  • Report:  #507931

Complaint Review: illicitencounters.com - London Internet

Reported By:
observer - Birmingham, Internet, United Kingdom

illicitencounters.com London, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Illicitencounters.com is not a scam in the sense that the site owners are committing a deliberate fraud. But it is a scam by pretending (knowingly or otherwise) to be something it is not.

To effect this scam it takes advantage (again knowingly or otherwise) of human psychology. This psychology takes a number of forms. The first is what economists call moral hazard. This has nothing to do with socially acceptable behaviour right and wrong but the imbalance that can occur between risk and reward. It has figured in the press recently due to the banking crisis.

With reference to banks, if bank employees consider themselves too big to fail it means risky behaviour has no or little downside the taxpayer will pick up the tab for losses. But there are mega-bucks on the upside that will benefit them. So no (or little) risk and plenty of reward. So it is with women on illicitencounters.com. Women incur no cost for making full use of the site. Consequently, they can (and do) indulge their fantasies. The following is a classic.

The requirement is for:

A sophisticated business man who has manners,

Ok so far

Would prefer to meet in the day as my time is limited at weekends and evenings. See below where she describes herself as a hard-working, successful businesswoman but with lots of time to spend during the day!

If your idea of a date is The Travel Lodge,(shag-lodge!) then I guess I won't be making my time available for you. Think boutique hotels and restaurants then you are halfway there. I am very vivacious, live life to the full, but also work very hard as money is an aphrodisiac for me amongst other things

Say no more I shag for dosh! A boutique hotel is a new one on me, but it does sound reminiscent of Joni Mitchells Big Yellow Taxi a pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot. The antithesis of this womans view of the world. But then she is 40 (at the time of writing) and has probably never heard of Joni Mitchell or the philosophy her music represented. Others are a variation on this theme.

Their desires seem to revolve around someone with the looks of Brad Pitt, the wit of Paul Merton or Billy Crystal (but not the looks), the morality of Mark Darcy (from Bridget Jones) and if youre a millionaire thatll do nicely. This sounds like a character out of a Danielle Steel or Barbara Cartland novel a complete work of fiction and bad fiction at that. There are others who do not indulge themselves so. But they seem to face two very different problems.

The first is that of security. They recognise the predatory male and at the first indication of any problem, a bad turn of phrase a missed communication, move on. Not an unreasonable approach but then again not one likely to result in a successful encounter. This, however, is a natural consequence of an online world where deceitful behaviour is frequent. It is also a natural consequence of moral hazard. There is no cost of moving on since no cost is incurred in making full use of the service. The second is that of attraction.

They have limited information to go on and all is electronic so open to abuse. Any sign of imperfection means that the logical response is to wait for the next man to come along. Like buses, there is a wait and two or three come along at once.

The second piece of psychology it relies on is that described in evolutionary psychology where women are seeking good genes for their offspring. That doesnt mean we have women who are looking to be made pregnant, although it is possible, But that a women in her 40s or 50s, after 20 years or so of marriage, is easy prey for a 20 or 30 year old man. Frequently, the term brother and sister is used to refer to the relationship between the woman and her partner. That is, the sexual side of the marriage has wasted away. It is hardly a revelation that men will have sex

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom
Axe to grind?

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2011

Hmmm....this isn't so much a review as a deconstruction of why people use IE, and frankly, I find it a little insulting. The OP suggests all people who use this website have no control over themselves and are tricked into using the site by a combination of base desires and aggressive commercial pursuit.

I would have had a affair anyway, had it not been for this website. I didn't want to meet someone in a soulless bar or crack onto someone at work. Risk? Of course there's a risk! But slightly less risky keeping the majority of your communications online and meeting someone who doesn't live 6 doors down, don't you think?

Personally I met a suitable, considerate woman on the site, and we've managed to avoid any upset while providing each other with 'that little bit extra'. Downside is the price, but in my experience it 'works', so each to there own.



United Kingdom
Illicit Encounters is not a scam....

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 12, 2010

Crikey. You make it sound as if men do not have a free will and are entirely subject to their animal urges when it comes to making choices about a dating site. I suspect the women joining for free is simple mathematics. Every dating site on the planet has more men than women. It's an unfortunate fact of life. Thus those women that do sign up are probably bombarded by blokes and quite understandably develop a defence mechanism that will eliminate anyone who approaches them wrongly. Again it's a fact of real life that women are generally in control of who they do and don't engage with. Why be surprised that it's the same online? Much business practice depends and plays on human psychology, from the selling of cars to the marketing of upmarket clothing labels made in the same Chinese sweat shops as budget brands costing a fraction of the price.
By your logic these are as much of a 'scam' as Illicit Encounters. Lighten up sir! 

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