  • Report:  #26720

Complaint Review: Hawaiian Assignments -

Reported By:

Hawaiian Assignments
http://hawaiianassigments.com U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was aproached by a seemingly 'kosher' company, ASKING me if I would be interested in working in Hawaii. After wasting a great deal of time completing their "approval process" and being "approved", they THEN tell me that there will be a $69 'fee', followed by a load of 'justification' about why there is a fee.

A 'fee' does NOT secure employment in Hawaii (or anywhere else).

Basically, they're just online recruiters, with a new angle on getting money from out-of-work people.

Is it possible to actually contact them? Of course not..........


Austin, Texas

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