  • Report:  #1011242

Complaint Review: Hudson Marketing Solutions - New York New York

Reported By:
NatK - New York, New York, United States of America

Hudson Marketing Solutions
690 8th Ave, 5th fl New York, New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
When I was much younger, I fell for something like this before.... NEVER AGAIN.

It wasn't until I needed to look up the address of the location for some paperwork until I saw all these rip-off reports, WHICH by the way, I would have never saw if I'd simply put "Hudson Marketing Solutions" into the search engine. Why? Because shady businesses--like this one!-- are constantly changing their names to avoid people like myself discovering their dirty laundry! (If anyone knows howto/or is interested in speak(ing) to the senate/House of Rep about this, post in the comments.

So, how was I ripped off? Let's start from the beginning. I answered an ad for a 40hr/wk ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE position.

What I got was a 60 hour Outdoor Salesman/Door-to-Door Salesman position, with ZERO base salary, next to ZERO promotion, and commissions that amounted to slave labor! What a joke! In real estate you make 1000 times this amount PER closing! The fact that this pay structure is even legal, (despite hiding under "1099" status), is ghastly. And to think "integrity" is their number one hiring criteria.  

There is a Truth in *Lending* law, why isn't there a Truth in Occupation (Title) law, requiring the most accurate, forthcoming job title possible, so that people like myself, with great potential and intellect don't waste time and energy giving 200% to a company that will leave us desolate and impoverished at the end of the day? This is another law I would like to have passed. Write below if you are interested in working to see this law passed also. 

That and no commission under $100 per sale should come without a base pay of any sort. You are just killing yourself to make money.

I was fortunate enough to run across all these informative ripoff reports well before doing irreparable damage to my body, as I am disabled in the first place. If I knew the job required so much running around (which was not explained in the job title, job ads, or emails), I would have avoided it in the first place. But they waived all this "promotion", "salary", and "own your own office" in my face and demanded an immediate response to the job offer, I said yes. 

In those few days, I can't count the amount of times I was lied to. Lee Tyler will tell you he's been with the company for anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months.... it's really YEARS. And he's still at trainer level. FYI "Corporate Trainer" is to "Account Exec" as Team Lead is to Brand Ambassador, except brand ambassadors get $20 an HOUR to do the same thing MINUS sales and quotas (team leads = $25/hr+). You will hear these weekly base pay and assume it's salary, you will hear people get promoted 3-6 months from 2nd and 3rd positions.... (So explain HIM?) Furthermore, I saw so much fraud committed out on the field it's not even funny. And given the nature of the product we were commissioned on, this was GOVERNMENT FRAUD. I'm talking blatantly lying, misinforming, and under-informing disadvantaged people about what was occuring, which probably why Lee's numbers do not reflect his sales (since the consumers wise up later and the sale is voided), and he still makes $3 a sale.

 And according another Ripoff Report, it took the current Manager, Brenda Bernal 6 YEARS to be promoted (under a different company name of course... "Hudson" is their newest name. And it's interesting how an 'Independent Contractor' is mandated to attend an hour meeting before and after your long sales day! And since when do you have allotted times for food (hint: 10-15 minutes tops)? And Brenda, who I could only assume was either a bonafide coke addict or a bipolar patient on a never-ending mania, speaks about 90 miles a minute, and I'm assuming it's partly to deceive you, and to rush you into not thinking through all the b.s. she is saying.

And what's so ridiculous is the hoops they make you go through to get a spot at one of the world's most undesirable jobs! I had an insanely tricky test for my 1st (of THREE) interviews, where every answer seemed wrong and that took 15 minutes to do. Then a short but rapid interview where Brenda scribbled what were probably smiley faces and octagons (assuming she knows what those are) on my resume. The next interview I was told to clear my schedule from 9:30 to GASP!--after 6pm for paperwork, and other things. It took me 45 minutes to arrive to the office, and in 5 minutes I was sent back uptown another 45 minutes with Lee for shadowing where he'd view my "enthusiasm, work ethic, and integrity".  For the entire ride, there AND back, I was still being interviewed/quizzed! And you'd think I'd get a break at lunch to just eat? Nope! More questions!

