  • Report:  #46684

Complaint Review: HMS Blue / VOIPTALK - Van Nuys California

Reported By:
- Chesterfield, Virginia,

17216 Saticoy St. Van Nuys, 91406 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Checking my online banking statement I noticed a charge for 61.02 from VOIPTALK, CA. I had no idea who this company was, so I decided to call the number that was listed on my statement and the message service answered HMS BLUE. Still I have no idea what type of business this is.

Of course no real person answered the phone. I then reported them to my banking service. I called this company again approx 48 hours later. Spoke with a woman named Margarita (go figure). Who said it was a promotional phone card deal.

Mind you I've never received a phone card nor did I ever order one. I asked where they got my credit card number from. of course no answer on that one. She then told me they would refund my account. So today 2/24/03 I start the wait fot my money. Actually I'm just going to the bank and have the charges reversed.

I have also reported this business to the Better Business Bureau here in Virginia. I plan on putting this business out of business, they have happened upon the wrong person.


Chesterfield, Virginia

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