  • Report:  #523435

Complaint Review: Green Tree Mortgage - St. Paul Minnesota

Reported By:
Catbox4 - Murrieta, California, USA

Green Tree Mortgage
345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, 55102 Minnesota, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My mortgage was through National City until I received a letter stating that they were being bought out by PNC.  After contacting them 2 weeks ago I discovered that my loan was actually transferred to Green Tree - I have yet to receive anything in the mail.  I have a 730 credit score, and have never missed a payment on anything.  I bought a house in Nov. 07 whilst making very good money, but I was let go in Sep. 08.  Not long after, my boyfriend lost his job to the economy, and we began to struggle to make the $2250 mortgage payment.  During this time, my house lost $100,000 in value, but I am being told that I cannot get a balance reduction.  My boyfriend had to move back to AZ for work, and my mother moved in to help me.  I went back to school after losing my job and was surviving off unemployment, my savings and my mother.  I contacted Nat. City and they gave me a little information, and made payment arrangements for me for that month, as I was behind.  They sent me a loan mod package, but I was told that they were going through a transfer and it may be better to hold off on the paperwork until that was complete. In the meantime I contacted the 1-800-HOPE hotline, to take advantage of the free 'help' available through the government. They determined that I was eligible for a loan mod, depending on Nat City of course.  However, all they can do is provide little info and do a 3-way call with you to your lender, if you need help with them.  I received a call from a Green Tree rep (Joaquin)a few days ago, and was answering all his questions believing that he was in loss mitigation.  He kept telling me that I needed to pay my bill, and that they wouldn't help me unless I brought my loan current.  (Nat. City had told me that they couldn't help me unless I was at least 30 days late!) When I told him I had a loan mod package from Nat City, he told me that he didn't think that would work but would not tell me what I did need.  He became more and more condescending and rude, he did not listen to anything I said as he just spoke over me, and eventually I was shaking and in tears.  I asked him to let me speak to another rep - he refused.  I asked for his supervisor - he refused.  My friend was with me, and so he got on the phone and very calmly told Joaquin that we would like to speak with someone else. Again - he refused.  My friend had the same problem with him, in that he could not get a word in.  My friend reiterated that we obviously had a 'personality clash' and that it would be better if I could deal with someone else.  Joaquin still refused, saying that it was my 'personal problem'!  We got nowhere so we hung up.  I tried to call back to get a supervisor, but the call rang through to him (even through the 800 number -clever huh!)  Eventually I spoke to a supervisor by using another phone, and he was nice !  I told him that I refused to deal with Joaquin, and asked that he review the call.  He told me what paperwork to get together, and that he would call me 2 days later to go over it and make a payment arrangement. Never happened! Joaquin called me the day after the supervisor should have - again asking for a payment arrangement.  I told him that I was working with someone who was helping me through this, (meaning the gov. program) but before I could even finish he said 'you're talking to him'.  I asked him why he had to be so difficult and that he didn't even know what I was talking about.  I told him that I was working with his boss, to which he replied that I had worked with his boss ONCE, and that he was sure his boss didn't tell me to stop paying!  AGAIN, I told him that I was fully aware that I need to keep paying, as I had done so for the past 15 years -hence my good credit.  I told him that if I had the money we wouldn't be talking, and that's why I need a loan mod.  Not to mention the fact that I was a Finance Mgr and know all about loans and credit.  Again, he was rude and condescending so I hung up.  I called -1-800 'hope' again in tears.  I couldn't get my counselor, so after some pushing I talked to another rep.  She was very nice, and got on the phone to Green Tree with me.  We talked to 'Pat', who kept saying that he couldn't help because he wasn't the acct. mgr.  He said we HAD to deal with Joaquin who was in collections.  The 1-800 hope rep had as hard a time as I did getting any info out of Pat, and at one point had to tell him that there was no reason to yell at us.  He said we could not deal with anyone else, and Joaquin was unavailable.  He said that they would not send out loan mod paperwork until they determined IF I was eligible.  He said that he didn't know if they had any programs for "these loans".  He then said that any paperwork I did send had to go through guess who...Joaquin - and HE would decide whether it should go to loss mitigation ! I then said to the hope rep "do you see what I mean, they won't give us ANY info" - to which Pat replied that he could see why Joaquin had such a hard time with ME! So the hope rep asked for a supervisor - Pat said they were all at lunch.  He then transferred us to...Joaquin! He was just as difficult, and said that they would have to determine elgibility over the phone before sending out any paperwork, but they couldn't do that until POSSIBLY Monday as the conversion was still not complete.  He then told the hope rep that I was uncooperative and that there was still the matter of the delinquent loan!  I replied that I had tried to cooperate, and that all he had to do was look at my credit to see that I am not a person who does not pay my bills.  He kept arguing, talking over me - by this point I am again in tears.  And there is NOTHING that Obama's wonderful-waste-of-time "Hope" program can do!  Can you imagine what would happen if I got all my paperwork together and sent it to Joaquin ?  Wait - they won't even ACCEPT any paperwork.  I told Joaquin and the "hope" rep that this is why people are being forced to pay lawyers and loan mod companies - but the "hope" rep kept telling me not to pay anyone.  Any ideas then, because I'm out of them.  I don't see how I could get this done on my own, as intelligent as I may be - because Green Tree obviously has no intention of helping anyone.  So I am also forced to pay for help - what now Obama ? How do they get away with this?  

