  • Report:  #487913

Complaint Review: Herbalife INTERNATIONAL AT HOME DISTRIBUTOR - Internet Internet

Reported By:
angryconsumer134 - statesville, North Carolina, USA

MyHerbalife.com Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

A ferw months ago, I was looking online for a job that I could do at my home to help my boyfriend with our household bills. I stumbled upon a company named Herbalife. I signed up and got my starter kit a few weeks later.

The website said that there would be no inventory to manage, and no costs, other than the starter kit which was $9.95. A few days into the program, they sent me a sample kit. It cost me $150.00!

I wasn't too upset about that. But then a week later, during a training phone call, they said I needed to make a supervisor order. I figured that they would be keep the product at their warehouse, and that the order would be paid for when it was bought by other customers.

They wouldn't tell me how much the order was, and they did not say they would be charging my account. You can imagine my anger and surprise when, a week after that, I open my front door, and see 8 boxes on my doorstep! I looked at the price on the order list, and it was $3,500!

 I recieved an overdraft statement from my bank the next day, and there was the $3,550! On top of that, I had to sign up for their I-office, which was another $9.95. I ended up spending almost $5,000 on a company that promised no additional start-up cost!

Herbalife is a money hungry, lieing bunch of a**es. Anyone who has thought about or has signed up with them, ditch this company! They will get money out of you anyway they can.

I still have boxes of product in my house, because I don't have the money to ship it back. They broke me, and then they expected me to pay to ship the product back to them, which would cost me another $116.00!

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2General Comment

Fri, January 11, 2013

Unfortunately it sounds like you just found a dishonest distributor. You can't actually buy products from the company itself without being a distributor, being a distributor myself I know that the company had nothing to do with the fact that you had a fraudulent charge on your card. Deceptive people are everywhere, but that doesn't mean that It's a scam, it means the individual you dealt with is a loser and they will soon be out of business or in jail from fraud. this is a great opportunity for someone who wants to make some extra income or change their lifestyle, don't let a bad apple tarnish an entire company.


United States of America

#3General Comment

Thu, January 10, 2013

Unfortunately it sounds like you just found a dishonest distributor. You can't actually buy products from the company itself without being a distributor, being a distributor myself I know that the company had nothing to do with the fact that you had a fraudulent charge on your card. Deceptive people are everywhere, but that doesn't mean that It's a scam, it means the individual you dealt with is a loser and they will soon be out of business or in jail from fraud. this is a great opportunity for someone who wants to make some extra income or change their lifestyle, don't let a bad apple tarnish an entire company.


United States of America

#4General Comment

Thu, January 10, 2013

Unfortunately it sounds like you just found a dishonest distributor. You can't actually buy products from the company itself without being a distributor, being a distributor myself I know that the company had nothing to do with the fact that you had a fraudulent charge on your card. Deceptive people are everywhere, but that doesn't mean that It's a scam, it means the individual you dealt with is a loser and they will soon be out of business or in jail from fraud. this is a great opportunity for someone who wants to make some extra income or change their lifestyle, don't let a bad apple tarnish an entire company.


New Port Richey,

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, January 19, 2011

to: herbal revolution. Thank god you are not an employee, you are defending this company as if you were. But Alas!!!! you are in fact an "employee". If you were to be asked ,say by a court of the USA, "who do you work for?" "Who is your employer?" You would have to reply Herbalife, !!! right??? You wouldn't say.....Walmart, or Sears would you? You might be a rep. or distributer, BUT YOU ARE STILL AND EMPLOYEE OF SUCH COMPANY!

Do your research a little more deeper into "your" company. Back in 1986 "your company" was sued for $850,000 big ones and your company's president Mr Mark Hughes agreed to pay it., why? because "your company" was doing wrong things to their clients,distributors,employees, however you want to name yourself. Herbalife was doing wrong and they had to pay up. You speak of Herbalife trading in the stock market, do you know when and why they started trading? Keep doing research Mr/Ms non employee! During that trial, the judge oredered Mark Hughes that a sum of $400,00 be deposited to the courts as a security to covr possible defaults by the company. (not even the courts trusted you).

Your "company" was ordered not to use terms like: Herbalife products can curb your appetite or burn off calories or cleans your system. But guess what? YOU STILL DO! "Your company" HAD to start trading on Dec. 1986, to cover their losses, what they did was merge with another company,Shell Corp.out of Utah and they started trading to raise $14 million with public stock offering, and that,my dear,is how "your employer" got out of their problem.

Live by truths and the truth WILL set you free. Tell people the truths about your company...don't cover it up. I'm not a consumer or have any ill feelings about the company....thank you for your time.


United States of America
One other thing

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, October 06, 2010

The products have been proven over and over to work, they are not "crap" and those of us defending herbalife are now able to have a life thanks to this opportunity. With that said, i suggest you reevaluate your accusations since I am pretty certain no one is looking for what you think but instead whether or not they would be getting ripped off by trying out this company and bettering their financial situation in the long run and if not at least their well-being.

Its Not A Rip Off If You Received The Product You Paid For! Sorry but there is no argument here. Do what you signed up to do. That easy.


United States of America
From Ones Point of View Who Has Experience with Herbalife and is Intelligent Enough to Listen and Make Informed Decisions

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, October 06, 2010

Last month I went searching online for alternative ways to getting paid. Online surveys were my target in order to make an extra couple dollars and be able remain a stay at home mother.

