  • Report:  #77313

Complaint Review: Household Automotive Finance - City Of Industry California

Reported By:
- riverside, Illinois,

Household Automotive Finance
P.o Box 60115 City Of Industry, 91716-0115 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Where do I begin with this horrible company? I purchased a used car through a dealership actually i bought 2. The first car was new the second car was used. Household financed the second car.

At first things were going well. I think it was a year into payments when I realized that I was not getting a statemens. I called Household to find out why? They said because I paid early, I threw the computer off so I would not get one. They gave me a song and dance(I should of took that as a warning).

Next I received a statement that I owed nothing for that month.

Yeah Right!(my sentiments exactley). I called Household again to find out what was up. I was told that I had over paid and I owed nothing for that month. Ok cool. I usually over pay my bills regularly just to get ahead. I didn't think much about it(nor did I check. As i said i usually over pay most of my bills.

This happend three times from the beginning of the loan till the latter part of the 2003 year. I get a correspondence in the mail to call a lady concerning an immediate matter. So I called. It was Household Auto Finance telling me that my car was going to be repossed and that I owed around 2,000.

They stated that numerous checks had bounced and they were not nice on the phone. Down right rude and ignorant. I was trying to get info on how they came to that amount. The person at HAF started giving me dates, as she is giving me the months, I was pulling the checks showing that HAF had received there payments on time. They did not want to here that. They just wanted money and there car. I do not know how many people i had spoke to in the following days but it was quite a few. No one wanted to listen.

So In a panic i Western Union a payment.(one of the three I was told that I over payed.)In the process of all of this i come to find out that monies from another persons account was being put into my account. To make things worse, the other persons checks were bouncing. Are we laughing yet? Still no one at HAF wanted to LISTEN. THEY JUST WANTED MONEY.

I called the Legal Department within HAF and they gave me a number in SAN DIEGO CA. Here I reached someone who I thought would listen. Her name is Amber. Amber was a godsend. But Amber is only doing her job. She checked into the matter,and acknowledge that there was a mix up. She took the fees away,took my car out of repo and stated that missed payments were (to my understanding) wiped away. All of this took place in October 2003. I had asked if my credit would be affected she said no. She had taken care of everything.

Jan 2004 I apply for financing for a new car. GUESS WHAT????

HAF reported me as having 4 months of late payments. Yes Sir they sure did! My credit score went down over 250 points! I have no bad credit or credit problems but thanks to HAF I do now! Once again I'm on the phone to Amber and she said that they had reported to the credit companies to remove the false(my word of choice)information. It will take 30-90 days. In the meantime my trade in value is depreciating. Talk about a wonderful NEW YEAR.

This all started because someone at HAF put someone else's monies into the wrong account. It's nice to see that HAF trains their employees well.(not to mention there manners).

This is the worst company for financing. BEWARE HOUSEHOLD AUTO FINANCING. DO NOT FINANCE THROUGH THEM!!!! BEG,BORROW WORK A SECOND JOB. LET US AS CONSUMERS PUT THEM OUT OF BUSINESS. Amber was very helpful but only she can do so much. Thank god they have her.


riverside, Illinois

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