  • Report:  #1513618

Complaint Review: Innovation Licensing - Fort Lauderdale FL

Reported By:
Victor - California, United States

Innovation Licensing
401 E. Las Olas Blvd Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33301 Fort Lauderdale, 33301 FL, United States
888 203 TEAM / 954 482 14
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I am writing this to warn other inventors who might receive a call from Innovation Licensing. 

This whole thing began on October 29th when I received a call from a young lady who claimed to work for a company that would license products. She was basically soliciting to hear a "pitch" from the company about licensing a patented product that I own.

I decided to go ahead with listening to what they have to say. A call back to me was scheduled for November 5th, 2021 at 8AM pacific time. ( They are located in Florida)

On November 5th at 8:01AM (Pacific Time) i received a call from someone who identified themselves as Eli.

Eli went on to tell me about the company and all the products they have placed in the market. Aditionally, he stated that the process was about a 4 week process that took place prior to them making a call to me. In essence what he was saying was that they had been looking at my patent for the past three weeks and they liked it, thus they were making a phnbe call in order to confirm if I wanted to do business with them.  He explained that if I decided to go forward, I would receive a call back from them the following week and they would explain the rest of the process.

on November 12, 2021 at 8:30AM I received a call from "Jeff" he said that he was with Innovation Licensing and that he was giving me a call because my product had passed their review, and if I was interested, we could proceed forward with the process. He further mentioned that in order for me to move forward with the process there was a $6,000 fee that was due upfront.

I asked him for references from past clients and he said that he was not at liberty to share client information, I then asked him to send me the contract so I could read it; which he did. We scheduled a follow up call at 1PM (PST) in order for me to review the contract. 

Upon reading the contract and realizing that there are no guarantees with the service, I decided to decline. I wrote him an email thanking him for his time and letting him know that I was declining. I never received an answer to the email, but received the call at 1PM as scheduled. I asked him if he had received my email and he said that he had not because he had been at meetings. I explained to him that I was declining.

He immediatelly became defensive and tried very hard to sell me on the service. He even offered to "work" with me by reducing the upfront amount to $3,000.

I explained to him that it was not a matter of the money, but rather the fact that there were no guarantees to the service or a money back guarantee. 

He again tried to sell me, but I turned it down again; It was at this point that Jeff said, " This is going to be all over the market, because we are going to take it and run with it". I told him that the product was patented and he then said, " all it takes is for me to change the patent by 2% and I can get a new patent, just dont call me when you see this all over the market"

At this point I just hung up.

Here is a company that is trying to prey on anyone who does not know enough about the patent and inventing process. I suggest that if you get a call from Innovation Licensing you run away. Their tactics to take your money are discusting and right down wrong. 

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