  • Report:  #143184

Complaint Review: Intuit Makers Of Quickbooks - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Portland, Oregon,

Intuit Makers Of Quickbooks
quickbooks.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
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QUICKBOOKS OWNERS - WERE YOU RIPPED OFF ON APRIL 30, 2005? If not, don't worry it is only a matter of time! Intuit Inc the makers of QuickBooks is taking advantage of people by not disclosing their Sunset Policies. Every software package is literally "Expiring" on the shelf. If you buy a month from today, you will have less functional "life". QuickBooks looses it's functional value everyday it's on the shelf somewhere/anywhere. Older versions are still being sold "New" at places like E-Bay and other liquidation stores... these versions may already have many features disabled/crippled. Once features are "sunsetted" end users are FORCED to buy an expensive upgrade.

QuickBooks Pro 2002 (all 2002 versions) were sunsetted on April 30, 2005. Intuit, Inc Does not respond to user complaints about it's discovered Policy. Owners are organizing at: We created a website dedicated to exposing this: We created a BLOG for people to post their story: We created an e-report on EBay that you can buy so we can raise funds to go after them: BEFORE YOU BUY QUICKBOOKS YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS:

OUR STORY: How We Found Out about Sunset Notices: We started receiving "Sunset Notices" earlier this year (roughly about 60-90 days before April 30, 2005). We wrote in a complaint via their website about this policy that we had no idea existed. We did not receive a response.

We understand why a Software Company would say "After we cannot provide technical support for older versions software. There should be a disclosure as to how far back the company is committed to supporting their software. We would not consider our 2002 Pro version as "old". Common business features such as e-mailing invoices are now disabled. We do not believe it is right to turn off features of a software program without clearly disclosing at the time of purchase what features expire and when. Maybe it just was not well thought out? What do know is suddenly we can't use features we've been using. We have never needed "support", and now we are FORCED to spend around $200 for an upgrade in order to maintain functionality. What does this mean? Everyday QuickBooks has a declining functional value. If you buy the "Current Version" a year from now, you will have less functional time to use it than if bought it today! You're buying an expiring product! Think about it! Think about it! If you buy an older version even though it is "new" out of the box, it may already be expired! Older versioned "new" Retail Boxed QuickBooks are still being sold! After April 30, 2005 - We again via their website sent in a complaint and outlined why we were not happy and why we felt what they did was wrong. We received no response.

This lead us to sense that this was a deliberate and predatory action to milk money out of us. We have been a loyal long trm customer, user and supporter of QuickBooks. As Technology and Business consultants we have referred many businesses to QuickBooks. We are now looking at other software alternatives. We have refused to upgrade our QuickBooks we were stunned to find "Older" but "New" versions of QuickBooks being sold on E-bay! We realized people are getting taken advantage of and they don't even understand how or why. We gave QuickBooks fair warning in our complaints.

We asked ourselves "How can we make a difference, honestly, fairly and justly?" Step 1 - create an information report for sale on E-bay and for distribution that alerts and educates people to this problem. Step 2 - Create a simple and inexpensive way to fund taking legal action to make our points heard. Step 3 - We were inspired to found this business to sell membership to our private paid subscriber e-zine mailing list dedicated to the mission.

Step 4 - If enough people support our mission we will simply do what we have said we will do. Learn about it, do something about it: get our report:


Portland, Oregon

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


1 plus 1 equals 2, no matter what year you do it

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 23, 2008

I have had the same complaints about quickbooks, always trying to get you to buy something new, not allowing you to put in your OWN tax tables that the state gives you for free each year, and the federal withholding likewise, necessitating buying an upgrade to payroll subscription. They are shameless. AND when an error results in penalties, look out, they don't care!


Intuit needs to put a prominently-displayed expiration date on the box. Look out, Microsoft Small Business Accounting looms on the horizon!!!

