  • Report:  #1504908

Complaint Review: Jacquelyn Dawn Johnson - Leland NC

Reported By:
Tristan - United States

Jacquelyn Dawn Johnson
Leland, NC, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Since the North Carolina Real Estate Commission works ONLY to support dishonest real estate brokers (trust me, I have read the complaints and how the Real Estate Commission supports dishonesty), we must report Jacquelyn Dawn Johnson who is the LAST person you ever want to deal with regarding real estate or any business transaction.

She stole money from me. I sued her. I won. She refused to pay the judgment. When I filed a complaint against her with the Real Estate Commission, the Real Estate Commission contacted her to get her side of the story (even though I had already won in court). Under the law, she is required to reply - otherwise, her real estate license is revoked. She did not reply after many attempts made by the Real Estate Commission including sending her certified mail (which she never accepted - she refuses to accept certified mail as a policy). And the Real Estate Commission told her in writing: "You did not reply. Under the law, we shall revoke your license. But we won't revoke it.

If we get another complaint like this, we may reopen this complaint". That is the typical response by the Real Estate Commission and I have read complaints in which the Real Estate Commission literally launched a criminal investigation (which is a joke because they have no such authority and don't have a clue about what they are doing) against a person who made a complaint against a real estate broker as a way of deflecting the valid complaint. The North Carolina Real Estate Commission exists only to collect real estate broker fees and will do everything they can to protect their income.

Jacquelyn Johnson is vindictive when she doesn't get what she wants. I have read her long retaliatory complaints against Dominos when her pizza was burnt (publicly humiliating Dominos on twitter), when she had a dispute with Sweyer Property Management (she posted a long, personal, diatribe on their Facebook page), when her adult son was denied student access to a bus because he didn't have his pass, etc. She uses social media to humilate you when she is not 200% happy.

She lied excessively about a house I rented and falsely accused me of causing damage and refused to return my deposit.

She refused to accept service for the lawsuit without the sheriff having to hunt her down relentlessly. When she came to court, other witnesses (not my witnesses but HER witnesses) testified against her.  Yup, that's right. She is so delusional that she thinks she can piss on anyone and everyone and that the people she pisses on will come to court and testify in her favor. Her witnesses were ---- none other than ---- employees of Sweyer Property Management with whom she had waged a huge legal battle a year earilier and whom she had abused (professionally) so thoroughly that Sweyer terminated all ties with Jacquelyn Johnson's husband who owns rental real estate because they wanted no further contact with her because of a huge legal issue Jacquelyn Johnson raged with them and how Jacquelyn Johnson attacked them in retaliation when she didn't get what she wanted.

While involved with Jacquelyn Johnson, she attempted to break the lease FOR PERSONAL REASONS -- for her personal benefit, tampered with MY things on the property that other witnesses said she should not have done. For example, she came and opened the overhead garage door while other property management people were there and promptly left for unexplained reasons and didn't secure the house. She unplugged my RV on the basis that the electric cord from the RV going under the garage door (and plugged in inside the garage) was damaging the garage door.

She inconvenienced me to view the inside of the home FOR PERSONAL REASONS in her expected hope to terminate the lease early TO USE THE PROPERTY FOR PERSONAL USE.

When she speaks, she acts like she is royalty and you are garbage and she is right and you are wrong.

She 100% lied under oath about the condition of the property when I moved out and refused to return my deposit based on her lies. But the judge saw through her lies.

I could tell you more. But just stay as far away from this person as possible.

By the way, I collected the money I won in the judgment from a third party that is associated with Jacquelyn Johnson, not from Jacquelyn Johnson. (And the Real Estate Commission knows this and used this as justification to drop my complaint on the basis that I got my money). And now that third party has lost the money and must try to collect it from Jacquelyn Johnson -- which they will never do unless they sue her too.

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