  • Report:  #1246388

Complaint Review: Green Fuel Technologies LLC. - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
Solar Sales Representative - Surprise, Arizona, USA

Green Fuel Technologies LLC.
3423 S. 51st Avenue Phoenix, 85043 Arizona, USA
(602) 269-9206
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Green Fuel Technologies, LLC., aka Green Fuel Solar.  Employed me as a Solar Sales Representative for just a short time.  During that time I was to be a salary employee with 5% commissions of contract amount, earned on all solar sales closed by me.  I was presented with an offer letter which had stated this in full and I signed and accepted the offer.  The offer letter did state that I was to be paid a yearly salary with 5% commissions on all deals sold, and a 30 day revision may take place with compensation plan and also that I would receive benefits package after 60 days of employment.  During the time working with them I couldnt get any support, no business cards, no instructions for remote access to emails or there server for accessing there proposal tool, and I was an outside sales rep. presenting to clients in their homes.  I recieved very little leads to generate sales, and I had to actually assist the Sales Manager with setting up the division.  They didnt even have financing, leasing, or other.  I assissted in preparing paperwork packages (actually I desinged all paperwork needed at closing of deals),and also trained the other sales representatives.  Even though this was not a part of my job discription.  So, even with the limited resources and support I still sold a couple of deals with them.  I was to be paid only when they were paid.  The deals sold were all cash, with 5 seperate payments to be paid and I was to be paid 5 different times until paid in full my 5% of contract.  

Well after being with them for 45 days i had only been paid commissions twice and the salary promised was stoped at 45 days also.  When asked why salary was not being paid any longer, i was told they decided to pay me only 100% commissions and with no salary.  But never presented me with a revised offer of employment sstatus, never.  When I asked them for reasons as why they said we would discuss it.  It was discussed on 7/14 and at that time I was already 4 weeks behind on my salary payments expected.  I had only recieved a small percentage of commissions due.  And they still required me to go to the office daily.  With no money being paid to me, to be able to fuel my car or anything else for that matter.  I decided to leave this company.  After leaving GFT, i requested numerous time for a detail of all commissions owed and an outling as when to expect payment.  The COO Dave Brooks sent me an email and sounded very sencere that I would be paid all commission owed.  After a week had past and still no report of what commissions were owed.  I then provided a detailed email of all commissions due and presented them with and offer to accept a settlement of -$300 to just get paid and move forward and terminate business 100%.  Didnt want to drag this on for months.  DB, COO then sent me an email stating they would offer to pay me half of what was owed and if not he would have to allow GFT payment process to govern.  After that email I had to call the Labor Dept. just to get info on my rights in this matter.  They gave me the exact statues they were violating and also stated why was I not asking for my unpaid salaries as based on initial offer letter I was to be paid.  

So once i got all this info I responded and advised them of the violations and stated that at this point I would only like to be paid my commissions, again just wanted to be done with business with them.  Once DB, COO received this email he replyed and stated that he would only pay me an additional commission payment and based on the fact that I was no longer servicing these clients, they were not responcible to pay me any further commissions.  As anyone that has been a sales rep. for soalr knows,  once the deal is sold it is turned over to construction and the only way you can update clients is if your updated.  Well needless to say I never received any updates even when I worked for them.  Also the construction personell actually updated the clients throughout the process once it was turned over to them.  As a Sales Rep. I was not and never was involved with any part of the building process.  So how was I to continue servicing my clients.

 At this point after my employment with GFT am on the verge of loosing my car, I am 3 months behind on my morgage, and so on.  They dont care.  And told me point blank try and get your money and they will tie it up in court.  And, I should just let it go and move on.  But I am not.  I have filed complaints with the Industrial Commissions of Arizona Labor Div., have filed small claims lawsuits and will continue to review them on every site I can.  I reached out to my 1st deal sold for GFT, just to see if the solar system was installed and after 90 days it still was not installed complete.  And GFT actually changed the components from what was sold to a sub standard component and didnt even notify the client.  Now I know why I was never updated or given info of progress.  

This company Green Fuel Technologies, LLC. (aka Green Fuel Solar, Green Fuel Solar AZ) has very questionable business practices with both the consumer and it employees.  No intergrity at all.  Only thing they are concerned with is making as much money as possible no matter the cost.  My hopes in this report is to warn prospective employees of this company and also any consumers that may consider doing any business with them.  Get Everything In Writing!!!!  Cover your backside!!!!  I have proff of all my statements made within this report.  I have the signed excepted purchase contract for client mentioned along with listed components sold and presented to him.  And, I have pictures of the actual components they installed.  I also have all email correspondance with COO DB, and original offer letter and paystubs.  And also recorded time and date stampe conversations with COO, and Sales Manager.  So they can tell every lie they want and try and justify the actions all they want.  But I have the truth.  It is very simple, Give the client what they pay for and pay your employees what they are supposed to be paid, according to their own paperwork.  Good luck to all considering going with solar to save money.  Just know there are 50+ solar companies in the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix Arizona.  Good luck!

Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Keith Parker was a good sales manager

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 21, 2015

 A previous complaint stated that Keith Parker was a manager who only cared about the money and not the employee or customer. That could not be farther from the truth. Keith was the most supportive boss i have ever had. As long as you worked hard he was supportive. Any one who says otherwise the fault is on them. .

Not an employee, Keith Parker Sales Manager!!