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Green Tree makes "making home affordable" a joke

#2Author of original report

Wed, November 25, 2009

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing the same difficulties.  It really is embarrassing and draining, but you would think that these idiots would realise that the effects of the downturn in this economy are non-discriminatory.  By this I mean they treat you as though you are the lowest piece of scum, who just doesn't feel like paying your bills - not a previously successful person who has maintained a 740 credit score, and just became a product of this recession. 

As far as refinancing - if your property is worth less today than you owe, you will be unable to re-fi.  In my case, my house lost $100,000 in the first year ! However, GreenTree received $221.8 million from the government which is to be used to provide assistance to people more than 60 days late.  As of these figures, (((Redacted)))

they are only assisting 17% of eligible people.  I wonder how that figure would change if the source knew that GreenTree are telling people (me) that they cannot submit a loan modification unless you bring your payments current or to only 30 days late.  I should also mention that apparently, you have to be 90 days late before they can send you a notice of default.  I find it strange that at this point, I am just less than 60 days late and they sent me one already.  Is there NO-ONE tracking these companies, and making sure they are spending this country's money as they are supposed to?  Isn't the fact that no-one was paying attention to mortgage companies, lenders etc., a HUGE portion of the reason we are in this predicament? Anyway, I would like to know which state you're in - if you're in Cali I may be able to provide you with some necessary info.  Either way, I would get on the phone again with the Hope Hotline (3-way), and make them tell you the reason for denying your modification.  Also, you should read all the info on their site (for what it's worth, I know!), and any other info you can get your hands on.  Check out the link I provided, I just found that site today and there is some interesting info on there. Write down names, times and what was said anytime you communicate with your lender or the hope hotline.  Wherever possible, send letters indicating what was said, by whom, and what you are going to do or want them to do next. 

I wish you the best of luck - don't give up.  If nothing comes of it, at least you gave it your best shot. 


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United States of America
Green Tree Modification LOL

#3General Comment

Wed, November 25, 2009

Bank in July of this year 2009; I was let go from a company I was with for five years due to the economic fall; so being pro-active I contacted Green Tree as the govermental site that I visted on Modifications informed me to do; since Green Tree was posted as participationg, and I was told by an individual that a package would be mailed to me. Well two weeks went by and noting so I called. I was told then they did not have the package together as to date; I live in a state where we are in the top 10 of unemployment ratings and at that time had taken a job with half the income that I was use to, but have to make ends meet some how and all of this I informed Green Tree the whole way. My rep frome the goverment agency also did a three way with Green Tree and still recieved nothing other then I just had to wait till November.

Well  November rolles around and I call them again, and I am told I do not qualify for this. I sked why? they beat around the bush and never gave a reason. I had sent the Modiificaton Package paper work which I got off line on a goverment site to Green Trees crop addresss cerified return so they could not say they did not receive it. Well after a month they sent a letter back saying that I did not qualify with no explinaion. I was originaly with Bank of America and they sold my account to Green Tree, and was in good standings with them for over 13 years; if I only knew the snake they are prior to now, I would of refinance with someone else. the money that I owe with them never goes down, and when I ask for pay-off figures I am given differnt amounts. I have asked for paper work from them (my contract) which they will not send, and I have never signed...

So my advice to you is if you at all possible can refiace else where do so.......but they (Green Tree) are taking advantage of us those that have lost their jobs due to no fault of our own, and we are stuck since no job then the possibility of re-financing are noll and slim and they know this...I got behind a month and they like you said called at least four times a day, over and over differnt people each time, I have gotten to where I do not pick up the phone any longer whenit is them. I have informed them when my situation changes I will call them...I am in the process of contacting my State Rep and any other representative I can to let them know of Gree Trees practices, if I could I would go to Wahington and ask Obama about his Modification program, since it is not working for me, maybe the rich it is helping thise that bought homes cheap to turn around and the intrest rates where high on their 20 houses they got stuck with, but me the common person it is not working for. I have since informed Green Tree that our conversatiosn are being recorded, and since then there has not been any calls. As you said they are very demeaning with you onthe phone. I am only one month behind have asked for an extension which they will not do and have threated forclouser so I feel I amy have to talk to an attorny which I can not afford either. Oh well so is th elife with Green Tree.

Wish you luck if you come across any information that may help the both of us plese let me know.

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