In my search I found an ad for a way to work from home. I took a look at it. Read all the information and started to fill in my information. When it came credit card time I instead went to Google to do some research. I don't care if it was only 9.95, its money that could be used towards my 4 month old daughter. On Google I typed Herbalife Scam. Now with my experience, if your looking for something to be a scam, your going to find it to be a scam. There were plenty of arguments like this in my search. Everyone just seemed ticked off.

But I gave the other side a chance as well and I found facts over opinion. 90% of everything you read is opinion, and 10% fact. So let me be a fraction of that 10% and tell you...Herbalife has been a Stable company for 30 years with OVER 50 million customers who have had success just taking the products in 71 countries and continuously expanding. They publicly trade on the New York Stock Exchange! In my opinion that makes it evident that its not a rip off but a legit company.
As a consumer and distributor I have been through the process. Those of you who have something to rant about were not right for the company to begin with. I know of a man that started out illiterate and read his first full book at the age of 22, one year after joining to company and he is now set for life after 10 years in the business. His wife retired at 28. If that says anything about you and how well you actually listen and pay attention when information is given to you.
Opinion time, well sort of... When an ad or another distributor asks you if you are serious about OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS on a scale of 1-10 10 being the highest and you give a high number, they immediately take you seriously too. Now if you have no idea what it takes to own or even start your own business then ya i can expect that you would think 9.95 will get you off to a Great start and ticked to find out that isn't the case.

I guess you could say unrealistic? I found out after joining herbalife that we have scripts in which we are to go through word for word to make sure we get all the information out to our prospects as well as visuals that you are instructed to watch in order to make sure you know what is involved. There is a lot of information to cover and its told one step at a time to avoid getting anyone overwhelmed. If continue the training instead of Freaking Out, you could get rid of the product from your house.

Once that product is gone you order straight from herbalife. The reason why getting a supervisor order was suggested is because your earn 3500 points which promotes you. When you are promoted from distributor to supervisor with that order you are gaining a 50 percent profit vs the 25 percent for the same amount of work.
It is not required and the pricing is made clear to you when before your card is processed.

If you were to begin a typical business it would take much more of an investment and over 5 years to possibly break even from it. And there is no guarantee with that, that your business will succeed. With this company and the way it is set up, as long as you have a good attitude, your willing to put in the effort and your teachable, you can follow the training as we have done and begin earning money and residual income. But you have to be up for it and prepared to work hard for at least the first 3 months before you can relax and see the results for what they are worth. Its possible and Not a scam.

I am looking for people to join my team so if you want to give it another try and get your product paid for speak up!!


Herbalife International makes me sick!

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, December 07, 2009

Mickisue from Roseville (USA) is a liar...just another Herbalife crook covering up for an extremely horrible company! Get a life!

I'm on your side 100%, angryconsumer134. Don't feel alone, because the exact same thing happened to me last year & I'm still paying the price.

I wish I would have checked with the Ripoff Report before falling victim to this crooked scam. With all the overwhelming negative reports on this so-called business, it's far too obvious that Herbalife is nothing more than a total & complete fraud, cheating people out of thousands of hard-earned dollars! 

The crap inventory that was delivered to you is just that...crap! Good luck trying to sell that junk. It's not going to happen.

I can't understand why the law doesn't protect us from these creeps and put them behind bars where they belong. Anybody involved with this company shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets!



You Are Blaming Others for Your Lack of Due Diligence

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, October 26, 2009

I filed this as a consumer, but I am, and am proud to be, an Herbalife Independent Distributor. As I am NOT an employee of the company, I really could find no way to identify myself that was not inaccurate. I AM however, a consumer of the products, and have been for over 8 years.

I can't vouch for the person who brought you into Herbalife; we are ALL independent distributors. But I can tell you a few things, because we are all bound by the contracts that we sign with Herbalife.

First of all, you would NOT have been told that you had NO other costs than the $9.95, because nobody can run a business on a total investment of $9.95.

Second, what you paid $150.00 for was, in all likelihood, not a "sample" but a MONTH'S SUPPLY of product, along with your license to do the business.

Third, when you were told that you should become a supervisor, and the person told you that they couldn't tell you the exact cost, they were telling you the truth: until Herbalife figures the cost of the tax for YOUR state, etc, the exact figures are not known. However, you could have asked for a ballpark figure, and they could have/would have given it to you.

Fourth, a whole lot of your complaints seem to be rising from the fact that YOU made assumptions that were not true. Did you ever ASK? Why would you assume that the product would be kept at the warehouse? Again, I can't speak for the person who spoke to YOU, but I tell people who say that they want to be supervisors "Your card will be billed about $3300, give or take a couple hundred and you should have your product in about 3 or 4 business days."

Fifth, and finally, it appears that you just got pissy and decided to do NOTHING with your products. Did you ask for training in how to move product? Did you follow directions on how to take the products, and then use your results to get customers, so that you could make MONEY from them?

Just as any diet program does no good if the food sits on the shelf in the kitchen, a business does no good if the products sit in a box. I recommend that you stop whining and find out how to sell the products. You'll get your money back, and your overdraft AND a profit, if you get going!

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