  • Report:  #66588

Complaint Review: James Downs Agency - Apache Junction Arizona

Reported By:
- phoenix, Arizona,

James Downs Agency
185 N. Apache Trail Apache Junction, 85220 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a brand new Harley Davidson and had my insurance all set up with another company when I got a quote from Jim Downs for $690.00. I called him Saturday August 30th and advised him that I had the motorcycle and wanted to make sure I was covered and he said it was effective that day. I never received a policy in the mail and on Thursday September 4th called his office.

I was advised that there wasn't any policy and was instructed to come to their office and with a check for the down payment. I had to leave work early. Upon arriving at their office I reviewed the policy and noticed that the premium was $930.00. I told his office staff that is not what he quoted me on the phone. They replied that he is out of town and there is nothing they can do. I ended up having to that out a policy with the original company, plus had to spend all morning straightening out the mess he created.


Mesa, Arizona

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