  • Report:  #772656

Complaint Review: health wealth and happiness - Internet

Reported By:
Alice - Brussels, Nationwide, Belgium

health wealth and happiness
Internet, United States of America
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Hi, all,

I didn't want to write anything but after having read these stories about Rochelle Gordon, Bethea (don't know if they are the same person) on this website, and seeing how mutch all I read (over 80 ripp-off reports) helped me figuring out what awful trap I just escaped, ans seeing how long this rip-off organization exists, I decided to testify it may help someone, cause I was just about being trapped by these liars.

First I really don't know how to thank  the ripoff Report site owners, YOU JUST SAVED ME!thank you  first to have this website, second for NOT ERASING OLD REPORTS,cause I found relevant information here and there in different reports, some of them old of 7 years. also I feel really scary to see how these astrologers are not afraid to ripp off elderly, disabled, single mums and so on. and am sorry for all of those who fell into their miserable trap

 I registered to those free weekly Horoscope forecasts more than 5 YEARS ago It was Rochelle at that time. I don't even remember in which condition I think it was on my  birthday, and I received an email from a friend about astrology. from one link to another I fell somewhere you can get forecast for free, as they were not asking me anything related to credit card I registered. But personally I don't take astrology too seriously so it was more for fun.

Then I begun to receive weekly forecast, they are very well written, they make you feel good because they begin by real advice for life and well-being. But  In addition to those forecasts I was receiving additional mails to buy jewelry that is supposed to bring me wealth and happiness but I never believed in them so often I just put them directly in trash without even reading it.  after sometimes it was not more Rochelle but Bethea who were sending me the forecast but the content didn't change, only the name.

 This was totally harmless for me till now But voil this  year i am going through problems concerning, love, and also professional life, and have also some health trouble, so I am going through hard time in all sides of my life. I begun to look closely to her forecast and found out that there were some of them that seemed very accurate.Today I was feeling sad and weak and went to read bethea's forecast, then for the first time I opened one of her additonal spams with the intention to read it carefully.

first sentence were after more than 70 months reading personnaly my forecast she was worried not to hear about me, cause she cares for me etc...
She was telling me that she has some jewelry, with strange names like "Silver 4 Pomegranate Seed Pendant" with its velvet pendant box, that were supposed to give me prosperity, ultimate power, longevity and protection. I opened another one with Archange Gabriel pendant. which is your angel that will protect you from bad luck etc. all those were free but I had to pay the shipping. Off course I had to order them fast (before 12th of september otherwise I miss my luck).

I had chosen archange gabriel jewelry cause it is closer to my christian beliefs,I was about to fill in all the required information , including credit card number and billing adress, I was going to do it because l I am struggling not to fall into depression, so i am more vulnerable than usual. so the word "PROTECTION" in their mails is the one that made me decide to make the purchase. Usually I don't believe in stuff like that but I was saying to myself that maybe I should try, you never know...

 then for i don't know what reason I googled bethea just to know if this Archange Gabriel had already helped someone and I was stunned with what I found out on this website: these Mywealthandhappiness people may charge you more than you ordered and on a montly basis, without the possiblility for you yo cancel it, if you unsubscribe (what  I was about to do several times) you get spams and viruses, and the most stunning, this rubbery goes on for years and years as I saw that first postes date from 2004!!! AndI found  information about this archange gabriel in old reports, someone ordered it and it didn't work, another one was charged more than usual and never got it! and apparentlythey are crappy jewelry

so I write here to say that this rip off business is too dangerous!I am so angry to see how they abuse of problems of people in their daily life.

These psychics just wait for you!!!!you may be strong for years,( i was reading her free forecasts and put her spams in trash for more than 5 years!!!!) then at one timeyou  fall into their trap, because all of us go through hard times at one point or another, and wecannot remain strong all times. I don''t know what would have happened to me if I had, in addition to my current challenges, had been ripped off each month, It would have been even worse for me than now!  

you never know, my post may help someone like others helped me. The first post about this was in 2004, now we are in 2011 and they are still abusing people!They should be put in jail for long time!AlsoThanks a lot for all of you who posted your reports, about it I have read them all, you helped me all!

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