  • Report:  #794736

Complaint Review: Holland America / Sandy Beaches Cruise - Nashville Tennessee

Reported By:
Anonymous - Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America

Holland America / Sandy Beaches Cruise
Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First cruise for me and traveling partner in January 2011.  Many famous musicians on board, lots of entertainment.  One of the lesser-known musicians who has a history of jumping on passengers jumped on my back, locked her arms around me, screamed in my ear, and then took off.  I was standing on deck on top of the hot tub at the time.  She almost knocked me over.  Two nights later, she stalked me from bar to bar and did the same thing. 

I reported the assault to ship's security who told me to take it up with the charter, Sandy Beaches Cruise, so I did.  I was told she is a "functioning alcoholic" who has been in rehab so many times, jumped on previous passengers, and is obnoxious on and off stage.  Often, she invites herself on stage to join other singers whether they invite her or not.  One night, she invited herself on stage with Delbert, and by the look on his face, he clearly did not want her there.  It gets better.

The day after I reported her, she was nowhere to be found.  I was told she was banished to her cabin, but the next day, she was back.  And, all  the other musicians were looking at me and my traveling partner like we were the ones who started trouble.  This made for a very awful trip.  It all went downhill after that.

I spoke with Gary Turlington, VP at Sandy Beaches Cruise.  (Of course, every time I went to speak to someone, I missed a show)  I let him know that I was aware that she has done this in the past and it appeared she wasn't supposed to be on this cruise and asked how she got back on.  He didn't answer, but only said that he "didn't have time for this" and that he was pretty sure that she wouldn't be allowed back on in the future.

Now, thinking back to the pre-cruise party, one of the folks at the registration desk did inform us that, if we wanted to bring anything on board (alcohol, etc.) do not put it in your carry-on.  He told us to put it in our checked luggage.  After the whole "drive-by-jumping-by-an-alcoholic" situations, my traveling partner was outside on deck watching a show when a bag of, a-hem, an oregano-like substance with a cigarette inside landed at his feet.  Some guy out of nowhere materializes to collect it.  Toward the end of the cruise, you could smell it in the air all throughout the hallways-there's no escaping the pot smell.

We paid thousands of dollars for a horrible experience and tried to contact Sandy Beaches Cruise.  I also followed up with Holland America per the ship's security who took the assault report while we were on board.  At first, they were like "Oh my God" and offered to look into things.  After Jeannie Ogden spoke with Sandy Beaches Cruise, she came back and stood by some story that the rude singer was simply asking me for a light for her cigarette, followed by "there's nothing I can do."

I also let Gary Turlington know that I would not be traveling with them again.  He removed my name from future cruises.  That is the outcome of this situation. 

So, if you're not a hippie pot-head, and you're not aware of some arrangement between Holland America and Sandy Beaches Cruise that lets you bring drugs on board, then you're not welcome with the rich and famous "in" crowd that have no problem taking your hard-earned money.  No matter how they treat you. 

Seriously, folks, the last two years were stressful for me with losing my job and going through the flood in Nashville.  I was really looking forward to my first cruise. Never again with either.

13 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Just So You Know...