Wait a second, did I just apply for the Secret Service?? No, because the Secret Service would never have you go in somewhere, mid-interview and write an ESSAY, that never got read! Oh, and why would anyone make you write an essay per employment that would touch garbage the second you wrote it?--Because they are hiring any and EVERYONE! (Or at least, the ones most driven by social causes, IE the least analytically-seeming). They figure, the more you think with your HEART, the less you think with your HEAD, so those in school for social work, those who just want to change the world, or those with a background so strict (military or real estate) that this seems like a cakewalk! And just when I think the day is over I am sent BACK to the office (another 45 mins) to take a quiz, then yet ANOTHER interview with Brenda, when most people will get the job regardless of how they respond on the quizzes and questions. It amazed me how many people spoke broken (ghetto) English, with little class who were still hired.

Look, if you were one of the unfortunate people to see this job through a bit and notice that you have a knack for sales, GREAT!--Go get a job with a reputable company, that pays livable wages, and actually does really care about you professionally and otherwise! Real Estate is a great choice (for those great at sales!) For those not great at it (like myself), or those who hate it (like myself), stay far from that industry. At the very least, the reputable ones with great track records are just that.

People, you owe it to yourself not to work like slaves, get treated like slaves, and be paid like slaves. 
This job will get you nowhere. I don't care how much you've grown to love "Your crew" and the dynamics of the office, you can find that elsewhere if you look hard enough.

Put into the search engine here on Ripoffreport: 'The Henry Group'   or      'Polaris'
to read more stories about how people have been scammed by this company. You'll find fun facts like, Brendal Bernal, the manager of these schemes, who is said to make 80K, lives in an apartment in HARLEM with 5 other people. Not too far off from what she herself has mentioned in my presence. Also, I'm unaware of ANY top-earning person who lives on the cross-streets (which I won't name here) she does, let alone claims H&M is 'the best thing about the area [she] live[s]!' Bloomingdales, maybe.  H&M??--NO.

I'm going to leave you with a few great pieces of advice, that I too may lose sight too at different occasions.

When Job Searching:
1 Never look for a salaried position on a site like Craigslist/Backpage!! Legitimate one simply don't/won't exist!!  Alternative: Check large, credible sites instead.

2 Be wary of too-good-to-be-true job titles and ads, on informal job websites (CL, BP) and formal (Monster, Indeed, etc) alike! The more important the job titles and duties, the more job experience and schooling will/should be required! (Very few exceptions to this). So in the case of Hudson Marketing, for example, Account Executives in ANY other company have advanced degrees!!!

3 When posting on job boards, take your contact info out of your resume and edit settings so that only companies you applied for can contact you! This prevents sketchy companies to prey on students, college grads, or those without much experience with false promises. I can't believe the amount of insurance companies trying to solicit me when I flat out HATE SALES! At one point it makes me question if I really did apply to one of them in the past. Taking the above precautions erases all doubt in your mind.

4 Google the address!!! As I emphasized before, just googling a company NAME may prove useless, because the most shady of them change names frequently! Scan at least 3 result pages for scandalous info, and take these reports seriously. At worst it's one missed opportunity out of a million. At best, you've saved yourself from the hell that I encountered with this company.

5 Follow-up research. Google the company key players (CEOs, whomever wrote to you in the email), find out how long they have been there, how long the company has been in business, customer feedback (if applicable), and the company name itself. But none of these compare to the power of advice number 4.

6 Pay attention. Did you notice that the buzzer for Hudson is a different name than they currently call themselves (says EQM)? I did. Did you notice the office was more of an interview mill than an actual office? I did. When things don't add up, ask questions, and if something doesn't sit right, flee.
Peace of mind is worth more than any false dream.

7 Ask for time. When an employer doesn't allow you the time to mull over his/her employment offer, something fishy may be up. They may also, speak extremely fast, in an effort to get you to mirror this and rush your thoughts/decisions as well (psychology tactic), in an effort to blind you to how much quicksand you're about to step into. If an legit employer genuinely sees you as a viable candidate, he/she will give all the time you need (Well, not a month, nut you get the jist.) 

8 If you do receive an offer, make friends with coworkers to get inside info about the work culture, rate of promotions, insider info about the higher-ups, etc. And take their contact info too, in case something goes awry. And do contact them if you are the one to find something true but devastating about the company. Everyone deserves that courtesy, you included.                                                                                                                                                                                              ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Those are all the tips I can think of right now, and if anyone else has any more please post below in the comments.

And I do urge others who've had experiences with this company to post (use ALL company names as the list grows for better searching). Let's expose these frauds for whom they really are, and give talented people back their time & dignity .