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2005

D, D, D, don't you get it? Yes, anything we buy is expiring. We ourselves are expiring from the day we are born. It is the cycle of life. But I CAN CHOOSE to keep my older car, cellphone, computer without those things LOSING FUNCTIONALITY. (Fresh vegetables are bought to be consumed, so they do not belong here, they are not long keeping items in the first place.) The items listed above will not, say, refuse to start or dial the minute they are two years old. The engine in my car will not automatically lock up when it is two years old. I have a choice as to whether repair or upgrade these items and keep them a bit longer or trade for a newer model with more features if I DESIRE. QuickBooks does lose functionality at the stroke of midnight on the expiration date. Online banking goes away, merchant processing dies, leaving consumers with a crippled product. This should be disclosed on the packaging. Otherwise, it could be viewed as deceptive. It should be right on the package because QuickBooks has now gone to the "consumable" category with the fresh vegetables. QuickBooks is like a loaf of bread; get it while it is fresh if you want a full life with it. Otherwise, leave the "dying" product on the shelf and snag the newer version later, the second it hits the shelf. I have used QuickBooks for years and can understand that Intuit would offer new products for better functionality. It is the idea that we are all forced to upgrade that chafes. The further functionality offered with each new upgrade has, so far, kept it from hurting too much. It WILL hurt this year because I am comfortable right now with this product. Every gripe I ever had from the beginning has been fixed (except the breaking of the CC processing by Intuit). More would be overkill from my POV. Eventually Intuit will "bottom out" on new features it can offer in QuickBooks. That will be when customer loyalty would serve Intuit well, but it has lost mine. Right now it does not care, I am sure, but it might care a bit later. Intuit has forced all merchant accounts into its own processor, Innovative Merchant Solutions and no other choice is offered to the buyer of the software. I quit processing credit cards through QuickBooks and went an alternative route for that reason. So my product is crippled already. What will Intuit "force" us into next?? Will we all have to bank at Intuit National Bank? Or maybe yearly upgrades would be more lucrative for Intuit soon, or even biannual upgrades? A lot of us who have been with QuickBooks since 1998 or so will be looking for another product just for these reasons. Even Microsucks has a longer life-cycle than QuickBooks. Microsucks does not care where we bank or process credit cards. We small business owners are regulated and legislated half to death now; we neither want nor need yet another pushy company to add to our problems. Microsoft SBA WILL be getting a look from me. Will it be better? I doubt it, QuickBooks is a very good product, but Intuit is becoming a very bad company to work with. The Intuit mega-company will eventually squash a good product, QuickBooks, to death. Age-old story, and very sad. Once, I never would have considered leaving QuickBooks, now I cannot wait. There will be a competing product one day and I would be willing to give up some ease of use just to get rid of the BS now. So, D, maybe you can pass this on to Intuit. We are people. Some of us are the people who helped you grow. Don't keep stepping on our toes or we will go find a more comfortable place to stand.


Standard Practice.

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 08, 2005

David---Although it is obvious you have your opinion about Sunset policies, for it would seem ALL software companies. I do have to disagree with you. ALL software/hardware companies sunset, these would include Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Dell etc; the list goes on and on. We, at Intuit, are now just following in the same steps as the truly large software companies. Here are some links that you can give to your clients if they insists upon staying with an older version of Quickbooks. Link #1: Our actual sunset policy position. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/policy/sunset.html Link #2 A free KB (knowledge base) site for everyone. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/ This site says "Search the Knowledge Base". This is the exact same internal information we use at Intuit. It is availabe for older products, as well as, newer products. Also, it is available for free. Yes, I would grant you that our "support", unless based in America, sucks. It is a policy with which I totally disagree. I would suggest for all your clients to get "Quickbooks for Dummies." Easier to read and to understand than our tech support not based in the US. Also, as a technology/business consultant, I am sure you know it is not exactly a prudent decision to buy software, regardless if it is an Intuit product, from E-bay. From both a personal and professional point of view, it is a rather naive decision to be penny wise and dollar stupid with a software purchase. From a personal perspective, I am very fluent in all the small business products available for accounting. From MS SBA, to Peachtree etc. SBA doens't even compare to the least of our Quickbooks, Peachtree is made ONLY for accountants. It is obvious you disagree with the policy, but it is a policy that is an accepted business practice in just about every industry. I would urge to keep your clients interests, both short and long, in mind as you make your recommendations. It is truly the best product for small business accounting hands down----85% of the time. One last note to your position that buy buying, for example, Quickbooks 2005 you are getting dated materials. Of course you are, it's no different than getting a car, a computer, cell phone, fresh vegtables...etc etc etc. I am sure you know as a technology consultant, what has been released to the public is generally dated and considered "old" within 6 months anyways.


Standard Practice.