#2Author of original report

Thu, January 03, 2013

 This cigarette story is crap.  She wasnt even holding a cigarette, and neither was I.  I dont smoke.  But Im sure you were either drunk or stoned, or both.  Not that theres anything wrong with that, but be careful what you say-there were cameras all over the ship. 
One of the first nights I was standing on deck with my fianc just watching bands play poolside, she jumped onto both of us from behind.  And then she took off so fast into the crowd.  My fianc saw who it was at the time, I didnt.
When she saw me again a few nights later at one bar upstairs, she stalked me and followed me to another bar downstairs.  I was leaning on a half wall, watching a band play.  She was nearby, dancing and skipping around from one person to another, stopping to talk with them.  Then a few moments later she was behind me and ran into me again, literally, from behind, wrapped her arms around me, locking them, and screamed into my ear slamming my ribs into the counter. 
This time, I was holding a glass tumbler.  I turned around and yelled what is your problem.  She pointed her finger in my face and said I think you need to quit drinking! And then she got in my face and said Im going to Delbert about you!
This was not about a cigarette, she wasnt even holding one, and neither was I. If she were asking for a light, why not ask the people you know that you were just talking with?  She was just being a troublemaker and youre just trying to make her look like a victim here.  If youre the hat lady witness next to me who saw this happen, after seeing my reaction, you simply said thats just her, thats just the way she is, shes on this cruise every year, and thats just how she is. 
Now youre saying its about a cigarette?  You can try to make my complaint appear invalid, but I stick to what happened.  I know what she did.  When I talked to the people from Sandy Beaches Cruise office, they said she did the same thing to another passenger on a previous cruise, but it was an old man, and she knocked him down. 
And she didnt head to the bathroom in tears, she went over to Delberts daughter, who was watching the same band, complained about me, and pointed me out to her and then Delberts daughter started to head my way. Meanwhile, two guys from some band come over to talk to me, and one introduces himself as security for Delbert (what a joke-I saw him playing keyboard later) and follows me into the elevator as I headed back to my cabin.  I was pissed and wouldnt go until he got off the elevator. 
And yes, I was sore from all that, I called the ships nurse who was supposed to come by the cabin but never did, and I missed a few shows because I was in pain from being slammed into twice and my arms were bruised from when she bear hugged me from behind.  I also missed a few shows talking with ships security and then again talking with the Sandy Beaches Cruise folks. 
Gary spoke to me like I was an inconvenience to him and accused me of trying to embezzle from him.  My fianc and I are quite comfortable and have no problem spending our money elsewhere.  All Gary could say was Im pretty sure shes not going to be allowed to come back, but I really dont have time for this. 
Now Im just sayin what happened.  If yall wanna start hurling insults, I can do that too.
It wasnt fun for us, however, after word got around that my fianc and I spoke about it.  I went to one piano bar, and another musician looked at me, got up and left.  Later on, another musician met us at the elevator and gave us a patronizing smile as if to say we heard about you two.  Another musician in another band made a comment to me about the situation a few days later while we were walking in the same direction. 
I will say, as I have told the people in the office at Sandy Beaches Cruise, yes, the ship was beautiful, music was great, and visiting the islands was fab.  But if youre going to invite a hired groupie/singer back, who is a known alcoholic, and you know shes behaved like this in the past to passengers who pay thousands of dollars, then you need to take responsibility for your decisions. 
@block7884, I was at that finale show as well, and we saw Delberts reaction too.  Seems to me they probably got tired of her s**t and thats why she was banished to her cabin the day after I spoke with security.  They also said shes in the habit of inviting herself on stage a lot.  Before all this happened, we came across each other in the ladies room and she gave me a sideways glance and then burst into song as she walked out the door.  Like I said, never met her, didnt know who she was.
As a side note, I wouldnt be surprised if someone actually put her up to it since she jumped on me twice.  Like I said, weve never met or spoken, but if she were someones minion, they need to hear it from her.
Ive never met Delbert, but he seems like hes pretty cool.  Im just surprised at how it was handled, especially since its his name out there, and the charter told me that this person has done the same thing before.  And talk about projection, I didnt understand her alcohol comment since I dont drink that much, but the charter also revealed that shes a known alcoholic and practically has her own wing at rehab. 
Holland America was no better.  They were shocked at my experience, then spoke to the charter who gave them the same lame-o cigarette story, and called back with a theres nothing we can do  I can see Holland America has its share of complaints on here as well. 
There were cameras all over the ship; all they need to do is watch what happened for themselves.  And if either company had at least handled it better, I never would have written anything on here.


