  • Report:  #242150

Complaint Review: JAC-Logistics - Kenhonkson New York

Reported By:
- springfeild, Massachusetts,

118 Hilltop Terr. Kenhonkson, 12446 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On 7-14-2006 was the first time I had a problem with Jac Logistics, Tractor #293 break-down on I-287 coming into New York pulling load #100641 the shifter break. I take the bus home to Springfield, Ma, because the Tractor would not be repair until 7-17-2006.

After get home I look for my Pay Statement in the mail. But it was not there. So I call Chris to ask him where was mine Pay Statement. Chris told me he mail it, but he did not. Because it was Post Mark until 7/19/06. I could not look it over until I came home on the 7/21/06. In that was a problem, it would be a week before I could see if the was in discrepancy on that pay week.

For example he charges me $3.50 extra for a Company Advance load on 7/07/06 to mine Camdata Card of the amount of $46.00 but he deducts $49.50 from my paycheck. I did not see it until 7/21/06. A there is not mentions of a fee in the Employee Handbook (ref to page 17 in the employee handbook).

I have a copy of mine Comdata Account Activity Detail Sheet is shown when I was pay which would be on the Friday of every week and any Company Advance I receive from the company are on the too ( the card status was block by Chris and I still had money on it and receive my pay on it). Chris had no right to block mine card.

I receive a paycheck for 7-10-06 to 7-14-06 for amount of $889.58 on 7-21-06, but by my figure it should have being $1,121.93 a different of $ 232.35. I write Chris on the tractor Satellite Communication System about this problem with my paid. Chris said he may have over looked a fuel ticket or something like that and his will double check. But that didn't happen.

So I speak to Antonio at Triple D Transportation 124 West Dudley Town Rd. Bloomfield, Ct. 06002 Phone Number (860) 243-5057. Antonio own the trailers that Jac-Logistics pulling and whom Chris send his billing to for Jac -Logistics to be paid. After spoken, to Antonio about the problems I was have with pay and miles Chris was paying me for the loads I was driving.

For example from Eden, NC to New London, CT is 769 mile but he only pay me for 623.20 Mile for that load? Antonio said I should have been pay more mile then what Chris was paying me and he would talk to him.

I receive messages from Chris asking me to come to Kerhonkson, NY to talk over the pay problem and I thought everything was resolve until the next paid day.

When I didn't receive a paycheck on 7-28- 06, which should have been for $662.04 for the week of 7-17-06 to 7-24-06. I write Chris, to ask what going on with payroll. Chris write back inform me that because I send in the paper late he did not receive his money so he could not pay me mines.

At this point I call him and remember him that the reason why the paper work was late due to truck breaking down and that I thought that we have solve any problems about pay and paperwork. Chris ended up, saying he could send me $100.00 Advance to make though the week on 7/28/06 as noted on the Camadata Account Sheet.

This computer system it service by People Net 1107 Hazeltime Blvd, Chaska, MN 55318 Telephone # 1-877-346-6088. I call them when I file again Jac-Logistics with the Labor Board in Springfield, Ma. I was told I could get scripts of all the communication send between me and Chris from first day I send a message to him by send a request to Attn. Kanage/ Gilbertson. This would prove everything I writing or will be written. It would even show all the loads send to me and message send when I deliver loads. It would also show that I was never write up about any late loads Chris claim he had charger me with or accident because this was our first form of communication why I was on the road.

I write him a 2 weeks notice that day and ask not to be loaded after 8-11-06 I will be turning his tractor. On 7-29-06 Tractor #293 blow a rod in the engine spill oil all over the highway in Raphine, Va. I was pulling Load # 100652. The Hazard Mat Team was called by the State Police to come out in clean up the spill off the Highway. I inform Chris and so did he officer.

I staying at White Trucking Stop Hotel in Raphine, VA 24472 Phone Number (540) 377-5500 and they have no Tripak Envelope, they had run out and I send my paper work out as soon as I could get back on the road and find a place that has some Tripak Envelope.

Chris told me he was sending Tractor #296 to pick me up. Chris had just hire a new driver this person did come on 7-31-06, but he quit right there and his wife came in pick him up from the Truck Stop. The Tractor was damage on the front right above the headlight I wrote Chris to tell him about the Tractor and that the person quit. Chris wrote me back tell me he know about the damage to the Tractor and for me to go to the other truck and hook up to the trailer in finish the load.

This Tractor had mechianl problem, if you stop for five minutes or more the Tractor would cut off. I would have to use the emecery prime pump to pump fuel in the engine before it would start up. The fuel pump was bad.

On 8-04-06 Chris load $926.47 on my comdata card. This was for pay weeks from 7-17-06 to 7/24/06 and for 7/24/06 to7/31/06. I write Chris asking what this was. He response my pay. I wrote back you got to be joking From 7-17-06 to7-24-06 should be $662.04 minus the $100.00 advance on the 7/28/06 and from 7-24-06 to 7-31-06 should be 1,091.52. So how did he come up with this amount he try to tell me that he did not receive all of mine reimburse.

At this time I start keep all copy of fuel receipts and copies of toll receipts I told him he still own me. $827.09. On 8-11-006 he sends me $400.00 by Western Union. I use $200.00 of that for fuel and stop by the house to let mine wife know that this was mine last run with him. After return to the Tractor it would not crank up that was the second time that day Chris had to call a repair truck out to crank it when I was in RI. I guess after use the prime pump so many times the pump stop working.

I write Chris to let him know the Tractor will not start and that the prime is not work. I wait for him to write back so I stay in the truck that night. Chris response back the next morning. By this time I have try to start the tractor many time and he want me to find someone to give me a jump at this point I was done. I told him he needs to send someone to fix the Tractor #296 because I was not a mechanic. After going though this entire problem with the tractor and not be paid on time and no be pay the right amount when I was pay.

Chris calls a tow company on 8-14-06. DM TOWING 6 Linda Street South Hadley, MA 01075 (413) 539-6889. The driver calls me to let me know what time to meet him there to get the keys and I ask the receipt. I call Chris to see when he will be put my paycheck on my Comdata Card to find out that he blocked my card.

On 8-29-06 I receive a USPS Priority Mail thinking that was my check but was letter basic tell me he was not paying me. Enclose was the letter and warning notice for all kinds of violations. (Ref to the USPS Priority Mail On 01/09/07, I receive a Job offer from JB Hunt for OTR driver. They send a ticket for to me to come to Newark, NJ.

After be there for three day JB Hunt told me they could not hire me. That there was a problem with my USIS COMMERCIAL SERVICES REPORT. That a company name Jac Logistics Inc had put some information on my record that was bad even for them not to hire me. I had to write USIS for a report of mine record came to find out; That Chris had file report of 3 Accident and other untrue thing about my employment with his company. After seeing this report I now understand why I was be offer any trucking jobs send I quit his company.

Thought all the years I been driving I only had one accident that was in 10/22/2003 in Lebanon, IN. where I did report it to the company.

Due to all this fact of not be pay and false reports Chris had send in on mine record. I had become Homeless due to fact he had not pay me send 08/04/06 and no company will even look at me for employment because of the Statement he made is very serciuios to say a person had 3 accidents and a 1 month period., there is not one company that will hire you.

Enclose is all the loads and mile for which I have run and all fuel ticket, copies of toll receipts and copy of log book etc. In the copy of the USIS Report.


springfeild, Massachusetts

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