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 08, 2005

David---Although it is obvious you have your opinion about Sunset policies, for it would seem ALL software companies. I do have to disagree with you. ALL software/hardware companies sunset, these would include Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Dell etc; the list goes on and on. We, at Intuit, are now just following in the same steps as the truly large software companies. Here are some links that you can give to your clients if they insists upon staying with an older version of Quickbooks. Link #1: Our actual sunset policy position. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/policy/sunset.html Link #2 A free KB (knowledge base) site for everyone. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/ This site says "Search the Knowledge Base". This is the exact same internal information we use at Intuit. It is availabe for older products, as well as, newer products. Also, it is available for free. Yes, I would grant you that our "support", unless based in America, sucks. It is a policy with which I totally disagree. I would suggest for all your clients to get "Quickbooks for Dummies." Easier to read and to understand than our tech support not based in the US. Also, as a technology/business consultant, I am sure you know it is not exactly a prudent decision to buy software, regardless if it is an Intuit product, from E-bay. From both a personal and professional point of view, it is a rather naive decision to be penny wise and dollar stupid with a software purchase. From a personal perspective, I am very fluent in all the small business products available for accounting. From MS SBA, to Peachtree etc. SBA doens't even compare to the least of our Quickbooks, Peachtree is made ONLY for accountants. It is obvious you disagree with the policy, but it is a policy that is an accepted business practice in just about every industry. I would urge to keep your clients interests, both short and long, in mind as you make your recommendations. It is truly the best product for small business accounting hands down----85% of the time. One last note to your position that buy buying, for example, Quickbooks 2005 you are getting dated materials. Of course you are, it's no different than getting a car, a computer, cell phone, fresh vegtables...etc etc etc. I am sure you know as a technology consultant, what has been released to the public is generally dated and considered "old" within 6 months anyways.


Standard Practice.

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 08, 2005

David---Although it is obvious you have your opinion about Sunset policies, for it would seem ALL software companies. I do have to disagree with you. ALL software/hardware companies sunset, these would include Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Dell etc; the list goes on and on. We, at Intuit, are now just following in the same steps as the truly large software companies. Here are some links that you can give to your clients if they insists upon staying with an older version of Quickbooks. Link #1: Our actual sunset policy position. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/policy/sunset.html Link #2 A free KB (knowledge base) site for everyone. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/ This site says "Search the Knowledge Base". This is the exact same internal information we use at Intuit. It is availabe for older products, as well as, newer products. Also, it is available for free. Yes, I would grant you that our "support", unless based in America, sucks. It is a policy with which I totally disagree. I would suggest for all your clients to get "Quickbooks for Dummies." Easier to read and to understand than our tech support not based in the US. Also, as a technology/business consultant, I am sure you know it is not exactly a prudent decision to buy software, regardless if it is an Intuit product, from E-bay. From both a personal and professional point of view, it is a rather naive decision to be penny wise and dollar stupid with a software purchase. From a personal perspective, I am very fluent in all the small business products available for accounting. From MS SBA, to Peachtree etc. SBA doens't even compare to the least of our Quickbooks, Peachtree is made ONLY for accountants. It is obvious you disagree with the policy, but it is a policy that is an accepted business practice in just about every industry. I would urge to keep your clients interests, both short and long, in mind as you make your recommendations. It is truly the best product for small business accounting hands down----85% of the time. One last note to your position that buy buying, for example, Quickbooks 2005 you are getting dated materials. Of course you are, it's no different than getting a car, a computer, cell phone, fresh vegtables...etc etc etc. I am sure you know as a technology consultant, what has been released to the public is generally dated and considered "old" within 6 months anyways.


Standard Practice.

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 08, 2005

David---Although it is obvious you have your opinion about Sunset policies, for it would seem ALL software companies. I do have to disagree with you. ALL software/hardware companies sunset, these would include Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Dell etc; the list goes on and on. We, at Intuit, are now just following in the same steps as the truly large software companies. Here are some links that you can give to your clients if they insists upon staying with an older version of Quickbooks. Link #1: Our actual sunset policy position. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/policy/sunset.html Link #2 A free KB (knowledge base) site for everyone. http://www.quickbooks.com/support/ This site says "Search the Knowledge Base". This is the exact same internal information we use at Intuit. It is availabe for older products, as well as, newer products. Also, it is available for free. Yes, I would grant you that our "support", unless based in America, sucks. It is a policy with which I totally disagree. I would suggest for all your clients to get "Quickbooks for Dummies." Easier to read and to understand than our tech support not based in the US. Also, as a technology/business consultant, I am sure you know it is not exactly a prudent decision to buy software, regardless if it is an Intuit product, from E-bay. From both a personal and professional point of view, it is a rather naive decision to be penny wise and dollar stupid with a software purchase. From a personal perspective, I am very fluent in all the small business products available for accounting. From MS SBA, to Peachtree etc. SBA doens't even compare to the least of our Quickbooks, Peachtree is made ONLY for accountants. It is obvious you disagree with the policy, but it is a policy that is an accepted business practice in just about every industry. I would urge to keep your clients interests, both short and long, in mind as you make your recommendations. It is truly the best product for small business accounting hands down----85% of the time. One last note to your position that buy buying, for example, Quickbooks 2005 you are getting dated materials. Of course you are, it's no different than getting a car, a computer, cell phone, fresh vegtables...etc etc etc. I am sure you know as a technology consultant, what has been released to the public is generally dated and considered "old" within 6 months anyways.

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