  • Report:  #1141945

Complaint Review: Henning Morales - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Anonymous - , California,

Henning Morales
Los Angeles, California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This report serves as the first of many that will be popping up all over the internet. I have committed to ensuring that no one else is taken advantage of by Henning Morales, Dr. Michael Brown, Barbara Lynn, or any other representative of eWorld Companies/eWorld Media/Xperience TEAM/HollywoodCEO or whatever name they are using now.

Unfortunately I had a much more elloquant post written when my browser shot down, so you will have to accept my best attempt to recreate it. Thankfully the information included in this and other posts is true and does not need to be fabricated, and therefore is easy to remember.

I want to start by discussing warning every Employee, Contractor, Videographer, Talent, Model, Venue staff, Media, and Investor that comes in contact with Henning, Doc, Barbara, eWorld Companies, Xperience Team, HollywoodCEO, that your time and your money are at risk.  Henning does not pay any of his people regardless of the agreement.  Here is a breakdown of the roles of each player in this massive interstate fruad scheme.

Henning is the greasey face of the company, charming people with slick words and deceptive smile. He will promise the world but constantly falls short as he chooses his own personal gain over accounts payable. He has scammed his way into a house in the Hollywood Hills (which I have heard has be repossessed) by exploiting the labor of those he can talk into doing business with him. He will engage your services as long as it suits his ends and when the bill comes, he is nowhere to be found, often hiding behind a cell phone voicemail or other eWorld insider.

Dr. Michael "Doc" Brown is involved as a company officer and massive share holder second only to Henning according to recent SEC filings. Doc is the Communications arm of eWorlds fraud. He puts a spin on Henning loose comments by adding pretty words, being careful not to cross any legal boundries when necessary. He issue the Press Releases and replies to investor questions (unless you're a shareholder whom eWorld owes money for employment services). Doc tries to put a legitimate spin on the company, all the while claiming not to be an officer or employee of the company.  His comments have lead to the recent increase in share purchases with the promise of "no plans to reverse split this stock," only to do just that and leave hundreds of investors across the country/world holding the bag. In my opinion the combination of Doc and Henning is where the true fruadulent activities are formulated and their devious plans are put into play.

Barbara Lynn is the European representative of eWorld. She is also used by Henning as another go-between so henning doesnt have to communicate with those to who he owes money directly. Barbara is there to be the sympathetic friendly arm of the fraud. Her only objective is to prevent you from taking any action against Henning, Doc, Herself, or eWorld that could jeopardize their scheme.  She will relay messages to and from Henning in a effort to create deniability for Henning in case of future lawsuits.

This fearsome-threesome has been running this scam for years, and will continue to do so until consumers, investors, employees, contractors, talent, and other take action. Unfortunately for us, there is little in the way of financial recourse as eWorld as basically worthless - no product, no equipment, nothing but a name. Our best defense against people like this is a good offense. We need to disseminate information about Henning, Doc, Barbara, and eWorld throughout the world, and we have been given the perfect vehicle with which to do so - the internet.  They use the web to scam others, we need to use the web to help prevent others from falling victim to their fraud.

Below I will include a list of contact information for Henning, Doc, and Baraba. If you have any updated contact info for any of them, I encourage you to add that as a comment to this post. Remember, the more you comment, post, tweet a link, post a link to your social media outlets, to more easily accessible this information will become through the search engines. My hope is that others will use the first-hand information we are providing to steer clear of these scum, so-as to not fall victim to one of their scam.

PLEASE NOTE: Henning is running "lifestyle events" at the Riveria 31 in Beverly Hills per his own Twitter account. Do not get sucked into attending!!

Henning Morales (MORAL-less)

h@eworldcompanies [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Twitter: @henningmorales

Facebook: Account has been deleted

Cell: 310-498-7773 (Although he will never answer. He only hides behind his voicemail like a coward).


Dr. Michael "DOC' Brown

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Phone: 714-893-2673


Twitter: @drmichaelbrown


Barbara Lynn

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

skype: barbaralynnspain

cell: +34609551092

website: europe.eworldworldmedia.com (deadlink- like their entire company)

REMEMBER if you have any better contact information for these scum, please provide that here as many others are still trying to reach them to collect uncollectible money.



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