  • Report:  #1095580

Complaint Review: Insight Global Staffing Service Company - Charlotte North Carolina

Reported By:
Pretty Girls rocks - Charlotte , North Carolina,

Insight Global Staffing Service Company
550 S. Tryon St Suite 3510 Charlotte, 28202 North Carolina, USA
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On 10/21/2013 I received a phone call from one of Insight Global recruiters saying that they came across my resume online and that I was a prefect canidate for a position at Lash Group for a Patient Case Coordinator. She went on to tell me that it was contract work and that the job would start in December and we discussed the pay and everything. We agreed that I would go meet with the recruiters in the Charlotte, NC office location the next day(10/22/2013) 2:00 pm. We also agreed that I would interview with Lash Group Hiring Manager on 10/28/2013 at 10:30 am. I arrived there maybe 1:40 because I had to park. Anyway they stated in email that once I arrived there I would have to go to security desk and get vistors pass to come up to the 35th floor. The security officer asked my mom and I for ID's so we gave them to security and she told my mom she couldn't go up because she wasn't on the guess list. So I obtain the visitors pass and proceed up to Insight on 35th floor.

Its now 1:45 when I finally made it up. When I get there there was no one in wait area for a second then a Caucasian lady in 20's may early 30's came for and greeted me and I told her who I was and why I was there. She said ok and took me into a small conference room and closed the door. While waiting I could hear other people coming in and her greeting and talking to them as they came in. She never stop to see why I was there. Never tried to find out who I was. I sat there patiently for 45 min, growing anger by the minutes. So I could hear all of the people talking. But could see them because the door was closed. So I got up and by this time I'm blowed and pissed. I opened the door expecting to see people because like I said I could hear everything they were saying, but to my surprise. There was no one out there only another applicant on the computer. But I could still hear them talking but they where in a room with the door shut talking. Don't know how many but it was but It was more than 3 people. I asked the lady (another applicant) where was everybody at cause I been waiting for 45 minutes to meet with the recruiter's. She told me to pick up the phone at the front desk and it will dial them. Doing so a lady answered and I told her what had happened and I had been waiting 45 minutes and no one even showed up to see me. I told them I was upset and I was leaving and could I get someone to validate my parking so I could leave.

Sure enough 5 minutes later the same room they all where in a young Caucasian man came out and I stressed to him what had happen and all he did was shake my hand said sorry and validated my parking so I could leave. Him and the lady that stuck me in that room were the only one I came in contact the whole time I was there. He had this stupid look on his face like a crooked devilish smile on his face too. He didn't even investigate the situation to figure out what was going on just validated so I could leave. The lady never came back either. So I proceeded out and stopped in the bathroom and called the recruiter that sent me ther and told her what happened. She put me on hold; I guess to call them to seewht happen, she apologize for itt but it wast to late then.

So then they called me trying to apologize a plead there case, but when I was up there.they didn't give a flying mmmm. The recruiter that sent me there tried to tell me it was a mistake . They had me in the wrong room and asked me if I still wanted to go Lash Group Monday for interview. I told her that I wasn't interested in doing business with I.Insight Global. I also told her that it was a mistake that they put me in the wrong room because there were only like 5 rooms including the one I was in and the one they all were gathered in and two of the room doors were open. They suite was the size of an garden flat apartment. What professional person stick someone in a room, close the door walk away and for get about them in less than 5 minutes. It was some BS cause they knew I was coming because you had to be on the guest list to even enter. Secondly if it was a simple mistake they had plenty of chances to make it right. I mean any other company would have came out and been like we're sorry We totally forgot, we had you in the wrongf room, what is your name, and lets figure this out together. They would of been on it instead of validating my park so I could leave without asking any question. That's what I would have done. I felt a pain so deep within words can describe . I felt to that if they had me in the wrong room locked up like a freaking caged bird; they would of figured it out when I ringed them from the front desk phone, and when I explained to the guy what happen. I just want to know what you guys think. Someone tell me that I'm not crazy. I was well dressed and groomed well so its not like I came in looking like crap. I feel like its unfair and act of discrimination. Cause the color of my skin. I felt like they did not wsnt to be bothered with me or meet with because I was black. Everyone that came in after me was seen that day. I was excluded and left alone closed up pushed to the side like I didn't mean anything. Wasted time, money, and gas. I'm still hurting emotionally, from this and hope it never happen to anyone.

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