  • Report:  #18829


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I booked a room for two weeks and carried in over two carts of personal items. I spent over $1900 at this establishment. When I left the hotel I had only two bags left. Over four bags including clothes, medicines, birth cirtificates, photos and other items were stolen. My cell phone, pager, video games and shaving kit was also taken.

I called the police and filed a report and this is what the hotel staff had to say:

Maam we are sorry about your things btu can you try to understand...we allowed this guy that we know is a drug addict to remain in the room next to you. His mother is paying the hotel good money so we didn't want to put him out. We beleive he is the one that robbed your room and we will try to put him out.

I responded, "How could he get in my room? I looked the balcony and front door!"

The manager advised, "Well, none of our housekeepers are from here or speak English and one of the girls may have thought he (the perpetrator)belonged in your room and let him in, or maybe the maid being too trusting, left your door open while she went to get towels for your room."

I got nowhere with management! They evicted the suspected thief but threw my belongings they found in the dumpster to avoid accepting liability. I called the police after finding some of my belongings and took photos to document. I gave the hotel manager a list of the missing items and received no comment. I was held off from checking out of the hotel for 7 days because the hotel manager said they did not have enough money to give me my security deposit back. I paid $2000 to be robbed of over $5000 of items. I am going to sue the hotel for the cost of my stay, the cost of my stolen property, the emotional and mental stress I was subjected to, and for total lack of security.

I was informed by a former employee that it is against company policy to request identification when someone requests a duplicate key to a room. At any one time, the hotel staff is not aware of the number of keys available and given away for a particular room. There are no security cameras or security guards. Within the past year in a half, the police have been called over 307 times with offenses ranging from murder to suicide to grand theft, to missing persons.

This hotel is and remains hell. A police officer advised me that the hotel is an oozing sore to the community. The employees advised me that they were robbed by the same man ( I have his information for the police despite the shadiness of management) and the man was put out before but let back in because of his mother's ties with the managers.

I was put at risk maliciously and I was hurt by my stay at this hotel. Everyone that I meet and speak to about this hotel has the same story...the hotel is from hell. Employees are given checks written on accounts with insufficient funds. The managers and staff also live in the hotel which comprimises there stance against the hotel.

I want to be compensated but I most importantly want to make sure that no one else experiences the loss the I suffered. My life was negatively disruppted by this establish ment and others BEWARE!!!!


TAMARAC, Florida

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