United States of America
Used to be fun cruise

#3General Comment

Wed, January 02, 2013

I was on that cruise and I know that singer.  She was rude to my wife at the bar.  Dont care about the pot thing, weve all smoked or at least tried it, maybe your bringing it up cause your pissed you had a bad experience and I can understand that. I saw her jump on somebody on the pool deck (if that was you, you were standing on a platform? Hot tub?  ) and she almost knocked you off the platform. And then she took off.
Obviously they knew that woman was wrong because they saw to it not to hire her for another cruise, they just didnt want a lawsuit especially if she did it before.  Surprised treating you like that though cause its Delbert and he seems like a cool dude.  Garys a p***k.  In my business, if one of my employees treats a customer like that we comp em and lose the employee.  Gotta make the customer happy.  If I went to a restaurant and some guy jumped on me or slammed into me or my wife, Id punch him out and no, I wouldnt spend my money there either especially if the manager sided with the employee.
Whats funny is after she was rude to my wife we saw her on stage at the finale with Delbert and friends and it looked like she invited herself on the stage because when she sat down next to Delbert, he turned and looked at her as if to say who invited you up here.  We had a good laugh at that. 
Seems shes an obnoxious attention getter but the deal breaker for me is I dont want nothing like that happening to me and my wife.  You hear too many times about things with these cruises and how they protect their own when things like this happen.  There are other music/party cruises to go on, but we wont be rejoining this one esp now that the pot thang is out in the open.


des palines,
United States of America
i had a wonderful time

#4General Comment

Tue, January 01, 2013

i am sorry to hear that you were so bummed out about that cruise. that was our first delbert cruise and it was fantastic. i don't know who that persone ws that jumped on you and that should not happen, but if you had no injury, could you not just forget about it and enjoy? since you had paid so much money?  the music is so great that i can't believe that you only remember that one bad incident.


United States of America
Amused and insulted

#5General Comment

Tue, January 01, 2013

This is simply laughable. I was not only aboard this cruise but WITNESSED this event. This is not at all what happened. The artist truly wanted a light for her cigarette, and this woman's response was SO horrible and rude, the artist ran to the bathroom in tears. You have the nerve to complain when you're the one who made her cry?? There are so many facts about this report that are flawed. For starters, there is absolutely no deal between SBC and the cruise line pertaining to drugs. If you've been around long enough, you know how to smuggle pot. Any idiot can do it. It's a music cruise. If you didn't expect this "might" happen you're naive and shouldn't have signed up in the first place. What other people do is up to them. You can only control yourself. Is it truly worth it to complain about something that has quote, "changed lives in such a positive way"? This is the first and only complaint I have ever seen about this cruise. They've been doing it nearly 20 years so they must be doing something right. Also, I have personally dealt with the SBC staff on multiple occasions, Gary Turlington included, and was overwhelmed with their kindness, attention to detail, and genuine concern for any problem I had. They work their asses off all year to provide an experience that for most people is the time of their lives. It's insulting to me that anyone would try to make it appear otherwise. I'm grateful to be attending the upcoming and final SBC cruise and I could not be happier that one less person like you will be on board. I have a feeling you had good intentions with this report but it would have helped your case if you hadn't lied and there weren't witnesses.

Mike McDevitt

United States of America

#6General Comment

Mon, December 31, 2012

I was not on that particular cruise, in fact, we are going to be "first time" SBC cruisers.  One of the many reason's we are so looking forward to going is our love of great music, meeting like minded people, and generally having fun. For the life of me, I can't imagine how anyone would make the decision, and financial commitment to set out on such a fantastic experience if you are that totally up-tight and out of touch. I mean, really? I am thankful you will not be there again to put a damper on the rest of us this cruise. I think you are a spineless worm who probably got beat up a lot in school. So you and your "partner" should go to choir competitions in the future and leave the good times to trained professionals.  Just sayin...