Anyone interested in changing the legislation to avoid companies like these from every existed, and imposing fines (civil AND criminal), do post here.

And lawyers or the media with questions or who want to pursue this case further can contact me!

4 Updates & Rebuttals

glass slipper

New Jersey,
it's not for everyone

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 23, 2013

 You make a lot of valid points but it is obvious you are very angry with your time there. Given the amount of time you had obviously spent at the organization, there must have been some kind of attraction you felt to the atmosphere and opportunity. If not, you would have declined the position after your day of observation.

I also reflect on my time with the credico companies as the hardest time in my life. I now look back at it romantically as it helped me realize my potential and what I liked and did not like. Personally, management never appealed to me. The company often threw around the phrase "if sales is what you are looking for, then this is not a company for you.. this company is for creating managers" ... i thought it was a joke at the time but i was often a top performer. I realized, I LOVED SALES... i learned more about selling from this company than i ever could from a degree or taking a job as a secretary.

Looking back it is not a regret, rather a job i experienced when i first started down my path to finding the right career. Sadly, I probably make a lot more money than any of the managers still working at the Credico companies even though they obviously work longer and harder than me. 

If this company is not right for you than hopfully you learned a lesson you can grow from. Otherwise, i wouldn't discourage people from finding out for themselves. Sometimes, it can be the start of something that can inspire someone to do more and want more from life.

I hope you found something you enjoyed....


Ex Employee....  


Apples = Oranges?

#3Author of original report

Wed, March 06, 2013

This pen is EVIL!!!  And, it's BLUE! And blue is my favorite color!!!!!

This is the best analogy I can use to describe your 'rebuttal' to my post.

Sadly, it only proves that for some, ignorance IS bliss. (At least until their bank acct empties and they wise up)

So, indoctrination SUCCESSFUL.  Congrats, Hudson/EQM/Polaris/The Henry Group/etc/etc/etc...


United States of America
Free phones for the underemployed

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 05, 2013


I have been working at hudson marketing for five weeks now, and I'm beginning to see where alot of the termoil, confusion, and negative reviews are coming from.  I chose to write what I see in the company as positives and things as a company we would like to work on moving forward.

First, I like and dislike that it's a small business; that means not everyone really knows what they're doing all the time, and it's exciting to grow in a small team environment.  Let's face when you put people who just started teaching people how to give out phones three months ago, they aren't always on point.  I was explained what to do, and three days later I would learn why we do certain things so I can get promoted faster.  Three days earlier to me it seemed crazy to be given a structure for my speech, and then I saw someone who could barely speak in front of two people let alone 10.

Mostly, I like that I have the opportunity to build my credibility for my true passion, hospitality marketing.  Working with a subsidiary of a major phone company is giving me way more experience than my biggest client did when I worked with in my previous marketing career.

All in all, it's a great place to work for my career goals, not here, but more in advertising.  I don't mind working a bit harder, and learning 10+ lessons each day about myself, so I have the opportunity to do my dream job, and be able to take vacations with my future wife.


United States of America
Something I forgot to mention

#5Author of original report

Thu, February 21, 2013

If you notice (as did I), they do a TON of chanting & ritualistic things during all these meetings. Coming in an an outsider, it bothered me immensely. I asked Lee Tyler the reason why the office chants the same things and he gave the most ridiculous answer: To develop public speaking skills. Yes, becuase repeating the same 3 sentences will teach me to sound like President Obama.

It just resonated within me more that: the only groups of people who person chants (& strange rituals) are CULTS!!! Cults and religions, which are just extremely popular/accepted CULTS. 
Because how else can you BRAINWASH many people into believing otherwise preposterous things that those with freedom of thought and logic would know were false????? 

All that chanting 'bells & gongs', 'break down your day', crap is just a way to INDOCTRINATE these people so that they have no access to rational thinking. And what person do you know that will ever admit that humans are gullible/naive/malleable enough to fall for such a small (yet successful) tactic? So they stay in denial and remain in their cult out of loyalty of their newfound 'friends'. And these people are seen as friends because of the large emphasis this company places on their Morn & Eve meetings. So you think with your heart. 

Look, I don't care HOW much I like a group of people.... If a job is a scam, IT'S A SCAM! and I can do better. They can to. 

Jewelry sales pay thousands a month for example. This job,  you're lucky to make $300.

What a shame.

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