  • Report:  #66336

Complaint Review: ILD Teleservices - Ponte Vedra Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Knoxville, Tennessee,

ILD Teleservices
5000 Sawgrass Village Circle, Suite 30 Ponte Vedra Beach, 32081 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Same thing that happened to Jerry happened to me, Only this time it was for a free Pager. The person on the phone took all our info, asked alot of questions. The following month, $60 hit our phone bill. I refused the charges, Bell South charged it back to them. Following month, the $60.00 was still there plus another $30, and the next month another $30. Some $150 dollars before they finally stopped charging me.

When I contacted the company however, they were less forgiving.

"You're gonna have to pay this money" Were virtually the first words out of the reps mouth. Heh, Still havn't paid. But they played me the same kind of recording. There was a woman in a very clear recording (no background noise) "This service will cost $XX.XX, charged to your phone bill" and then a man (obviously in a call center with lots of background noise) "you want this right?" followed by my wife saying "yes".

This has GOT to be illegal. So, I'm gonna find out I went tohttp://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/telemarketing/fileacomplaint.htm and filed a complaint, don't know what good it will do but I suggest anyone else do the same.


Knoxville, Tennessee

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