is a cheap shot Fisher. An individual's experience with this company has nothing to do whatsoever with their grammar or punctuation in a post on this site. Just because someone made a spelling mistake does not, in any way, make their post any less relevant or any less true. So, in addition to being a cheap shot (and certainly uncalled for considering the many mistakes in your own post), your comments are completely irrelevant and pointless. As for your list (which is laughable at best), you are living in your own reality. I am a sophomore in college with a 3.8 GPA. I am a Film Production and English double major. However I pride myself on my diverse educational background. I've studied psychology, economics, marketing, and logic among other things. Furthermore, I graduated high school sixth in my class of 190 students with an A average GPA and a score of 1260 on my SATS. There is my general education background just so there isn't any confusion as to my intelligence (since that is an issue you pro-DS-MAXers love to bring up, despite its irrelevance). Can we move on now or is that not sufficient for you? Let me break it down (referring to your list) point by point as simply as possible (I don't want to confuse you with big words or complex explanations), while addressing the most relevant points that no employee of this company has ever been able to satisfactorily address. Furthermore, since you think punctuation and grammar are so important, I'll be sure to point out each one of your mistakes. ;) Paragraph one: There are two misspellings of their, a misspelling of opportunity, and also of received. In addition there are two unnecessary uses of a comma. Paragraph two: There is a run-on sentence and you used make when you should have used take. The last two sentences are sentence fragments. You should never begin a sentence with the word and. Paragraph three: The single sentence of this paragraph contains very poor word choices and should be simply Every business owner must possess. I'll get to the list in just one second. ;) Paragraph four: There is an unnecessary use of a comma. The final sentence is a run-on sentence and contains improper uses of commas (ironic considering it is the sentence in which you criticize others for bad grammar). Paragraph five: There is improper capitalization and a misspelling of the word are. Again, you improperly start a sentence with the word and (repeatedly I might add) and likewise with the word but. There are also several sentence fragments. Paragraph six: Again, there is improper use of commas (you really love commas). Perhaps I'm being too technical, but most people I know have FIVE fingers. You failed to capitalize the first word of a sentence, which as it happens is the word but. Again, that is bad grammar. Lastly, you failed to capitalize the name of your town, which is very bad grammar. You broke some rules they teach in elementary school and you criticize other people? What a joke! What do you say we move on to your so-called list now? Number one: Work-ethic (incorrect use of hyphen). It is possible to possess a work ethic and still not actually possess work ethics. Those are two different things. Hitler had a work ethic. It doesn't mean he knew how to run a business. DS-MAX has the amazing ability to consistently lie very well and get away with it. You can work nave young adults to the bone with promises of materialistic and monetary gain, never deliver, cut them loose and move on without flinching. It takes a real work ethic to be so consistently ruthless. Number two: Intelligence. Intelligence can mean so many things. In what context are you referring to intelligence? If you are referring simply to education, then I disagree. This job does not require an education of any kind. It does not take a degree to walk from door to door, recite a rehearsed sales pitch, and move on. Furthermore, if you have an education then you wouldn't need to work for this company. A degree would allow a qualified individual to get a quality position with a reputable company that offers benefits and an actual paycheck. This company offers neither. If you work for this company, then you have no intelligence. Any individual who has any knowledge of business knows that this company is not worth your time. You claim to possess intelligence, yet you work for a company that takes money out of your pocket. You are involving an unnecessary middleman, thereby corrupting a legitimate business concept. Instead of owning a business and selling a product to consumers (taking the profit for yourself and maintaining a stable business model), you are performing hard labor (spending up to eight hours on your feet) to move the product for someone else and taking only a very small percentage. You are doing all of the work and collecting the smallest amount of the profit, receiving no benefits, no reimbursement for gas or expenses, and no paycheck and yet, you question other people's intelligence? You have some nerve. Number three: Integrity (my personal favorite). Let's begin with DS-MAX's false advertising practices. This company uses false advertising in classified ads, thereby misrepresenting the company itself, its products, the nature of the work, and promising a base pay. This is a verifiable fact. It is also verifiable that there is no base pay. I don't have to even go on to prove that this company lies. The simple fact alone that a company would misrepresent itself to attract employees is enough to has no integrity whatsoever. The only reason DS-MAX has been able to avoid being sued for false advertising is because false advertising laws apply only to the representation of commercial products to the consumer. This company is a league of door-to-door salespeople. They do not mention that in any of the ads, nor do they mention it in the interviews. You do not find this fact out until your first day of work. This is also a verifiable fact. I know because I have worked for DS-MAX. I know people who have worked for DS-MAX. Furthermore, you can find such claims in nearly every post on this site that refers to DS-MAX. I would personally consider myself a hypocrite if I neglected to mention the sexual harassment issue with this company. There are reports from offices all over the world. Yes, that was reports as in plural, more than one, more than ten, more than one hundred reports. I have witnessed this behavior first hand. I have witness the manager's nurture this behavior in the males with derogatory comments about the females in the office and I have witnessed managers make lewd and suggestive comments to the females themselves. I have even read comments from managers on this very website scoffing