#3Author of original report

Wed, October 28, 2015

So I now know who wrote this rebuttal.  His name is Keith Parker and is Sales manager at GFT, not a sales rep.  Doesn't surprise me one bit.  I worked with KP for some time until I finally seen who he really was.  He only cares about the money and nothing else.  Not the clients, not the company he works for, not the sales reps, not the industry, only the money in his pocket.  I learned that first hand many times.  This man has been named on RipOff previously with another company for pretty much the same thing I stated in my initial report.  They fired him shortly after that.  Just search his name here on ripoff and you can see it for your self.  Call down there and ask to speak with him, and listen to the lies that come out his mouth, as that is all you can do is listen as he will not let you get a word in. He was also General manager of Epcon Solar recently, who was indicted by the Arizona Attorney General (exactly 1 month after he left there), and Epcon was ordered to pay restitution to over 50 solar customers in Arizona, in the amount of over $500,000, and cannot be involved in the solar industry ever again. Then he was also Sales manager for one of the largest (ripoff) Solar Companies in Arizona "Salt River Solar and Wind" who was also indicted (shortly after he left), and the owner was sent to prison and ordered to pay more then $2,000,000.00 in restution to solar customers in Arizona.  Hum, makes you wonder.  

So I ask you, why would GFT have a person like this working with them and in a managerial position?  Maybe it wasnt GFT at all, but only acting on the knowledge of there sales manager, I dont know.  All I know is I was not paid.  So with that being said GFT is the company and is the one at fault.  

I will probably never get what is owed to me by GFT, as the process is set up for a person to spend far more then what is owed to even try and get it.  I have filed with the Industrial Commissions of Arizona and was told that it would be best to file law suits against them.  Well that would cost me way more then what is owed.  So my reason for continuing to update people about this company and the man in the drivers seat is so no one else has to go through the hardships that I have as a result.  If one person looks past them and decides not to do business with them as a result.  Then it was all worth it for me and that person, as that will be one less person to get taken advantage of.


#4Author of original report

Wed, October 28, 2015

So, if this person has been emplyeed for only 3 months with Green Fuel, and I left there over 4 months ago, how could he/she have any knowledge of my experience with Green Fuel or ensight to my work ethics or expectations while I was employeed there. Smells fishy.  Maybe they should get there dates correct before lying.  And, if anything this person should thank me for the present payout structure in place there, as it is what I presented while employeed with them.  This is simply an attempt by members of this organization to paint a pretty picture of operations at Green Fuel Technologies.  

Its very simple, solar sales is not a business that has contiued accounts from exisiting clients.  We sell them a solar system. It that easy, and we get paid only on that premis.  I was to get paid a specific % of each sale, at outlined milestones. Nothing was ever stated or presented that upon seperation I would not ge paid what was owed to me.  Green Fuel failed in that requard, and instead they determined to screw a person that came in and actually assisted in building the foundation for this division.  the only time we sales reps do not get paid is if the client cancells.  I am not the only one that has experienced this with Green Fuel.  You can find many other reviews on line from past employees and customers that have been taken advantage of by this organization.  

The bottom line is this, I sold deals on behalf of Green Fuel Technologies, and upon leaving they refused to pay me the remainder of commissions owed. My seperation with Green Fuel had no impact on those deals and not one of them cancelled.  Everyone of them was a cash deal and full payments were recieved by GFT, but as for me nothing.  How is that good business?  They would not have those deals if not for the sales rep.  GFT based the fact that i was not being paid on the fact, I was no longer servicing these clients (as stated in attachment email in initial review). This is not an industry of selling accounts and having to service those accounts. They buy a product and it gets installed.   In the solar business you sell a deal and it gets turned over to operations and they are to handle all correspondance and customer service at that point.  No sales rep has the information or timelines of milestones completed during the contruction process. So at what point am I to conitnue to service those clients. I have worked for many solar companies in the past 4 years and no not all the with best of ethics, but after seperating with them I did get paid for all deals closed while employeed with them.  Yes I may had to have watied for 100% completion of those system installs, but I got paid.  

So as for this emplyee that supposedly is working for them, get all your commissions before leaving or you won't get them at all. And again, anyone considering working for this company just beware.  The real solar professionals out there know exactly what I am talking about.  And as for potential clients, make sure you read everything you sign with them and approve.  Oh and most important, know that GFT is required to provide you with a design for approval before installing the system.  Make sure the equipment is what you signed up for.  

Companies like GFT are the reason that the Solar industry have such a dark cloud around it.  There are 100's of companies to choose from so do your homework.

If at any point GFT decides to be ethical and pay me what is owed.  I would be more then happy to update that in this review.

Have a good day.


Green Fuel Technologies is the best company I have ever worked for

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 09, 2015

The person who filled the complain does not paint an accurate picture of Green Fuel Technologies.  I have been working for the company for 3 months.  I get paid 5% commission of solar system I sold.  I get paid half at point of sale every week and half at installation of solar systems.  Every solar system I have sold so far I have been paid half of my commissions the following week of point of sale and the other half the following week after installation.  The previous employer complained of no support.  I have recieved great support from this company.  I have been taught and guided every step of the way. The previous employer also complained of lack of leads.  I personally have recieved many many leads and always I repeat always have a potential solar customer to contact.  While many solar companies our having thier employees go door to door I have not had to knock a single door except the ones I have a scheduled appoitment with.  Green Fuel also has all the tools available for my to succeed. They help me prepare very accurate proposals that show complete disclosure and bread down the cost of the solar system by every nut and bolt.  I have seen many other solar companies proposals and they do not break down the sost to the consumer.  The previous employer who said he was not getting paid on his commissions quit and wated to get paid on the back end when his employment contract state that if an employee quits he does not recieve the back end of his commissions.  This particular employee also showed very little work ethic and expected everything to be handed to him on a silver platter.  I encourage any one interested in the solar sales field to apply to Green Fuel technologies they are a great company to work for

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