United States of America
Love Sandy Beaches Cruise

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, December 31, 2012

I happened to be on that same cruise. It was fantastic! Nonstop stellar music all over the ship, great food, great ports of call, great facilities on the ship and a wonderful, attentive staff. I found everyone to be quite friendly. So much so I went again last year. Bummed I couldn't swing it this year. I really don't see how one could blame Sandy Beaches Cruises for one person you don't seem to get along with. I would have just blown it off and moved on. So easy to do on that boat as there is music happening everywhere and if you're stressed out take a dip in the pool or visit the spa for a massage. I am certain there are thousands of Sandy Beaches Cruisers that would all report a total positive experience and very few that would share your experience. Fortunately, I had taken my first cruise the year before on one of those jumbo cruise ships. I didn't feel ripped off but I learned hanging with 4,000 strangers, kids peeing in the pool, scheduled dinner times, port after port of call, Las Vegas shows, Disney style entertainment around the ship is not for me. After a few hours on the Sandy Beaches Cruise I felt I was hanging with 2,000 friends all filled with joy for the opportunity to be a part of once-in-a-lifetime music performances in paradise. Sorry, this report is some sort of sour grapes deal and not a reflection of what 99.9% experience. I know, I was there.


United States of America

#8General Comment

Mon, December 31, 2012

I've been on seven of these cruises, and will be on another in four days.  They are the most upbeat, positive, friendly events imaginable.  My wife and I have met so many wonderful people on this cruise, people who will be friends for the rest of our lives.  Some of them are not even "hippie pot heads''!

(Truthfully, given the demographics on the boat, most of us have long ago replaced "drugs" with "meds"). 

I have always thought that you would have to be dead to not enjoy a Sandy Beaches Cruise.  This guy must be the life of the party wherever he goes. 


United States of America
Rock and Roll

#9General Comment

Mon, December 31, 2012

Have you ever been to ANY rock concerts other than this "cruise" in your LIFE? Are you serious...really someone was smoking pot at a rock concert? Stop the presses! I can see how this would upset your sensitive nature. From my research you were aboard a Holland American ship, in international waters...again flying Hollands flag and in accordance with their laws. Now as far as your back jumper is concerned, have you never been to a concert or at a bar with someone drunk bumping into you and being an a*s? For crying in the mud you act like this behavior is limited to THIS particular venue. Yeah, nothing like this has ever happened before on dry land and at any concert ever! You are a complete idiot, and rude to boot. Let me sum this up for ya tinker bell. Stay in your home, do not ever leave. There are people outside that will not follow your particular set of rules or your standards that you apperently have set in place for all the world to follow. I have looked this up Tinker just for you, and being curious. This Jan. will be the 19th year for this particular "cruise" in 2013. I have looked and looked, you seem to be the only one who is complaining out of thousands, and I mean almost 20 years...thousands of people who have enjoyed themself on these trips. I have read story after story about how much fun people have had and apperently so much so that they have kept this thing going for what 19 years now? Do everyone a favor, this site is for people who have really been ripped off, go whine and cry somewhere else. I am sure they need the space for serious information. So get off your soap box, take the wood and build a bridge to get OVER it already Mr. 1 in 1000000s of happy consumers. From the sounds of it you and your traveling "partner" should go to Disneyland. Then you can get on here and tell us about the long lines and how rude they all were to you and your "partner" if you are even still together. I would wager NO you are not. I will bet he got sick of you complaining!


Woodland Hills,
United States of America
Pot smoking at a rock 'n roll cruise? OMG!

#10General Comment

Mon, December 24, 2012

  I'm sorry you were so disturbed the this one drunk chick, but is this your first experience at a music festival/cruise?  It's hilarious and telling that you seem so offended and stunned by the presence of pot on the cruise.  Seriously?  How old are you?  How did you get to be this age and stay so sheltered from these evil situations?  ONE drunk chick and some weed?  You seem like you might be a bit over sensitive so maybe you should try the YANNI CANOE TRIP next time?  I can't wait to tell my buddies about the guys who were so offended by ONE drunk chick and the whiff of weed that they wrote a letter.  d**n.