at this issue with such brilliant and understanding remarks as there are no more reports than there are in any other company. First of all, one report is one too many. Second of all, if there is a single report made then it should be investigated and resolved immediately. DS-MAX does nothing to resolve these reports, but rather ignores the issue altogether. My personal advice to any female employee who has been harassed by a fellow employee (manager or otherwise) is to go to the police and report the incident, especially if you are able to furnish a witness. The company will never address the issue. Now, DS-MAX has a very bad reputation. This is not imagined. The company has a bad reputation all over the world. Naturally, this fact has made it difficult to lure new young adults into the company. What better way to alleviate this burden than to hide your identity? DS-MAX operates or has operated under the following titles: DS-MAX, Granton Marketing, Cydor, Titan, SNMG, Streamline, Comquest, Q4 Marketing, Innovage, A&J Advertising, and Starlight Promotions. Those are only the names I could come up with after a short search on this site. There are more. I'm still waiting to see proof of integrity. Number four: Networking Skills. Well, in this case I have to agree with you. This company possesses fantastic networking skills. In fact, you network as efficiently as a virus. You continue to spread and infect new territories wreaking your own brand of fraud. It's really rather impressive in a sadistic sort of way. I just have one question: Why is it that with a company of this size, possessing such fantastic networking skills, there is no concrete data of any kind regarding any aspect of the company? There are no statistics on employment, income, success or failure rates, figures for individual offices or figures for individual states for that matter. There are no numbers anywhere for this company and no employee I have ever encountered has ever been able to provide me with any data whatsoever. You would think that with such amazing networking skills the company would be able to manage to keep track of such important data, which is often vital to corporations. If you research any reputable company (Best Buy, Circuit City, or McDonalds come to mind simply because they are also distributed nationally and internationally), you will be able to locate this type of data. However, for DS-MAX it seems it does not exist. Isn't there a corporate office? Isn't there a CEO or a President that supervises the management of his business empire? Who is in charge of this company? Even franchises like McDonalds have corporate offices and a CEO who manages the business. I guarantee you the FBI are investigating this company. I will file a report with them personally recommending they do so, just in case. Something is not right here. Number five: Education. I already touched upon education when I discussed intelligence. Number six: and Money among others (sentence fragment). OK, let's talk about money. I do not know anyone who has ever made more money with this company than they could have made working a normal job for eight hours a day at seven dollars an hour. Why would I want to spend ten to twelve hours at work (eight of them spent walking the streets) with no guarantee that I would make any money whatsoever, when I can work as a bagboy for eight hours a day and finish out the week with a $350 paycheck guaranteed? I could wait tables and receive a paycheck of $400-500 a week including tips. Those positions require no more education that DS-MAX and require less work and they actually deliver a paycheck. DS-MAX can make no such promise. Actually, they can and they do, but they cannot deliver. I have seen no proof whatsoever that anyone has ever made money working for this company. All I have ever read were claims from so called owners that boast such fantastic opportunities. Where is your proof? I want figures, verifiable data, and actual evidence that anyone has succeeded working for this company. If you honestly expect me to take your word for it (especially after working for this company personally) then you have are wasting your time. Why even waste your time with places like DS-MAX? Do what I did and go to school. Get yourself a good education so you can get a real job that actually pays you. I will now cut and paste a section from a previous post of mine referring to the 5's and 8's and every other ridiculous DS-MAX exclusive philosophy that they claim are essential to success. If you need someone else to lay out a system for you to accomplish things through common sense, then you don't have any. You are like a consumer, only you are buying ideas and not physical objects. You are involving a middleman (an invented and unnecessary middleman) and convincing yourself it is somehow responsible for any success you may experience. It is sad that you need that reassurance and that you can't simply have faith in yourself, in your capabilities, and your ability to achieve great things without anyone else's motivation. Trust me, you don't need an inherited mantra to be successful. Sorry DS-MAX, but people have been succeeding in business for hundreds of years without you and your ridiculous chants and dances. ;) I apologize for any spelling mistakes. I proof read my writing, but it is always possible to miss one or two mistakes. Cheers.


You picked the wrong day to write something good

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 19, 2004

I'll network with you....You are the ignorant one.Did you even take a chance to look at the name of this website before you came here.WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?Why even waste your time coming here?If you want to be mr pro-DSMAX than go to dsmaxt chat room. They have plenty of people who will talk to you and argue all day.I didn't know there were 5's 8's and 6's though....Very nice. If you want to praise your(excuse the language sir) bullshit company, then at least give some facts to prove everyone here wrong.Don't come here to try to patronize people.Most of us aren't even in that mockery of a company anymore and don't care what you have to say.Because all you are going to do is feed us the same bullshit that every other manager who comes here already has.I would love for one of you Im-so-cool-because-I-can-lease-a-porsche zombies to come here with purpose. I think I have an idea of what you can say....It goes like this..."I am sorry that I lied, deceived, cheated,brainwashed,and traumatized everybody that has ever been affiliated with me. If you can do that, maybe you will start turning some heads.

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