  • Report:  #69231

Complaint Review: Institute Of Natural Health - Evansville Indiana

Reported By:
- State College, Pennsylvania,

Institute Of Natural Health
2416 S. Rotherwood Ave. Evansville, 47714 Indiana, U.S.A.
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Institute of Natural health calls and offers a one month sample plus $250 worth of coupons for just the cost of shipping. Operator instructs buyer that they can cancel as soon as products arive and then use the free coupons.

It took over a week to recieve the samples and coupons, initially only billed the 5 dollars for shipping. I tried calling several times a day for weeks to cancel. I would get the same answering service and when the message was over a second recording would state that the party or company could not receive any messages! The initial message states that they will return your call within 24hrs. I finally was able to leave a message with times that I was available and phone numbers to reach me at and they wait until 15 minutes before the end of their business ours and contact me at home despite my instructions to call me cell number.

Still have not talked to a single person. I now have been billed for $467.50 for products that I have not recieved. The samples came with shipping statements that claimed that the order could be cancelled within 7 days (I guess providing that you can actually talk to someone) and that the products can be returned for a refund minus shipping.


State College, Pennsylvania

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