United States of America
Entitled To Your Opinion

#11Author of original report

Sun, January 01, 2012

No salt, and not wrong.  I never said the artist was supplying.  I reported what we were told at the registration desk from our experience.  You can comment all you want, but as I have stated before, you did not go through what we experienced. 

I did research on the cruise before hand and I never read anything about some washed up alcoholic groupie jumping on people.  After it happened to me, however, I was told she had done it before.  I got to know exactly how obnoxious she is after being on the cruise.
Now, since you have so much to say about my reaction and not their actions, imagine this, if you will:
You, or your child goes to a university.  Youve done your research and you dont find anything that puts you off.  You pay over $6000 in tuition.  After a while, some professor-male or female-decides to assault you.  Its too late to withdraw.  You take it up with the university.  They respond by making you feel like your complaint is an inconvenience to them.  The Vice President tells you I dont have time for this.
You tell them that you have paid thousands of dollars, and how that professors treatment is affecting you.  They say its your problem, and they protect the professor-hoping to keep things quiet.  Following that incident, you go about your student life, and all the other professors you pass, maybe students as well, look at you as if you were the one who started trouble.  Makes for a nice semester, doesnt it?  To make matters worse, you get banned from the college after the semester is over.
I dont care about talking with the folks att SBC or Holland America.  Im done talking with them.  But, I will not be keeping quiet about my experience to others who think about going.  Im simply stating what happened to me and my boyfriend while we were on that cruise. 

If you're not happy with a product, you tell your friends/co-workers.  If you had a bad experience at a restaurant, you tell people.   You see a bad movie, you share your opinion.  If anyone tells me they are thinking of going on that cruise or using that cruise line, I am happy to tell them of my experience as well.

Not "looking for a reason", either, as you stated.  I was having fun until I was assaulted more than once by the same obnoxious individual.  But it was the way the cruise handled it which makes all the difference in the world.  They were irresponsible.   They have money and do not care. 
I do not care who sees this posting.  If someone wants to investigate, so be it.  If I were not treated like this by the folks on the cruise, I would not be posting about my bad experiences on this website.
I wish you more kindness for 2012.  I know if it happened to you, you would be singing a different tune.
Good luck, and Happy New Year.


Still Standing Up for SBC

#12General Comment

Sat, December 31, 2011

I did not book your cruise...You did...so therefore I do not need to put my money where my mouth is.

It is unfortunate that you had a bad experience. If you let one incident of bad judgement ruin your experience I would say you were looking for a reason.

I will say I have always got my money's worth when I have gone. I hope next year I will have the money it takes to go again if indeed they are still having them.

I am sure there are some drugs on board but to say that the artist supply it is being very judgemental and wrong. Some of the artist that are not going this year have other commitments and do other cruises besides SBC. I do not partake of drugs therefore if they were there I did not know it.

If you had that bad of a time I think it would be something you would want to forget and quit putting salt in your own wound.


United States of America
Standing Up For What Is Right

#13Author of original report

Sat, December 31, 2011

There is no "wanting a free cruise" here.  Don't want another SBC after the last one.  Just wanted an enjoyable cruise experience, which started out good, but did not end up that way. 

We did not get our money's worth.  And unless you can put your money where your mouth is, or put it in writing, you can't guarantee we did get our money's worth.  You did not go through our experience.

I also noticed some of the previous year's artists will not be joining the cruise this year.  I'm sure it will be lame without the drugs.  And speaking of which, I notice you're not denying it.


United States of America
Standing up for the SBC Cruise

#14General Comment

Mon, December 05, 2011

I have been on more than one SBC Cruise and I have never seen any thing like was described in this post. Everybody there is there for a week of great music and it is always delivered. Possibly somebody may have gotten drunk and gotten out of line, but sometimes you just have to let things go. Maybe they were hoping for a free cruise out of the deal but I can garantee they got their monies worth.

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